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* after completing GCompris activity, results will be sent to teacher and stored to student's object; later, this object could be opened by GCompris Administration activity to see these results
* after completing GCompris activity, results will be sent to teacher and stored to student's object; later, this object could be opened by GCompris Administration activity to see these results
== Build for non-0install usage ==
== Build from sources ==
To build:
Fetch sources:
* [[Platform_Team/Polyol#Build_for_non-0install_usage|Build]] polyol libraries
mkdir -p ~/src/gcompris
* Clone git [ repository]
cd ~/src/gcompris
* Use ''gcomprixogoo-sugar'' branch
* To build GC for students, only ''--enable-sugar'' configure flag is required
tar xjpvf polyol-2010.0-3-src.tar.bz2
* To build also with sugarized Administration activity, add ''--enable-sqlite'' configure flag
tar xjpvf gcompris-9.3.tar.bz2
tar xjpvf GCompris.activity.tar.bz2
To make GC .xo bundle:
Build Polyol:
* Use 0sugar/GCompris.activity as template
* Place GC installed files there (''--prefix'' should be ''/'')
To make GC Administration .xo bundle:
cd ~/src/gcompris/polyol-2010.0
* Use 0sugar/GComprisAdministration.activity as template
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/Activities/gcompris.activity && make && make install
* Place GC installed files there (''--prefix'' should be ''/'')<br>''share/gcompris/boards/<dirs>'' might be excluded except ''administration'', ''skins'', ''sounds''
Build GCompris:
cd ~/src/gcompris/gcompris-9.3
./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/Activities/gcompris.activity/lib/pkgconfig --prefix=$HOME/Activities/gcompris.activity --disable-gnet --enable-sugar --enable-sqlite && make && make install
Link activity directory:
cd ~/src/gcompris
ln -s $PWD/GCompris.activity/activity $HOME/Activities/gcompris.activity/
== Resources ==
== Resources ==

Navigation menu