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Marketing Team/Website/2024-12-19-meeting
Muhammad Haroon
Pakistan, Computers [...] and System engineering
Found Sugar Labs in LinkedIn; mutual friend shared SL Linked In post. SugarLabs making a difference in life (OLPC).
Ubayed Bin Sufian
Bangladeh, mechanical engineering, finished internship on AI, using OpenAI Api and rapid API
Found out from a candidate from 2024
Contributing for about two months, looking through documentation part
"Krish" (MostlyK)
Virtual Labs (https://virtual-labs.github.io/), internship for Indian college students; joined Discord
I am sorry that link was deprecated, the current one is https://www.vlab.co.in/. I work on making experiments like this https://virtual-labs.github.io/exp-periodic-signals-iiith/
Om Suneri
India doing sugar projects from September 2023 and started contributing from last August.
I liked to contribute in sugar as I love to code and play sing music.
Learned about it from the wiki, found via Google, was searching for coding and music
Completed my internship in an EdTech company, https://vizuara.ai/. They mostly work with AI.
Saumya Shahi
Researched GSoC, went to website and looked at projects.
Happened to see Sugar Labs, joined Matrix
Krish and Om looks into adding to wiki.sugarlabs.org
Muhammad and Saumya
Work on numbers
Ubayed, Muhammed, and Devin
Workshop page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I-fu8xuipgj0_QZ3NbOhqpcRi0nr6HHmO_FzOe9nzXI/edit?tab=t.0 (permissions set for anyone to edit)
Improvements to website structure
Overall, the website should answer visitors' questions, guiding them to answers in the most logical and natural way possible.
Music Blocks page
We should add testimonials to this page.
Leadership page
We should add Devin as the executive director to the page (picture and bio).
At the end of the year, we'll need to update the board of directors as we will have new members to the board.
What to do about Sugar Stories page?
Context: We have a Sugar Stories page on https://www.sugarlabs.org/sugar-stories/, but we also have Sugar Stories being published on our Medium page. What should we do? Should we publish to both? Should we point to the Medium page from our page?
Discussion: Hey so again I found a similarity, our organization ecell, we had a similar thing and we decide to upload on website along with medium, so if we are uploading on website we need an indexing page like medium. Ref:https://ecell.iiit.ac.in/articles/ We use the same jekyll site here as well. I could work on that page!
Next meeting
21:00 IST / 10:30 EST /15:30 UTC on December 26, 2024
To be confirmed the day before as it is in the middle of the holiday season in the US.