1. Cut and paste the [[/Wiki Version]] into a new wiki page's "Editing" text box.
# Cut and paste the [[/Wiki Version]] into a new wiki page's "Editing" text box.
1. Start with the [[/Wiki Version#Instructional_Procedures|Instructional Procedures]] section. That's the "what does the class *do*" part, which is the meat of the lesson.
# Start with the [[/Wiki Version#Instructional_Procedures|Instructional Procedures]] section. That's the "what does the class *do*" part, which is the meat of the lesson.
1. Fill out the other parts.
# Fill out the other parts.
1. Share
# Share
1. Reflect (meta): how did it go? Should the lesson plan template be improved?
# Reflect (meta): how did it go? Should the lesson plan template be improved?