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Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2016-07-01
Oversight Board Meeting Notes 2017-07-01
In attendance
- SLOB members
- walterbender, CanoeBerry2, tony37, Claudia_, JM, llaske, ElVerma
- Community members
- davelab6, GrannieB, Ibiam, icarito, kaametza, samsongoddy, satellit, GrannieB
Agenda Items
- GSoC update;
- Planning for Turtle Art Days in Caacupe (October) and Abuja (August);
- Report from the Translation Community Manager;
- Motion to create a Finance Manager position;
- Motion to request a membership donation;
- Motion to have motions submitted by oversight board members.
GSoC update
Walter gave an update (positive) regarding the progress of the GSoC interns (and thanked the mentors for their support). See the blogs linked from Summer_of_Code/2016 for more details.
Turtle Art Days
Walter informed the community that we will be holding a Turtle Art Day in Abuja in late August and a Turtle Art Day in Caacupe in October. JM raised the possibility of a Turtle Art Day in Montevideo as well. Budget and other details coming soon.
Report from the Translation Community Manager
CJL sent in a report (See []).
Motion to create a Finance Manager position
- AGREED MOTION 2016-42B (formerly 2016-42) Walter Bender, posting motion initially drafted by Caryl Bigenho (member) and Tony Anderson (SLOB) and Adam Holt (SLOB)
- The Sugar Labs Oversight Board shall appoint a Finance Manager by majority vote from among the members of Sugar Labs Oversight Board. The Finance Manager serves at the will of the board. The Finance Manager may be paid a stipend at the discretion of the board. Duties of the Finance Manager will be to: 1. Serve as Sugar Lab's central coordinator on all financial matters. 2. Report quarterly at a scheduled Oversight Board meeting the following: Confirmation of the accuracy of the previous quarter's report according to the Software Freedom Conservancy; Balance at the beginning of the quarter preceding the meeting; Expenses during the quarter; Income received during the quarter; Balance at the end of the quarter. 3. The Finance Manager has discretion to approve petty cash amounts up to $200 to pay for miscellaneous expenditures critical for the functioning of Sugar Labs. If approved and everything is in order, these will often be paid within (about) 30 days of when they are submitted to the Software Freedom Conservancy, who control Sugar Labs' banking. If not approved, the applicant is free to ask for a vote at a future Oversight Board meeting. 4. All motions for funding of larger projects will be presented first to the Finance Manager who will review them to be sure the funds are being used in a way that appears fiscally sound. If everything is in order, the Finance Manager will place the motion on the agenda for consideration at the next possible Oversight Board meeting, and circulate on the IAEP mailing list for public discussion. 5. At the meeting, after a finance motion has been moved and seconded, discussion should be confined to the motion.
(5 votes for, 2 against)
(Full motion with sample financial report available at http://www.mail-archive.com/iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org/msg17107.html)
Motion to request a membership donation
- AGREED MOTION 2016-41 Walter Bender, posting motion initially drafted by Dave Crossland
- To request a membership donation from each currently active Sugar Labs Member to be allocated to the General Fund for the calendar year of 2016, and a public statement about how they use Sugar and why they are involved in Sugar Labs to post on the website; there is no penalty for not paying a membership or not providing a statement; by default members who donate will be kept private, and requested to opt-in to be recognised. The donation requested will be $12 USD from members who self-identify as low-income (such as students); $36 USD from general members; $120 from members who can opt-in to be placed prominently on the website; and $600 from members who can (privately if they wish) submit a release codename, subject to SLOB approval.
(4 votes for, 1 against, 2 abstain)
(note that the "low income" solicitation did not reach consensus during the meeting and Dave Crossland offered to work with the board to ensure the solicitation will meet their approval before it is sent to members.)
Motion to have motions submitted by oversight board members
- Walter Bender, posting motion initially drafted by Sameer and Tony: While suggestions for motions can come from anyone in the community, motions should be made by Sugar Labs oversight board members.
(7 votes for).
Walter also said that regarding transparency, unless it is explicitly stated as private, he will forward all email to SLOB list to IAEP (using some judgment as well, e.g., not violating attorney-client privilege when communicating with the SFC lawyer).