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Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2016-10-07
- Oversight board members
- walterbender, Claudia_, tony37, llaske, sverma
- Community members
- samsongoddy, cjl, Ibiam, Quozl` et al.
- Turtle Art Day(s)
- next release
- Google Code In 2016
- i18n
- elections
- design school
- music blocks
- LibreLearnLab
Turtle Art Day(s)
Walter gave an update on various Turtle Art Days scheduled for October/November. He, Claudia, and Artemis Papert will be attending Turtle Art Day in Caacupe, Paraguay the week of October 17. Andrea from Fundacion Chile will be going to Uruguay to participate in Turtle Art Day the first week of November. The Nigeria event is postponed until Q1 2017 due to difficulties with planning.
Sugar 110
Sam Parkinson announced the release of Sugar 110. (See his https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZugX6oXXJmQ cool video.)
- MOTION 2016-44 Walter Bender, posting motion seconded by Tony Anderson (SLOB)
To dedicate the upcoming Sugar release to Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert in honor of their numerous contributions to technology and learning.
(5 votes for, 2 members absent)
Chris Leonard updated us on the status of the Yoruba project (Stages 1-3 are complete). He also brought up the possibility of getting a new team to work on Guarani.
Dave Crossland reported (by email) that Sam Cantero has got a voting system up and running for the upcoming election. Please let the election committee know if you are interested in running for one of the open board seats.
design school
Walter announced the launch of Miami College of Design, a new college he cofounded in the Wynwood neighborhood of Miami based on Constructionist and Free/Libre Software principles.
music blocks
Walter announced the pending release of Version 1.0 of Music Blocks and solicited testing.
Walter announced Libre Learn Lab at MIT, a Free/Libre Software conference organized by Mariah Noelle Villarreal and Mark Barnett.