Line 21:
Line 21:
: Create new game...
: Create new game...
=== Proposal for consistency in toolbar elements order and grouping ===
1. Group the following buttons at the left of the toolbar: Activity, Edit and View buttons, in that order, adding a separator after them. Edit and View buttons may not be present for a given activity.
2. Follow the previous group with tool widgets that are custom for the given activity (buttons, combo boxes, labels, etc). They may be separated in groups adding separators. Put the more important tools at the beggining, on the left (for example the radio buttons in Record that change the recording mode). (TODO: put buttons with subtoolbars on the left?)
3. Put the Close button on the right. There might be a space between the Close button and the previous tool widgets, or an element may expand to fill the space (for example the URL input in Browse).
A schema of the above looks like this:
A [E] [V] | [C C | C C ... C] ________ X
I'm avoiding BNF writing in behalf of simplicity :)
==Notes from 2011-08-03 meeting==
==Notes from 2011-08-03 meeting==