752 bytes added
, 14:08, 20 May 2008
I am LuYu. I am a teacher and a G1G1 participant. I have been following OLPC since the early announcements and am very interested in its progress. I hope very much that this project will change the world (more than just making affordable Linux laptops available).
I have been a Linux user since the late 90s, and Linux has been my primary desktop software since about 2001. I have also been an active e-book reader since about 2003 or so with the purchase of my first PDA. I now regularly read books on phones and PDAs (almost all are Public Domain works) and hope to help with the effort to create a powerful OLPC dictionary.
I am available on both Yahoo and Gmail (IM and email) as luyufreeculture.
[[User:LuYu|LuYu]] 19:08, 20 May 2008 (UTC)