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Create our own yum repository
This will allow us to download just once the package needed to develop on our XO platform.
Steps on the server
sudo yum install nginx createrepo mkdir -P /srv/repo/i686 /srv/repo/armv7hl /srv/repo/noarch ln -s /srv/repo /usr/share/nginx/html sudo service nginx start
Download packages for all the architectures we want
I did this by going to each XO (1.5 -i686- and 1.75 -ARM- in my case) and running:
sudo yum install --assumeyes --nogpg yum-utils
Download all the packages that you consider necessary here:
## Common utils that I use sudo yumdownloader --resolve vim git htop emacs-nox multitail screen
## Those used to compile sugar / artwork / toolkit sudo yumdownloader --resolve git make alsa-lib-devel gettext-devel \ gobject-introspection-devel gtk3-devel intltool libSM-devel \ librsvg2-devel pygobject2-devel pygtk2-codegen python-devel \ gtk2-devel icon-naming-utils icon-slicer python-empy \ xorg-x11-apps gnome-common GConf2-devel gtksourceview3-devel \ cairo-gobject
Copy all of the packages downloaded to the server:
scp *noarch* humitos@ scp *armv7hl* humitos@ scp *i686* humitos@
Create a yum configuration file
Copy this into a file called: /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo (in the XOs)
[SugarRepo] name=Sugar Repository baseurl= gpgcheck=0
Last step on the server
createrepo /srv/repo