Fortune Hunter/Education
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Classroom Application
- Grade Level = 4
- This game will be used to assist with math topics taught in the classroom and will be excellent reinforcement material.
Standards Addressed
- This game covers elements of the fourth grade math curriculum currently in use at Boston, MA, USA. For the complete listing, visit Full Curriculum Framework.
- The following topics are covered in this game activity.
4.N.3 | Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as parts of unit wholes, as parts of a collection, and as locations on the number line. |
4.N.4 | Select, use, and explain models to relate common fractions and mixed numbers (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, and 11/2), find equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals, and order fractions. |
4.N.5 | Identify and generate equivalent forms of common decimals and fractions less than one whole (halves, quarters, fifths, and tenths). |
4.N.6 | Exhibit an understanding of the base ten number system by reading, naming, and writing decimals between 0 and 1 up to the hundredths. |
4.N.9 | Select, use, and explain the commutative, associative, and identity properties of operations on whole numbers in problem situations, e.g., 37 x 46 = 46 x 37, (5 x 7) x 2 = 5 x (7 x 2). |
4.N.11 | Know multiplication facts through 12 x 12 and related division facts. Use these facts to solve related multiplication problems and compute related problems, e.g., 3 x 5 is related to 30 x 50, 300 x 5, and 30 x 500. |
4.N.12 | Add and subtract (up to five-digit numbers) and multiply (up to three digits by two digits) accurately and efficiently. |
4.N.14 | Demonstrate in the classroom an understanding of and the ability to use the conventional algorithms for addition and subtraction (up to five-digit numbers), and multiplication (up to three digits by two digits). |
4.G.1 | Compare and analyze attributes and other features (e.g., number of sides, faces, corners, right angles, diagonals, and symmetry) of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes. |
4.G.3 | Recognize similar figures. |
4.G.4 | Identify angles as acute, right, or obtuse. |
4.G.7 | Describe and apply techniques such as reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides) for determining if two shapes are congruent. |
4.G.9 | Predict and validate the results of partitioning, folding, and combining two- and three-dimensional shapes. |
4.M.2 | Carry out simple unit conversions within a system of measurement, e.g., hours to minutes, cents to dollars, yards to feet or inches, etc. |
- Before playing the game the students need to make sure they have read through the Instructions/Tutorial on how to play the game.
- Introduction to all of the topics covered by the game is encouraged but not required to play.
- It is also encouraged that students have a pen or pencil and some paper so that they can do their work if they are having trouble with some of the problems.
- Provide an introduction to the topics presented through the Introduction/Tutorial.
- Become familiar with the topics presented in a contextual setting.
- Guide students through the Intro slides to provide an understanding of how to interact with specific elements of the game.
- Defeat enemies using attacks which facilitate use of Math concepts.
- Overcome in-game challenges by solving math problems associated with the lessons covered by this game.
- There are many vocabulary terms used throughout this document and the game. They are listed here for clarification and understanding.
- • Accessory: An item that can be equipped for bonus affects.
- • Akhal: The in-game currency units.
- • Amulet Search: A search executed by using the amulet to uncover hidden secrets.
- • Armor: An item that can be equipped for additional defense.
- • Attack: What the player uses to deal damage to enemies.
- • Attack Power: The strength of an attack. The higher the attack, the more damage dealt.
- • Basic Attack: A very basic attack that deals a minimal amount of damage to enemies and is ineffective to most.
- • Bonus Power: Additional affects added to the basic statistics of the player.
- • Boss: This is a rather powerful enemy which requires completion of specialized problems found within the dungeon.
- • Combat: A sequence in which the player must fight enemies.
- • Combat Timer: This bar is found within battles and is a bonus effect timer for your current attack. It starts out full and slowly diminishes, decreasing the bonus effect over time.
- • Critical Attack: An effective attack that gives the player the chance to deal additional damage to enemies providing the player solves a multiplication problem.
- • Cutscene: A halt during game play to provide story elements and hints to the player.
- • Damage / dmg: The amount of health points lost during a successful attack.
- • Defense Power: The ability to minimize damage dealt. The higher the defense, the less damage is received.
- • Dungeon: A series of levels connected to one another following the same theme, ending with a boss fight.
- • Enemy: A hostile opponent faced in the game.
- • Equipment: Refers to items that are currently equipped to the player for use.
- • FMC (Full Motion Comic): A video that interrupts game play to show story progression. This video is in the style of a motion comic.
- • FMV (Full Motion Video): A video that interrupts game play to show story progression. This video is in the style of a typical movie.
- • GB Mode: Setup the XO monitor so it is raised and rotated 180* and fold it back down into the XO. Use the directional pad and four buttons located on either side of the monitor for game input.
- • Health Meter: This meter shows the current health status.
- • HP: Health points. The player’s game is over when their health points reach zero.
- • HUD (Heads Up Display): Refers to the graphical elements presented on screen.
- • Inventory: All of the items and equipment that the player is currently holding.
- • Item: Usable items that can be used at any time and have various affects.
- • Key Item: Important items found in the game required for progression.
- • Level: A map consisting of multiple rooms which the player must explore in order to find the exit.
- • Macro Map: A larger version of the mini map. It allows players to see a greater area.
- • Magic Attack: This type of attack requires the player to solve geometry and graphing related problems.
- • Mini Map: A small on-screen map used for navigational purposes.
- • PC Mode: Setup the XO monitor so it is open, with the keyboard to its front. Use the keyboard and touchpad for game input.
- • Shop: In-game shop. The player can travel to the shop to purchase or sell items or equipment.
- • Special Attack: This type of attack requires the player to solve fraction related problems.
- • Weapon: An item that can be equipped for additional attack power.
- Fortune Hunter has begun to adapt the game play for classroom use. Instead of the originally-intended method of controlling the content the player will face during his or her journey throughout the game's story, we decided it's better to just provide a "Training Mode". For use inside the classroom, please follow this easy lesson plan instruction.
- 1. Every player can power on their XO and launch Fortune Hunter.
- 2. Instruct students to navigate to and select Training Mode.
- 3. Instruct students to select Options and have them change them as desired. The options can always be changed prior to launching a game. The game will also save the latest options set and skipping this step from now on will keep these same options in effect.
- 4. Instruct students to select the type of training mode, Endless-Merchant or Endless-Battle. Students will earn extra money or rewards for their profile in the single player campaign based on their progress of these training types.
- 5. While students play, you will be able to view their overall progress on topics and accumulate information on the class.
- The purpose of the game is to promote math education through the use of fun and interactive game software. The game will be designed to teach students to use their math skills in a non-workbook setting.
Supporting materials
Activities and Procedures
- This section will be filled in when we have a more complete version of the game to distribute.