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Fedora 20
Revision as of 17:11, 8 November 2013 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→Fedora-20 anaconda 20.12-1 installer)
Download Fedora-Live-SoaS Beta
- 20 Oct 2013
- approved for Go to Beta 11/07/2013
At the Fedora 20 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting that just occurred, it was agreed to Go with the Fedora 20 Beta by Fedora QA and Fedora Development. Fedora 20 Beta will be publicly available on Tuesday, November 12, 2013.
- https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-Beta-TC5/Live/i386/Fedora-Live-SoaS-i686-20-Beta-TC5.iso
- https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-Beta-TC5/Live/x86_64/Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-20-Beta-TC5.iso
Install Media
- Select sugar-desktop
- http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-Beta-RC5/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-20-Beta-x86_64-DVD.iso
- http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/20-Beta-RC5/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-20-Beta-x86_64-netinst.iso
Fedora-qa Testing
- Installation Tests
- Test Page Non-releasing desktops
- Testing Spins signoff page
- Important to be filled out as "YES" in Alpha Beta Final columns or the spin will not be released.
- Read this:
f20 Sugar Test Cases
- Used to test sugar and sugar-desktop
- To run gnome-shell under Wayland, execute the following command in a terminal:
gnome-session --session=gnome-wayland
Sugar in arm devices
- Installation
- SoaS
Gnome Initial Setup
- Screenshots of gnome3 initial setup with explanatory text
- Be sure to enter both root and user in anaconda
- Gnome-initial-setup requires a stornger password than anaconda does.
- This is important if you plan to use multiple Desktop Environments (DE) you will end up with 2 Users once you run the 2nd DE. ie gnome3 and KDE
- If you do not setup the user name and password in anaconda G-I-S will run in anaconda and repeat I-S when you boot the second DE
- Bug in G-I-S and I-S (Initial-setup)
Sugar-Desktop in Gnome
- 10/03/2013
- Sugar-desktop does not start properly in F20-Beta TC-1
- the xserver and DE do not start (see below)
- {ctrl} {alt} f2 (Console logon)
Login: liveuser blank password su (log in to sudo root) yum install @sugar-desktop shutdown -h now
- reboot
- enter user name and select sugar (little wheel icon under password line)
- password
- Sugar starts
Fedora-20 anaconda 20.12-1 installer
- NOTE: Latest anaconda 20.25.6-1 in Beta RC-5 is very similar to what is shown below 11/08/2013
- Note also same installer is on F20-DVD and netinstall but with more options.
- Install Destination
- Install Destination select disk and [Back]
- Installation Options
- Choose type of formatting
- Begin Installation
- Installation finished
- Reboot returns to console boot
login as User and password startx
- Sugar Starts
- NOTE yum install lightdm installs files but the lightdm DE does not start on reboot