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=== Role Call ===
=== Role Call ===
=== Report from project representative (Conservancy liaison) ===
=== Report from project representative (Conservancy liaison) ===
(Claudia via email confirmed that she has let the SFC know that she is the new liaison.)
=== Report from Ombudsman ===
=== Report from Ombudsman ===
(Pattie -- no updates)
=== Finance Report ===
=== Finance Report ===
Current Assets: US$ 13,304.26
2020 Expenses: US$ 14,795.74
* Banking fees: US$ 58.00
* Contractors: US$ 4,447.56
** Ibiam's contract for maintaining activities ($911)
** GSoC mentors (Lionel, Michael, Devon, Ashish, Raul)
* Insurance: US$ 725.00
* Accounting: US$ 1600.00
* Legal: US$ 7,540.00
** Incorporation, By Laws
** 1023 Application
* Taxes: US$ 216.00
* Website: US$ 209.18
2020 Income: US$ 28,100.00
* Donations: US$ 100.00
* Google (GCI, GSoC): US$ 8,000.00
Report from Ibiam about his contract to manage activities.
Report from Ibiam about his contract to manage activities.
=== Google Summer of Code ===
Walter: Motion: Sugar Labs participate 2021 Google Summer of Code
Lionel (seconds the motion)
Jui +1
Perrie +1
Jui, Perrie, and Lionel agreed to be the admins.
Walter will pass last year's application material
Sugar, Sugarizer, Music Blocks
=== Google Code-in Replacement Report ===
=== Google Code-in Replacement Report ===
Discussion schedule for January 13
=== Sugar Labs Monthly Events Discussion ===
=== Sugar Labs Monthly Events Discussion ===
=== Communication Channels: Discord Discussion ===
=== Communication Channels ===
How do we want to communicate? IRC, Matrix, JITSI, Slack, all of the above?
Perrie, Jui, Samson sang the praises of discord.
Samson to work with Alex to work on setting up a Sugar Labs chat bot for discord.
Samson and Alex will sync our content with git book.
Unanimity re giving it a try.
=== Time and Place of Next Meeting ===
=== Time and Place of Next Meeting ===
20 Jan in JITSI
03 Feb on discord
=== Closing ===
=== Closing ===