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< 0.86
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Some introductory words what the activity is like. Any special things you like to mention that happened during the release cycle etc
What is new for users
What are the user visible changes. New short cuts. Features. Nice to back this up with images.
What is new for developers
What might be interesting to know for a developer contributing to the component. Add 'No News' if there is nothing of interest.
Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n)
Will be generated by the translation team
Note here if some compatibility to an older version (e.g. 0.84) broke
Detailed changes
- Do no fail on system activities in Home view #1427
- Remove duplicate string #1413
- Use correct color when resuming an entry from the favorites view #1397
- Progress bar for reading volumes nevers stops if can't read all volume entries #1412
- Error while deleting non-ds objects from Journal #1415
- Progress bar for reading volumes appears only once #1410
- After download, 'Show in Journal' option doesnt switch you to the Journal #1339
- Ignore data/sugar-emulator.desktop
- Handle situations where keyboard model is stored as or None. Completes dslo #1341
- Create ~/Activities if it doesn't exist yet #1400
- Remove remaining .xo files from cancelled updates #1399
- Invisible downlading progress bar in Journal #1388
- Implement functionality of the cancel button #1361
- Don't automount all the volumes at startup #1357
- Use default extension if needed #1253
- Create new activity_id if the entry lacks one #1276
- Remove some auto-generated files from tarball
- ASLO knows only about stable SP releases #1369
- Sugar craches during undo for the first Keyboard component startup #1341
- favoritesview.py: icon-color KeyError #976
- python-xklavier fail during startup #1326
- if the Sugar control panel is open, then Frame icons are inoperable #453
- Typing in the My Settings (control panel) search field has no effect #872
- Journal list view: jumping back to first page when popping up a palette #1235
- Fail gently on bad bundles #1359
- Remove the column headers from Journal gtk.treeview #1278
- Install sugar-emulator.desktop application file #1139
- Journal using wrong icon to represent itself in bottom media tray #1092
- Sugar needs to accept None as a layout #1147
- Remove the column headers from Home list view's gtk.treeview #1279
- Remove the column headers from Journal gtk.treeview #1278
- Activity instance titles should appear in the primary palette, along with the activity name. #425
- sugar-launch doesn't cwd to the bundle dir #676
- Journal list view: jumping back to first page when popping up a palette #1235
- Do not fail on treemodel switching #1318
- Journal list view: jumping back to first page when popping up a palette #1235
- Do not requery if visibility wasn't changed #1250
- alt key gets stuck in favorites view #1311
- Hidden decorations of corner frame buttons #1294
- Visual artefacts on highlighted frame buttons #1285
- Journal title editing unexpected behaviour requires two clicks to edit #1283
- Details dialog blinks while requery #1271
- Process non-ds object in the right way in Journal #1262
- Show selecting status of favorite check box in journal list view even if "start" is prelighted #1247
- Journal list view: jumping back to first page when popping up a palette #1235
- Fix minor issues to cleanup sugar log #1267
- Allow sugar on non-XO hardware to register with an XS server #916
- Linux-specific terminology in Removable Storage context menu. #632
- Sugar crash when stopping inactive Etoys #571
- add star badge to APs that are in our connections #19
- Let user upgrade system activity from .xo #701
- gconf documentation string for logout option
- Accelerators for zoom toolbar
- PEP8 fixes (Silbe)
- Add keyboard control panel section (Sayamindu) #407
- Add technical details to details view in Journal
- Remove Restart option from buddy menu, change order to place Shutdown first, as it is the most frequently used. #1206
- Holding Alt key in Home favourite view to start new instances, rather than resume #1129
- Traceback when trying to start Calculate #1214
- add update in POTFILES.in #1212
- CP language section: add explanation string #562
- Remove "Erase" and "Remove favorite" Activity palette entries from Home favorite view #1128
- Activity palette: rename 'Start' to "Start new' #314
- Remove key handlers for rotation and brightness #737
- CP: Add slider bar for Network Control Panel #830
- Journal: Reordering the type filter pull down menu (Walter Bender) #875
- Upgrade activities that were installed from bundles #1176
- Transmit the color of the ad-hoc network creator
- Add sbin to PATH (silbe) #998
- Allow the user to dismiss the file transfer invitation when the other user cancelled it (garycmartin) #1093
- Add activity updater cp section
- Restores support for Rainbow (though Rainbow still needs installing)
- Misc. bug fixes related to window management
- Switch to metacity as the window manager
- Refactor journal to use a gtk.TreeView
- Display tags in the activity list
- Change activity list to use a gtk.TreeView
- Hold a reference to the monitors so don't get disposed (gio)
- More meaningful screenshot titles #650
- Creating ad-hoc wireless networks
- Add fullscreen option to the emulator and change default size to 800x600 #565
Name the contributors here