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VM Creation (host part)
virt-install -v --accelerate --nographics -x console=ttyS0,115200 \ --name template-xenial --vcpus=3 --ram $((1 * 1024)) \ --os-type=linux --os-variant=ubuntu16.04 --network bridge:br0 \ --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/boot/template-xenial-boot.img,bus=virtio,size=0.25,format=raw \ --disk path=/dev/justice/template-xenial-root,bus=virtio,size=10 \ --location http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/
Obs: format=raw is mandatory, otherwise qcow2 format will be used by default. raw format allows us to easily create device mappings for the image.
The new VM will boot into the installer. Answer all questions with the defaults, except:
- Hostname: template-precise
- Mirror: enter information manually
- Mirror hostname: ubuntu.media.mit.edu
- (create your user with a strong password and no encrypted home)
- Partitioning: manual (see Partitioning below)
- Automatically install security updates
- Software selection:
- Basic Ubuntu Server
- OpenSSH server
- GRUB: let the installer setup grub on /dev/vba (which contains /boot)
The goal is to have a small disk file for the MBR and /boot, and a larger raw filesystem in an LVM Logical Volume. We don't want the LV to be partitioned because this makes it harder to resize, mount, etc.
Now create a partition table in the smallest disk (256MB) and create a single partition in it. Format this partition as ext4, labeled "boot" and mounted as /boot.
The installer won't let you format the entire disk as a filesystem, so go ahead and partition the 10GB disk too, then create a primary partition in it and format it as ext4, mounted as / and labeled "template-xenial" ("template-xenial-root" would exceed the ext4 limit).
And yes.. just in case you're wondering. We don't use swap partitions.
We'll have to fix the disk later.
First boot
After installation has finished and OS is restarted, it will boot but we won't have serial console access
(virsh console template-xenial
). This is due the getty service for serial device is disabled by default on Ubuntu 16.04.
We'll fix this later.
Switch the root filesystem to an LV
When the machine is offline, go to the host to recreate the root filesystem directly as an LV (as opposed to a partitioned volume)
First of all, we need to set up the device mapping for the first and only partition where the root filesystem resides.
kpartx -av /dev/justice/template-xenial-root
Mount the root partition:
mkdir /mnt/template-xenial-root mount /dev/mapper/justice-template--xenial-root1 /mnt/template-xenial-root
Now create and format a new LV:
lvcreate -L 10G -n template-xenial-root2 justice mkfs.ext4 -L template-xenial -O flex_bg,extent,uninit_bg,sparse_super /dev/justice/template-xenial-root2 tune2fs -c -1 -i 0 /dev/justice/template-xenial-root2 mkdir /mnt/template-xenial-root2 mount /dev/justice/template-xenial-root2 /mnt/template-xenial-root2
Move the files over:
rsync -HAXphax --numeric-ids /mnt/template-xenial-root/ /mnt/template-xenial-root2/
NOTE: By default, Ubuntu 16.04 uses UUID in /etc/fstab in order to mount partitions. Since we have changed the root partition to a new disk, the UUID will change. Aside from that, the grub.cfg also specifies the location of the root filesystem using UUID notation (ex: /vmlinuz-4.4.0-89-generic root=UUID=0ad5d004-e5dd-4b93-abe4-2bb0ba4fd94a).
Before we umount the filesystems, let's create a chroot environment and fix previous issues:
kpartx -av /var/lib/libvirt/images/boot/template-xenial-boot.img mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt/template-xenial-root2/boot mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/template-xenial-root2/dev/ mount -t proc proc /mnt/template-xenial-root2/proc/ mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/template-xenial-root2/sys/ chroot /mnt/template-xenial-root2/
Once inside the chroot environment:
- Fix serial console access by making getty listen on /dev/ttyS0:
systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service
- Replace UUID with device name for root fs location inside /boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i -r "s/root=UUID=[0-9a-f-]+/root=\/dev\/vdb/" /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- Adjust /etc/fstab to mount the filesystems from "LABEL=boot" and "LABEL=template-xenial".
Finally (VERY IMPORTANT), umount all filesystems before starting the VM:
umount /mnt/template-xenial-root2/boot/ umount /mnt/template-xenial-root2/dev/ umount /mnt/template-xenial-root2/proc/ umount /mnt/template-xenial-root2/sys/ umount /mnt/template-xenial-root2/ /mnt/template-xenial-root/
Get rid of the old root and rename the new one on top of it
lvremove /dev/justice/template-xenial-root lvrename justice template-xenial-root2 template-xenial-root
Configuration after system start
After the installation, the machine will boot automatically and you'll be dropped into the serial console. You can return to the console at any time by doing:
virsh console template-xenial
Login with your installation username and password, then become root:
sudo -i
- Adjust /etc/default/grub:
- Set `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0,115200"` (and remove the obnoxious "quiet splash")
- Update grub: `update-grub`
- Get rid of the restricted repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list (virtual machines don't need any non-free drivers anyway).
- Add a few useful packages:
apt-get install etckeeper bash-completion strace munin-node postfix vim aptitude
Note: etckeeper uses git by default :)
When prompted on how to configure postfix, say "Internet site". Afterwards, edit `/etc/postfix/main.cs` by hand and set `inet_interfaces = loopback-only` and restart postfix.
- Monitor mail for root:
echo >>/etc/aliases "root: systems-logs@lists.sugarlabs.org" newaliases
- Switch to the virtual kernel:
apt-get install linux-image-virtual linux-virtual apt-get purge linux-image-generic apt-get autoremove update-grub
Network interface setup
We use 6to4 to reach the closest IPv6 anycast relay. Append the following to /etc/network/interfaces:
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static
address netmask gateway # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed dns-nameservers dns-search sugarlabs.org
auto tun6to4 iface tun6to4 inet6 v4tunnel
# printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x::1\n" `echo $IPV4ADDR | tr . ' '` address 2002:1255:2c43::1 netmask 16 gateway :: endpoint any local
Other configurations
Add these to /etc/sudoers:
#bernie: forward ssh-agent Defaults env_keep+="SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
#bernie: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
- Install your ssh keys to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and to your user account. Also install the wizbackup keys for Service/backup.
Once your keys are installed, you might SSH in and start configuration using a SSH session.
Log in with "ssh -A template-xenial.sugarlabs.org" to forward your ssh-agent and copy files from sunjammer
rsync -aP <your-user>@sunjammer.sugarlabs.org:/usr/src/devtools/ /usr/src/devtools/ ln -sf /usr/src/devtools/sysadm/bashrc.sh /etc/skel/.bashrc ln -sf /usr/src/devtools/sysadm/bashrc.sh /root/.bashrc ln -sf /usr/src/devtools/sysadm/zzz_profile.sh /etc/profile.d/zzz_profile.sh ln -sf /usr/src/devtools/conf/vimrc /etc/vim/vimrc.local
vim /etc/bash.bashrc # comment out code messing with PS1 vim /etc/login.defs # set umask 002
- Create /etc/zzz_profile.conf:
- Disable PasswordAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, then restart ssh
- Set a blank password for root, to be used to log in from the console only
passwd -d
- Insert into /etc/munin/munin.node:
#bernie allow ^208\.118\.235\.53$ # sunjammer.sugarlabs.org allow ^2001:4830:134:7::11$ # sunjammer.sugarlabs.org (IPv6)
- Add/remove munin plugins
cd /etc/munin/plugins rm df_inode entropy forks fw_packets if_err_ens2 open_files open_inodes threads uptime processes proc_pri swap
- Disable unused services (They are dependencies of the ubuntu-server package):
systemctl disable snapd.service systemctl disable atd.service systemctl disable iscsid.service systemctl disable lvm2-monitor.service systemctl disable open-vm-tools.service systemctl disable lxcfs.service systemctl disable lxd-containers.service