
From Sugar Labs
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  • go to the Journal
  • scroll through the list using your Finger
  • look for a specific entry
  • resume an entry


  • open Browse
  • load a page with long text (e.g. Wikipedia "New York City")
  • read the page, look for specific information (e.g. "Music")

Activities list

  • go to the Home View, open the Activity list
  • scroll to a specific entry
  • start a new instance

Activity management

Start new/resume in Home View

Resume/resume with in Journal

Start from Journal detail view

Stop a running activity

Change favourite property of activity

Install an activity

Delete an activity

Add activity metadata

  • title
  • description

Switch between running activities

  • use the frame (gesture to show/hide the Frame)

Ebook mode

Create a Memorize game with pictures taken in Record

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • open Record
  • take a few pictures
  • name them in Record
  • name them in the Journal
  • open Memorize
  • go to edit mode
  • delete the existing tiles
  • add new tiles from the pictures taken
  • modify an existing tile
  • play game
  • name the game (Activity title)

Read an ebook

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • open Browse and search for an ebook (e.g. Project Gutenberg)
  • download an ebook
  • resume it with Read from the Journal
  • use the gestures available to read the book (e.g. tapping at the ends will go to the next page)
  • make annotations
  • close and resume and check if annotations are still there

Search in google

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • open Browse
  • do a search in google (e.g. OLPC wiki)
  • open the link in a new tab (long press on the link will reveal a Palette like a right click does)

File a bug in bugs.sugarlabs.org

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • open Browse
  • load bugs.sugarlabs.org
  • verify through a search that the bug has not been filed yet
  • login with your account details
  • fill in the bug specific information
  • (file it if a new issue)

Browse: read articles in Wikipedia

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • open Browse
  • load en/es/de.wikipedia.org
  • search for 'tiger'
  • open the article tiger in a new tab (long press on the link will reveal a Palette like a right click does)
  • switch to the 'tiger tab'
  • open a link like 'cat species' in a new tab
  • switch between those open tabs
  • close a tab
  • open a new tab using the '+' button
  • close the new tab

Write an essay about turtles in the Write activity

  • open the Write activity
  • type a headline
  • make this text bold and underline it (when the sub-toolbar of the text options pushes down the text should still be visible)
  • type some text and make parts of it coloured
  • type some text and make parts of it italic
  • type some text at the end of the first page
  • type some text at the start of the second page.
  • close activity
  • resume it (make sure the text is the same)

Write test case.png

Connect to your access point

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • (go to the Control Panel and reset the credentials in the network section)
  • go to the neighbourhood view
  • search for the access point you want to connect to
  • tap on the icon and choose connect in the Palette that opens
  • use the OSK to fill in the credentials in the password dialogue that opens
  • verify that the AP icon has the 'connected' state and (that you are connected to the Internet by loading a page in Browse)
  • verify that the wireless device icon in the Frame has the correct status and colouring

Rotate the screen

  • switch laptop in ebook mode
  • go to home view
  • rotate the screen in portrait mode
  • rotate the screen in landscape mode
  • open Read
  • rotate the screen in portrait mode
  • rotate the screen in landscape mode
  • open Browse
  • rotate the screen in portrait mode
  • rotate the screen in landscape mode
  • open Paint
  • rotate the screen in portrait mode
  • rotate the screen in landscape mode