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1,674 bytes added ,  14:31, 2 December 2015
Created page with "I am passionate about education liberties and freedoms. I want to expose more people to free and open educational resources. One way I do this is by advocating for free softwa..."
I am passionate about education liberties and freedoms. I want to expose more people to free and open educational resources. One way I do this is by advocating for free software use in the classroom and after-school programs in the U.S. I have done this in San Antonio, TX, Davenport, IA and now Boston, MA. Sugar is a prime example of free education software. My involvement with Sugar Labs and free software in education began when I conducted a small qualitative research project in Montevideo, Uruguay on the communication between educators, developers, and stakeholders on the Plan Ceibal OLPC implementation. Since then, I have organized a Turtle Day in San Antonio in conjunction with Open Ed Jam (, facilitated after-school and summer programs using almost exclusively free software including Sugar and Turtle, as well as helped out here and there with outreach efforts.

== Google Code-in ==
[[File:Gci-sugarlabs-2015.png|thumb|left|100px| GCI 2015 Flyer]] I'm mentoring again for Google Code-in because it was such a blast last year! I plan to be more involved this year with new task ideas and by giving better, timely feedback to the students. I hope to learn more about the students and their backgrounds as they share their progress through the outreach/research tasks. Hopefully, having the posts and documentation will add to the community and This year I designed a little flyer that can be shared on social media to help spread the word about our involvement with the contest. Check it out and please share it with appropriate organizations or schools with which you may be affiliated!

== Sugar Board 2015 Proposal ==
Coming soon!


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