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Music Blocks/2025-01-19-meeting
Numbers show too large atm
Observation: When navbar is a certain size, the numbers get bigger.
Music keyboard
Export should keep the same note value specified in the music keyboard.
Discussed the solution about a persistent issue of "docById" not being defined, the error coming in the MB console (ref: https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/issues/4292) Raised a Pull Request too.
Dark mode -- PR ready
Showed image creation with llama 3.2.
Discussion: It creates some images that, at best, might be ok on the title page, but a teacher or student could do better.
Collaborating with Diwangshy on dark mode features.
Continuing to work on play only mode. Ref: https://hackmd.io/@vL9hDslER6afpEiuTAQlWA/B1eFBamvJe
Color detection.
Muhammad showed a demo that he created.
Test project: https://musicblocks.sugarlabs.org/index.html?id=1720732022735502&run=True
Question: Is it necessary to have video?
Answer: It would be great, but if we can only do still images that would be great too.
Other reports
Update from Ubayed
1. Last week, I helped Walter to identify redundant or 'already solved' PRs related to documentation of MB.
2. Right now, I am working with the PR: https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/pull/4272 . Muhammad Haroon helped me identify some outdated images of widgets in the guide. I am updating them.
3. Also, some of the blocks in the widget pallet such as rhythm maker, pitch staircase, etc. does not appear to display at the center of the screen. I will try to fix this bug and enhance the UI.