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   My name is puneet girdhar, currently pursuing my BTECH degree from IIIT Hyderabad. Although, I have been working on linux from past 2 years but I came to know about sugar from my friends and after going through their description and project ideas, I really want to appreciate the efforts of the sugar community. 
   There is always a fight goes on between linux & windows and it's really very difficult to make one of them a real winner . I guess, results totally depend on the area or field on which we compare them. I personally love linux for programming. It's so much easy to compile, navigate, debug, command line tools, command tool tweaks ( can't live without them :) ) and many others. This year, I am participating in GSOC with sugar labs to improve it's development environment. 
   Guys, No matter if I get selected or not. But I would love to dedicate myself for open source development. I am so thankful for open source or free software communities to give us such a wonderful gift.  

Thanks & Regards, Puneet