I started creating the sugar-toolkit-gtk3's documentation using Sphinx. It would be great to do some work on this because I think it's really necessary to have a kind of documentation for this. At the moment there are many errors on the doc generation that should be fixed to get a good polished work.

Commands to get the documentation ready

  • Install Sphinx
sudo yum install python-sphinx
  • Run the command that create some configs
cd /home/humitos/sugar-jhbuild/source/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/src/sugar3
sphinx-apidoc --doc-author="Manuel Kaufmann" --full --doc-version="0.96" --doc-release="0.96" --doc-project="Sugar Toolkit Gtk3"  --output-dir="doc" .
  • Generate the documentation
cd doc/
make html

OnLine Documentation

There is a web page for testing this commands and to know how it will looks and feels
