* [http://www.dailymotion.com/user/sugarlabs/video/x9xz9o_stategame_tech Name that State!]
* [http://www.dailymotion.com/user/sugarlabs/video/x9xz9o_stategame_tech Name that State!]
* [http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa7dle_shapes A Shapes and Colors Game]
* [http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa7dle_shapes A Shapes and Colors Game]
===Mokurai's Tutorials===
[[User:Mokurai|Mokurai]] has been working on how to teach Sugar [http://booki.flossmanuals.net/discovering-discovery/edit/ by guided discovery], rather than by explicit direction, with only the [[The Undiscoverable|necessary minimum of hints]]. At the same time, he has been working on Turtle Art examples to teach concepts of mathematics, programming, Computer Science, and physics, aiming where possible at presentations suitable for pre-literate pre-schoolers. Thus, no text, no formulas, no calculations. Those can come later in a sequence on the same topic as children develop. However, it is necessary to provide texts, sometimes with formulas and calculations, for the teacher or parent helping the child. These will appear on Mokurai's [http://replacingtextbooks.wordpress.com/ Replacing Textbooks blog], available at [http://planet.sugarlabs.org/ PlanetSugarlabs], and will be incorporated into [[Open Education Resources]] on the Sugar Labs [[Replacing Textbooks]] [http://booki.treehouse.su/ server].