:Thanks. I'll try recruit a wiki admin!! Safe travels. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 17:48, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
:Thanks. I'll try recruit a wiki admin!! Safe travels. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 17:48, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
== Thought on translations ==
Before you spend a lot of time on translations via the translations template, consider the potential of the ''GoogleTrans-xx'' templates I'm starting to develop/deploy on OLPC wiki. Note, it will require the same plugin/extension magic-dust currently installed on the OLPC wiki to be sprinkled here before they will work.
*''GoogleTrans-en'' for starting from English page [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/The_OLPC_Wiki#Machine_Translations (example)]. Click on Spanish and continue browsing rest of wiki in espanol inside Google frame.
*''GoogleTrans-es'' for starting from Spanish page [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Lambayeque (example)]. Click English and see that page and any linked lang-es page in English.
* 20-odd other variations possible
The idea is that you want to lower language barrier, but you don't want your most valuable trilingual (1 lang-en, 2 lang-xx, 3 wiki/Python/C/Linux/Sugar/etc.) assets spending a lot of time on keeping up with rapidly evolving edits. By the time a page becomes stable, it's probably too late to get meaningful input from a mono or bi-lingual non-lang-en audience (like teachers, local coders, etc.).
For wiki pages, I think that any translation '''now''' is better than a great translation '''later'''. Allows you to lower language barrier immediately (in a usually good enough manner) and reserve human translation effort for Pootle and tech-phrasing sensitive pages. Try the provided links to OLPC wiki and let me know what you think. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 19:39, 20 May 2008 (UTC)