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=== Sugar Digest ===
=== Sugar Digest ===
1. gitorious: It was time to try migrating TurtleArt, the project I am maintaining, over to The new git system we are using, gitorious, has a user interface that is more "web-friendly" than any git systems I have used before. It does a good job of leading through the process of creating new projects. One of the nice things about it is that anyone can create or fork a project unilaterally, thus I think it will work well with the distributed nature of Sugar development. (So fork your favorite project (TurtleArt) in order to try out your ideas!!!) I would recommend Marco Pesenti Gritti's [[DevelopmentTeam/Git|quick guide to migrating projects]] and you may want to [[User:Walter#gitorious|learn from my mistakes]] as well.
As 2008 comes to an end, it gives me an excuse to do some reflecting on what we are doing as a project and foundation. Most of the following you've read before, but it is helpful—at least to me—to revisit these ideas periodically.
2. Sugar and GNOME:
The world faces many seemingly intractable problems: war, a faultering economy, an energy crisis, global climate change, to name just a few. My generation has failed to solve these problems. Our children will inherit them from us. But we can leave them something in addition: the means to become a generation of critical thinkers and problem-solvers. The investment that we can make on their behalf that will have the most return is learning. It has a bearing on all of the challenges we face and is essential if our children are to excel in an ever-changing world. Providing every child with the opportunity to learn learning will allow them both to achieve a clarity of purpose and to develop independent means towards their goals.
:BOSTON, Mass — December 22, 2008 — Sugar Labs, a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy, is joining the GNOME Foundation as part of the GNOME Advisory Board. Sugar Labs creates software for young children used on platforms like the One Laptop Per Child's XO. Sugar is based on the GNOME platform and relies on technologies like GTK+ and Telepathy.
What should children and learn and how should they learn it? Information is about nouns; learning is about verbs. Of course learners should have access to power ideas (I won't debate here which ones we should teach). But they should also engage in exploration and collaboration, appropriating knowledge while engaging in authentic, open-ended problem solving. This can be accomplished within a framework of accountability, one that complements rigorous national standards where learners engage in a process of reflection, public expression, and critique—a "portfolio" approach. What am I learning? How did I learn it? Why is it important? Can I teach it to others?
:"The resources made available by the GNOME project have been essential to the development of the Sugar learning platform", says Walter Bender, executive director of Sugar Labs. "The Sugar community looks forward to working more closely with the GNOME Foundation on topics such as GNOME Mobile and an upstream collaboration framework." Walter Bender will be representing Sugar Labs on the GNOME Advisory Board.
We have some simple, universal points of leverage:
:GNOME forms the basis of many platforms such as Sugar, Maemo, and Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and also delivers the desktop platform offered by companies such as Novell, Red Hat and Sun Microsystems. GNOME is actively cooperating with the makers of these platforms in order to make sure that they can use GNOME technologies as efficiently and effectively as possible and to enable cross-fertilization of resources. Members of the GNOME Advisory Board help the GNOME Foundation work with partner companies effectively and they also get a chance to collaborate with each other on their use of GNOME technologies.
* Everyone is a teacher and a learner.  
* Humans are social beings.  
* Humans are expressive.  
:"The GNOME Foundation is excited to have Sugar Labs join the advisory board." says Stormy Peters, executive director of the GNOME Foundation. "Sugar embodies the GNOME mission of making sure technology is available to anyone, not just technical people, regardless of culture, financial well-being or physical ability. The interface provided by Sugar offers an innovative way to interact with technology and the internet. This work is heavily influencing the GNOME community as they think about potential ways to improve GNOME in the future."
You learn through doing, so if you want to learn more, you want to do more.  
3. Sugar Labs™: Karen Sandler, a lawyer at the Software Freedom Conservancy, who has been helping us will all things legal has confirmed that our trademark application for the name Sugar Labs has been submitted to the USPTO (with the Conservancy, our parent organization, named as the applicant). "They indicate in our receipt that it will be 4–5 months before we are assigned an examining attorney. In the meantime the mark is a 'pending' application." Karen will start working on a trademark policy for
Love is a better master than duty—you want people to engage in things that are authentic to them, things that they love. Internal motivation almost always trumps external motivations.
Sugar that we will post in the wiki.
4. Mobilis (Encore): It is summer in Brazil. Paulo Drummond was the first one to bring to my attention that Mobilis has won a bid to bring 150,000 laptops to children in Brazil. (OLPC did not participate in the bid.) As I understand it, it will be running a Mandriva distribution of GNU/Linux. There has already been some preliminary discussion about a Sugar port to Mandriva. Let's make it happen.
These ideas are not imiscible with current norms within schools, but too often we fall back on what we "know". I challenge you to think of a great learning moment in your life: was it sitting in a classroom, all eyes forward, listening to a lecture or was in when you were trying to solve a problem that was important to you?
5. [ Dailymotion] seems to be the site where videos about learning projects are being aggregated. Sebastian Silva pointed out these video on the Sur list this week:
We know of no better tool for learning than a computer—it is a “thing to think with” when it is used as a means of knowledge creation. (Unfortunately, it is too often thought of and used as simply a mechanism for information retrieval and rote learning in our schools—the modern equivalent of the mimeograph machine, AKA the “purple” plague.)
Three experiences can characterize a computer-enhanced learning platform:  
6. Hilaire Fernandes, who brought us DrGeo, has [ a new project] underway:
Sharing: The interface should always shows the presence of other learners. Collaboration is a first-order experience. Students and teachers dialog with each other, support each other, critique each other, and share ideas.  
:I am working on a learning system written in Smalltalk. The contents is only in French for now, and only cover multiplication learning, but I am planing for more in various subjects. Underneath the curriculum is in a graph to help situating the learning progression of the learner.
Reflecting: A "Journal" should record each learner's activity. The Journal serves as a place for reflection and assessment of progress—the basis of a portfolio.
:Etayage is a French translation of Scaffolding, in relation to Joseph Bruner term. In, an Etayage is a set of exercises organized with a specific pedagogical goal. The whole is organized from the largest to the smallest as: Etayage > Etayage step > Exercise > artifacts A suggested reading in English: [ istoa-exercises.pdf] --Hilaire
Discovering: We can accommodate a wide variety of users, with different levels of skill in terms of reading, language, and different levels of experience with computing. It is easy to approach, yet it doesn't put an upper bound on personal expression. One should always be able to peel away layers and go deeper and deeper, with no restrictions. This allows the direct appropriation of ideas in whatever realm the learner is exploring: music, browsing, reading, writing, programming, or graphics. The student can always go further.  
=== Community jams, meet-ups, and meetings ===
These are the core ideas behind Sugar. By embodying these ideas directly into the affordances provided by the user interface, we can skew the odds that teachers and learners will engage in more than the accumulation and transfer of information.
7. 9–11 January [ FUDConF11] at MIT (Cambridge, MA)
In Sugar, have in hand the tools to reinvent how computers are used for education. Collaboration, reflection, and discovery are readily integrated directly into the learning experience. Children and teachers have the opportunity to use computers on their own terms, reshape, reinvent, and reapply both software and content into powerful learning activities. Learning can be focused on sharing, criticism, and exploration. We have a lot of work ahead of us to refine these tools and to refine the practice around them, but we have a solid beginning.
8. 25 April 2009 [ El Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre (FLISoL)] <strike>in Caracas, Venezuela</strike>
We can raise a generation of critical thinkers, armed with the complementary tools of science and the arts. (Relatively speaking, it is a trivial investment—probably less than the cost of a single “bridge to nowhere”. All of the necessary tools are freely available under free software licenses. But we do need to invest in engaging teachers, parents, and children in learning learning.) So let's make it happen.
:Not only in Caracas...., El FLISoL (Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre) is an distributed event:  last one was made in 18 countries and more than 200 cities at the same day: April 26th. [ In 2009, It'll be at April 25th]. We'll try to do a Sugar conference and a little Sugar workshop with children, parents and teachers in Bogotá, Colombia for that day. --Maria del Pilar Saenz
9. Lionel Laske posted a [ report about the OLPC France Code Camp] held on 25 November in Paris. 40 attendees participated in a series of workshops:
* The learning workshop participants drafted requirements for a French version of WikiBrowse and investigated the possibility of doing animation on an OLPC-XO.
* The translation workshop participants translated the FLOSS Manual.
* The School Server participants workshop focused on network configuration.
* The Sugar workshop participants workd on a Mind-Mapping activity and video integration.
* The Mono workshop participants wrote tutorials about designing Sugar Activity for C#/Mono developers.
=== Help wanted ===
10. I will try feature a small project each week that someone from the community could tackle. Would someone be willing to create a page in the wiki on how to use IRC? (And perhaps embed a web-based client such as [ mibbit] somewhere?) Thanks.
=== Tech Talk ===
11. NM: Simon Schampijer landed wired-interface support for Network Manager. While doing that he reviewed and reworked the "device appears" logic with Eben Eliason. Simon also fixed a bug that could cause the wireless dialog to not appear.
12. Sucrose 0.83.3: Simon also did help to get [[DevelopmentTeam/Release/Releases/Sucrose/0.83.3|Sucrose 0.83.3]] out of the door. The following modules were released this week:
* sugar-0.83.4
* sugar-base-0.83.2
* sugar-datastore-0.83.1
* sugar-toolkit-0.83.3
* sugar-artwork-0.83.2
13. There were also lots of updates to Sugar Activities this week:
* Jukebox-6
* Read-62
* Browse-102
* Chat-61
* TurtleArt-24 (it will now export Logo code to the Journal)
* TurtleArtwithSensors-5 (updated to accommodate the switch from numeric to numpy)
* ImageViewer-5
* Terminal-21
* Colors!-13
14. Bert Freudenberg made a virtual machine that allows one to [ emulate the XO] "in VMWare on a Mac, running Sugar in the XO's native 1200x900 resolution, scaled down to a nice physical size in a window on a regular screen (fullscreen works, too)."
15. Etoys 4.0: Bert also announced the first release of Etoys 4.0 this week. The major version jump signifies the end of a two-year relicensing effort.
:Originally released in 1996, Apple relicensed the Squeak core under the Apache 2.0 license in October 2006 – thanks to Steve, Alan Kay, and the lawyers involved. Then, Viewpoints Research collected written relicensing agreements from several hundred later contributors under the MIT license – thanks to Kim Rose and the Squeak community volunteers. Finally, all the code in Etoys not explicitly covered by a relicensing agreement was removed, or rewritten, or reverted to an earlier version – kudos to Yoshiki Ohshima for the bulk of that work.
We are all looking forward to see Etoys properly packaged in more distributions now that the licensing issues have been cleared up.
=== Sugar Labs ===
=== Sugar Labs ===
16. Self-organizing map (SOM): Gary Martin has generated another SOM from the past week of discussion on the IAEP mailing list (Please see [[:Image:2008-December-13-19-som.jpg|SOM]]).
Gary Martin has generated another SOM from the past week of discussion on the IAEP mailing list (Please see [[:Image:2008-December-20-26-som.jpg|SOM]]).
=== Community News archive ===
=== Community News archive ===

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