Difference between revisions of "Fortune Hunter"

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=== Goblin ===
=== Goblin ===
description coming...
Goblins are very old inhabitants of this dungeon. They are from the ancient world and survive in secret away from the prying eyes of the world. They have evolved slightly in intelligence as they are usually depicted, but are still ruthless and primitive. They are strong in numbers, but are normally weak creatures of habit.
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=== Orc ===
=== Orc ===
description coming...
Orcs have existed for a very long time. They live with the goblins of this dungeon and their primary asset is brute strength. They lack in intelligence and are easily tricked or deceived.
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=== Undead Insurgent ===
=== Undead Insurgent ===
description coming...
These rogues are simply skeletons with armor, making them harder to defeat. They have a wider range of attacks than most enemies, making them unpredictable. Be on your guard in all fronts when facing undead insurgents. They used to work for the undead scourge, but have since fled and survive on their own.
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=== Wizard ===
=== Wizard (Adept) ===
description coming...
The order of wizardry consisted of masters of magic and the elements, allowing them to communicate with their surroundings and cast magical based attacks. They are skilled at their craft and extremely knowledgeable. These wizards, however, have been cut off from the growing world for far too long and have lost touch with the foundation for their order, causing them to lash out at whatever creatures they encounter. They conjure up their own food for survival while stuck in this dungeon for all eternity.
=== Wizard (Master) ===
Wizard masters are even strong than adepts with more powerful attacks and boast defensive magic as well.
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=== Undead Surge ===
=== Undead Scourge ===
description coming...
description coming...

Revision as of 22:01, 14 December 2009

Today is October 18, 2024.



Jonathan Meschino (4th Year)

email: jmeschino@mail.rit.edu

Eric Kenvin (3rd Year)

email: eric.kenvin@mail.rit.edu

Preston Johnson (3rd Year)

email: ppj4700@g.rit.edu

David Silverman (3rd Year)

email: drs5669@g.rit.edu

Kevin Hockey (4th Year)

email: kdh7733@g.rit.edu

Justin Lewis (4th Year)

email: jtl1728@g.rit.edu


Interested in helping with Fortune Hunter? We are always seeking programmers, testers, and anyone else to join our team. Download the current game version here to play and check out the code!

Walkthrough for getting the game to run

  • In terminal use this command "git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/project-xavier/mainline.git" This will download all of our files to the current directory.
  • Use the command "cp -r images /home/olpc/" to copy the images over to where they need to be.
  • Copy the main.py file over to a usb drive. (Found at /media/NameOfDrive/)
  • In journal open the file in pippy and run it.

Forward any questions to a group member or post on our google group.

News Feed

This spot is dedicated to larger news announcements.

→ 12.07.09 - Created a working xo activity file. File can be found here

→ 12.04.09 - Watch game demos on our youtube channel

→ 11.12.09 - MPG has become Mathematical Adventure: Fortune Hunter (MAFH)! This name change is permanent.

→ 11.12.09 - Fortune Hunter now has a blog!

→ 11.12.09 - Join the Fortune Hunter mailing list via Google Groups and stay up to date with our progress and news info!

→ 09.22.09 - Current GIT repository can be found here.

Navigation / Important Links


Mathematical Adventure: Fortune Hunter draws on teaching children of a global scale fourth grade mathematics through the guise of a dungeon styled adventure game. Players will be able to explore dungeons and fight fearsome battles with various monsters, each pertaining to a unique mathematical concept. The player controls a protagonist that must progress through maze-like dungeons, solve puzzles / problems, and defeat enemies in a two dimensional world. It is a single player adventure with room for ad hoc cooperative play in the future.

MAFH follows the story of Arith, a determined young researcher dedicated to finding all of the world’s best hidden secrets. One day she stumbled across a piece of blank papyrus during the time she spent studying in Egypt on a dig site. She quickly brought it to her best friend and colleague, Lytic. They were determined to find out more about this strange paper, but the two could not unearth its secrets in such a short time.

Three months later, the dig ever deeper into the earth, Arith noticed a faint glow emanating from a random pile of dirt. “What’s that over there?” she asked Lytic, who was standing nearby with his shovel. Digging it out, Lytic noticed that it was a small amulet. It let off the strangest beautiful teal glow. “Strange,” he remarked. Lytic stared deep into the light, his eyes widening as if in a trance. "Just what are you?" he questioned. The glow got even brighter and then went dim again. Now the amulet appeared to be as plain as any other stone. Confused, the two left the site to turn in for the night.

Upon bringing this find to back to their living quarters, Arith tossed it lightly on the table. It landed near the old blank papyrus that she had found months earlier. Only this time, the papyrus wasn't blank. The light seemed to be the key and filled the papyrus with teal characters and symbols. The two stared amazed at the sight. Nothing made sense. It was no language they’d ever come across before. Upon closer inspection, only one thing was certain. The image of a giant pile of treasure, larger than anything you could imagine. The other familiar symbol was an image of a human mind and mathematical symbols surrounding it. Apparently, those who desired this treasure must be intelligent and versed in the ways of math. The first leg of this treasure hunt was underway.

The next day, Arith and Lytic, found themselves in a strange place face to face with a mysterious and ancient building, relics in hand. “You wait here. I’ll go take a look around,” Arith told Lytic. “Okay. Good luck.”

Arith entered the dark and dank structure alone, not knowing what lays in wait…


The objective of this project is to reiterate teachings of fourth grade mathematics to students in a fun and unique way, primarily through the use of creative interactive software. The project is intended to be used as supplemental material to classroom education. See Curriculum Elements for incorporated curriculum topics and Lesson Plan for a lesson plan to use in the classroom.


There are many vocabulary terms used in this wiki and the game. They are listed here for clarification and understanding.

  • Dungeon: The game world that the player is exploring which covers the lesson the student is currently on.
  • PC Mode: PC Mode is when you are using the laptop with the keyboard.
  • GB Mode: GB Mode is when you are using the laptop with the buttons on the monitor piece and not using the keyboard.
  • HP: This represents the player's health within the game world. When it reaches 0 the player loses and their character dies.
  • Power: this is a bar that starts out full for each attack and slowly diminishes until the attack is completed. When the attack is completed the amount of damage it does is based on how much was left in the power bar. Each attack does some minimum amount of damage that is increased if the power bar is not at 0.
  • Damage/Dmg.: this is how much HP a character or the character's opponent loses when an attack is successful.
  • Hit: This is a successful attack.
  • Critical Hit: An especially effective attack that gives the student the chance to do more damage to their opponent if they solve a simple multiplication problem.
  • Miss: This occurs when an attack is not successful and means the attack does 0 damage.
  • Attack: This is how the player does damage, and defeats an opponent.
  • Basic Attack: A move that the student can make when in battle that has a chance of either hitting the opponent, missing the opponent or producing a critical hit. It requires no math unless the student gets a critical hit.
  • Fraction Attack: This is an attack which requires the player to solve a problem using fractions to perform a successful attack.
  • Geometry Attack: This is an attack which requires the player to solve a problem using geometry and/or graphing ideas to perform a successful attack.
  • Shop: This is where the player can purchase new equipment, and items to use in battle, in the game using the in-game currency.
  • Boss: This is an especially powerful enemy which requires completion of specialized problems based around the entire lesson.
  • As we get farther into development we will name different pieces of the GUI and such and define those.

Game Mechanics

Controls / Input (default)

Setup the XO monitor so it is rotated 180* and fold it back down into the XO. Players will then utilize the directional pad and four buttons located on either side of the monitor for game input. This configuration is known as GB mode. The directional pad on the left of the monitor is used for movement and to change the cursor position when player input is necessary. The check mark button to the right of the monitor acts as a select tool. The circle, square, and X buttons will vary depending on the activity / situation at hand and will be defined during.

Controls / Input (optional)

Setup the XO monitor so it is open, with the keyboard to its front. Players will then utilize the keyboard and touchpad for game input. This configuration is known as PC mode. The touchpad, up, right, down, left keys, and W, A, S, D keys are used for movement. Players can point and click on on-screen elements to interact using the touchpad or simply move using the abovementioned keys. The keyboard is used when player input is necessary. The enter / return key acts as a select tool. Other keyboard functions will vary depending on the activity / situation at hand and will be defined during.

Menu Systems

This game is primarily menu driven. As such there are many different available options.

Main Menu

The purpose of the main menu is to allow the player to begin or exit the game as well as change or alter options and game play settings, and view an in-game tutorial. The tutorial consists of material to be covered before playing the game and provides a shortened walkthrough of basic game mechanics.

The new game option starts a new game from the first level.

The continue option directs the player to the continue menu (see below). The player will be able to view their class stats from here so they may see how well their classmates are doing in the game, as well as their current game progress.

The options menu will allow the player to change various game options.

The close game option will exit the activity on the XO, returning the user to their home screen.

Finally, the credits option will roll the credits for the game.


The purpose of the pause menu is to allow the player to halt game play and save and/or exit the game.

The save option saves the game’s current progress and continues game play.

The save and quit option saves the game’s current progress and exits the game.

The quit without save option exits the game without saving the game’s progress.


The purpose of the continue menu is to allow the player to choose whether or not they wish to restart from where they left off last time or begin a previously completed dungeon over again.

The continue option begins a game from the most recent continue point.

The level select option begins a game from the beginning of the selected level.

The quit to title screen option will return the player to the game’s main title menu.

Game Over

The game over screen will merely inform the player that their game has ended, should they choose to quit after being asked whether or not to continue.

Stats / Inventory

The purpose of the stats / inventory menu is to view the player’s current game statistics. This includes items such as money, items equipped, inventory, health points, or any other stat tied to the character.

The player may browse the inventory in order to use or equip items, armor, and weapons.

Combat Menu

The combat menu gives the player many options when in a battle. It is subdivided further into smaller combat menus.

The main battle menu appears when the battle begins. From this menu, the player can choose to perform an attack, use an equipped item, or flee the battle. Choosing the basic attack option will launch a simple attack on the enemy. If the player gets a critical hit, they will be taken to the critical hit screen. The division attack (special attack) option will launch a division based attack against the enemy. The geometry attack (magic attack) will launch a geometry based attack. Choosing the use item option will take the player to the list of available items to choose from and use. Finally, the flee battle option will give the player a chance to flee the battle.

The critical hit screen also has some components to it. This screen is where a player is brought when they have a chance to get a critical hit. They are given a basic math problem (add, subtract, divide, multiply) and must solve it to gain additional damage to their attack. From this screen, an on-screen number pad will be available. Using this pad for input, players can input and submit their answer. The use item screen will have all available items in battle listed so the player can choose which item to use. Afterwards and depending on the type of item, it will be removed from this list or faded out as items may only be used once per battle.

The fractions attack screen will have a selectable list of five fractions on screen. The player will then choose one and it will be replaced with another. Adding fractions with the chosen choices will result in the right or wrong answer. There will also be an undo option to backtrack the last few selections. There will also be a goal display. This has the target number or fraction the player is trying to reach and displays the chosen answers chronologically.

The geometry attack screen will pose a geometry based problem utilizing geometry transformations with shapes as answer input. There will be a display with a graph for input use and a shapes pad with selectable shapes on it in addition to transformation buttons, such as move right, to transform the shape on the graph. The finish button can be selected once the player is happy with their answer and decides on being done.

Shop Menu

The shop menu is comprised of a couple smaller menus. This is the menu the player will see while being in the shop. There is a buy menu, sell menu, and an exit option. If buy is chosen, a list of available purchases will be presented and the player can choose an item to add to their inventory in exchange for a fee (in-game currency).

If sell is chosen, a list of available sales (the player’s inventory) will be shown and the player can choose items to get rid of in exchange for money. Selecting the exit option will close out the shop and return the player to what they were previously doing.

Player Movement / Traveling

While in a room, players can change the direction they are facing (orientation) and choose the direction in which to travel. Players can move freely from room to room provided there are no locked doors along the way. These will require keys to be obtained first before traveling through them.

Player Perspective

The game follows a traditional first person perspective in a two dimensional world. Graphics have limited animation, thus each scene is a 'still' screen. The player will be able to see the protagonists arm as well as the room and enemies that are currently present.

Environment Interaction

Dialogue Box

In each room, the player can call open a dialogue box that explains the room in detail and any unusual elements. This allows them to further investigate areas of a room or gives them clues about what to do next. A dialogue box will also interrupt game play if something important is about to happen, furthering the story line or pointing the player in a specific direction.


Upon entering a room, there is a chance that enemies reside there. If enemies do exist, the player will be forced into a skirmish in which they will have to answer and solve questions and problems in order to deal damage. Enemies will attack the player and diminish their HP, and when their HP reaches zero, the player’s game is over. There are many types of enemies found within the various dungeons and it is up to the player to figure out how to defeat each one.


In addition to the shop, items can be collected by being found among the rooms. Players can search an object and potentially find something hidden within. Enemies may also drop items after a battle is won. There are also key (important) items that are required to progress in the story, such as a room key being needed to continue through a locked door.


The player can access the shop any time not in battle during the game by pressing the O (circle) button. Once in the shop, the player can select an item by using the directional pad or by clicking on it. They will then be able to select a quantity in the same fashion. However, it is up to the player to input how much they are willing to pay for items and up to the player whether or not to accept deals on the merchant’s end. The idea behind this is to simulate real world scenarios. The merchant will occasionally intend to provide the player a bad deal as well.


The player’s inventory is the place where they can store and view all of their collected items, armor pieces, or weapons. From the inventory screen players can equip or use items, weapons, and armors.

Equipping / Using Items

It’s no secret that a well used item will keep the game going and the player performs all item actions in the inventory. While not engaged in a battle, the player may use as many items as desired. Simply highlight the desired item from the inventory list and select use from the menu. The player does not have full access to the inventory while in battle, however. In order to use an item while in combat, the player must have equipped it prior to the battle. This is done by, again, highlighting the item and selecting equip from the menu. Equipped items are available via the battle menu while in combat. Using an item in either scenario will cause the affects of the item to activate followed by the item being deleted or removed from the list. Certain items may be allowed to be used in combat without being depleted, but may only be utilized once per battle.

Equipping a Weapon / Armor / Accessory

Similarly to equipping items, weapon, armor, and accessories must also be equipped in order to take advantage of the effects they grant to the player. To equip a weapon, armor, or accessory the player must first enter the inventory screen, highlight the item of choice, and select equip from the menu. Only one weapon, one armor piece, and one accessory may be equipped at any given time and they differ in effects so it is wise to switch them around as needed. While in combat, the effects of the weapons, armor, or accessory will be given to the player automatically. They will remain equipped until the player equips different equipment in their place or highlights the weapon, armor, or accessory from the equipment screen and selects unequip from the menu, sending the equipment back into the inventory list.

HUD - Heads Up Display

Conceptual First Person Perspective Model


The heads up display in this game consist of few, simple elements. While in the world travelling from room to room, the player will have a travel indicator. This is a mini map on the lower left screen showing the players current location and orientation as well as rooms that were previously visited. The player also has the ability to view a larger scaled visual of this map so they may see a larger area of play. The player is represented by an arrowhead within the room and the door in which they came from has a light blue rectangular marker. Also, while travelling, the player has a vitality indicator. This shows the player’s current health status as either danger (red), fine (yellow), or good (green). This lets the player know what shape they are in just in case of another enemy encounter. Finally, there is a text feed of the area on the bottom of the screen, telling the player of any abnormalities or hinting them in the right direction for any given room.

While in a battle the heads up display differs. There is a more detailed vitality bar, showing the exact health of the player as well as the color indicators. There is also a battle indicator, which shows the battle timer while answering / solving a problem. The less this gauge depletes the more damage the player may deal to the enemy. It will begin to diminish as soon as the problem is presented to the player. When it fully empties, the player is out of the allotted time for inputting an answer and will take a hit from the enemy. The same will happen if the player inputs an incorrect solution. There will be text feed for the enemies as well, letting the player know information about them and possibly hints for defeating them.

Solving Puzzles

In addition to the questions that must be completed in order to defeat enemies, there will also be an assortment of puzzles spread throughout a dungeon. These puzzles will be utilized in order to gain access to keys for passing through locked doors or even the solution of the puzzle itself will be the method for unlocking the door. Solving some will be optional while others will be required to progress.


When the player moves into a room containing enemies a battle will start. The battle will be carried out by means of "clashes." Each clash represents a possible attack or action and will be shown as a math problem that the player will have to solve. The player will enter the answer in PC Mode by clicking on the text field at the bottom of the screen and entering the numerical answer using the number keys on the keyboard. In GB Mode, there will be a number pad on-screen and the player will be able to highlight a number or symbol with the directional pad and select by pressing the check button on the right side of the monitor.

Game Elements

Main Characters


Arith is the protagonist of the game. Her name comes from the root of the word arithmetic. She is curious by nature and a natural explorer. Her best friend and colleague, Lytic, also accompanies her on her journey. Together, they seek to find fortune and glory and put Feren out of commission.


Lytic is Arith’s best friend and partner. His name is derived from the word analytic. He is very adventuresome, however more cautious than his female counterpart. Feren causes plenty of trouble for these two during their journey and Lytic will stop at nothing to ensure he and Arith both make it out unscathed and richer.


Feren is the antagonist of the game. Little is known about Feren, including age and gender. Feren’s name is derived from the word differential. It is believed that Feren may know Arith or Lytic, as Feren seems to recall personal information regarding their pasts. Feren aims to stop the two from discovering the fabled treasure and hoarding it. Dark natured, Feren is a very dangerous and devious foe. There is lots to learn about this mysterious, shady character.


The merchant has no allegiance to anyone. The only thing he cares about is increasing the weight of his pockets. He enjoys bumping in to weary travelers and jumps and the opportunity to make a beneficial sale. He loves to cheat people who are off their game and will take advantage of many situations. Although he is a sneak, he is very handy for the protagonists, providing them with items, weapons, armor, and advice during their journey… for a substantial fee, of course!

Enemies (Bestiary)

Goblin, Orc, and Wizard Concepts

concept_goblin(sm).png concept_orc.png concept_wizard.png

Standard enemies are commonly found throughout the game and vary in difficulty.

Enemy Type - Division Enemy

An enemy that requires use of division attacks to defeat. This is a non-specific enemy type.

Enemy Type - Geometry Enemy

An enemy that requires use of geometry attacks to defeat. This is a non-specific enemy type.


It is unknown whether bonesprouts are animals or plants, as they grow from the ground and have the appearance of human skeletons. They cannot stand on those feet of theirs, but their body is fully functional and powerful. Bonesprouts also have a hardened exterior, making it difficult to inflict much damage.

Boom Shroom

They may look like harmless fungi but boom shrooms can attack at a distance, firing a cloud of fast-flying spores into their target. Once enough spores make contact, it’s only a matter of time before paralysis sets in and they move in for the kill. They are also noted for their disgruntled representation of a human face.

Cave Yeti

Ranging in size from that of a chicken to a bear, cave yetis have a lot of potential for power. Smaller ones aren’t as dangerous, but the larger ones are. When threatened, these yetis stand on their hind quarters to appear larger and use their very long and heavy claws for hammering opponents. It is said that the original abominable snow yeti was just one of these creatures defending a nest. It scared the unknowing traveler senseless.

Cave Yeti (Juvenile)

Same in appearance as the normal cave yetis, these yetis are much larger and a whole lot more dangerous! As intimidating as their size is, they have still not reached adulthood yet.

Dark Knight

Ancient protectors of the dungeons, knights were once heralded as champions of the lands. Dark knights are spawned of every fallen knight who met an untimely end. They seek to destroy everything in their path.

Dire Wolf

An ancient and extinct wolf species with a ravenous appetite. Remember wolves always travel in packs.

Dire Wolf Lord

The alpha of the dire wolves. More vicious than the dire wolves, this wolf is stronger and faster.

Dragon Slug

Gorgeous to look at, yes, but very dangerous to unsuspecting travelers. They aren’t terribly strong, but don’t let their size fool you. They pack quite a bit of energy in every bite and sting and should be handled with extreme caution.

Flame Elemental

Born from the flames of scorched earth, these elementals are defenders of the world. Wherever they go, the temperature will rise by hundreds of degrees. Be warned, they have the ability to ignite almost everything.

Frost Giant

Cold by nature, these giants are very dangerous. They can use the power of ice to slow their enemies, making it easier for them to crush them.


Goblins are very old inhabitants of this dungeon. They are from the ancient world and survive in secret away from the prying eyes of the world. They have evolved slightly in intelligence as they are usually depicted, but are still ruthless and primitive. They are strong in numbers, but are normally weak creatures of habit.


These dark mages have the ability to call forth the dead to do their bidding. They are quite a sight, but keep in mind their real power lies within their minions. Defeat them as quickly as possible to stop the endless onslaught of undead they summon.


Orcs have existed for a very long time. They live with the goblins of this dungeon and their primary asset is brute strength. They lack in intelligence and are easily tricked or deceived.


These feisty, intelligent creatures trick their enemies by luring them with a beautiful rose-like flower sprouting from their side. Primarily targeting smaller creatures, they will not stop at the chance of larger prey. Once the roseweaver’s target is close enough, they ensnare them with razor sharp thorns mounted on strong, thick vines, constricting the life out of their prisoner.


These enormous insects generally travel in swarms, however it isn’t uncommon to come across one straggler in combat. They are excellent at picking away at their prey’s health as they are parasitic in nature. Their real strength lies in their adulthood when they mature into Sacatetras.

Stone Golem

Extremely large in size, they appear to be made of unique stones with engraved symbols on them. They are very strong and have a high defense as well. Their weakness lies in their speed and agility.

Undead Insurgent

These rogues are simply skeletons with armor, making them harder to defeat. They have a wider range of attacks than most enemies, making them unpredictable. Be on your guard in all fronts when facing undead insurgents. They used to work for the undead scourge, but have since fled and survive on their own.


They appear harmless and are usually passive, but do not like unknown foreign invaders into their habitat. They will defend their homes in numbers, though they are generally on the weaker side.

Wake Angel

These invisible enemies are masses of free forming energy that slightly resemble human shapes. They exist riding the wake of balanced energy that flows throughout all life and become enraged when this balance of energy is upset, taking more physical manifestations. In this state, they can be quite dangerous.

Wind Elemental

The essence of wind, they are very strong. Wind elementals resemble tornadoes and can cause enormous pressure changes in nearby areas. They have a temper to match their erratic behavior.

Wizard (Adept)

The order of wizardry consisted of masters of magic and the elements, allowing them to communicate with their surroundings and cast magical based attacks. They are skilled at their craft and extremely knowledgeable. These wizards, however, have been cut off from the growing world for far too long and have lost touch with the foundation for their order, causing them to lash out at whatever creatures they encounter. They conjure up their own food for survival while stuck in this dungeon for all eternity.

Wizard (Master)

Wizard masters are even strong than adepts with more powerful attacks and boast defensive magic as well.

Boss Enemies

Boss enemies are usually very rare encounters in the game and offer larger rewards for defeating them. However, they are much tougher and more difficult in discovering and exploiting their weaknesses. Their mathematical principals serve as a unit overview.

Beast King

description coming...

Bitter Biter

A large creature with an angry personality. It is extremely powerful offensively. Try not to give it a chance to attack and keep an eye on those horns and teeth.

Cave Yeti (Adult)

These fully matured cave yetis are extremely powerful and massive in size. Approach them with the utmost caution. They also have the tendency to lure cave yetis from a nearby distance to reconcile and intrusions into their habitat.

Celestial Dragon

description coming...


description coming...

Great Skua

A gigantic skua with an extra bad temper. Watch out you don't take a 'beaking' from this bird!

Ice Golem

description coming...

Root Golem

description coming...


description coming...


description coming...

Undead Scourge

description coming...


Weapons are found or purchased in the game. They are solely responsible for improving the player’s attack power.

Rusted Blade

A rusty, very old blade. Adds +5 attack power.

Great Sword

A large, two handed sword with lots of power. Adds +15 attack power.

Crescent Sword

A strong and fast sword with a curved blade. +25 attack power.


A very well built blade that is both quick and extremely powerful. It also provides a small amount of defense. +35 attack power. +5 defense.

Sun & Moon Blades

The shape of these blades resembles something familiar. They are of unknown original and have massive strength and good defensive capabilities. +50 attack power. +15 defense.


Armor is found or purchased in the game. It is solely responsible for improving the player’s defensive capabilities.

Earth Vest

A ratty old vest made of natural materials. +5 defense.

Wind Breaker

Thick armor made from durable material. +15 defense.

Flame Leggings

Strong, durable leggings imbued with the essence of fire. +25 defense.

Dark Cowl

A dark, gloomy cowl. It appears to have some sort of power. +35 defense. +5 HP.

Celestial Armor

An incredibly strong armor set made from the essence of the stars. +50 defense. +20 HP. +5 BT.


Accessories are found or purchased in the game. They generally add additional or unusual affects to help the player and are more rare than weapons or armor.

Jewel Shard

A broken jewel piece with unnatural powers. +10 special attack.

Broken Hourglass

A cracked hourglass. Time itself seems to have been altered. +10 BT.

Radiant Vial

An empty, shimmering vial with unnatural healing powers. +20 HP.

Tome of Honor

A large book filled with useful fighting knowledge. It is said that it grants the user better offense in battle. +20% attack power.

Tome of Valor

A large book filled with useful fighting knowledge. It is said that it grants the user better defense in battle. +20% defense.


Items are objects found in the game that grant the user a one-time effect such as regaining lost health points. They are generally consumed after use.


A remedy is used to regain lost health points. They are fairly common on your quest. Restores 5% max health points. Buy for 20*. Sell for 2*. Max carried 20 remedies.


An elixir is used to regain lost health points. They refill more health points than a remedy and are less common on your quest. Restores 15% max health points. Buy for 60*. Sell for 10*. Max carried 20 elixirs.

High Elixir

A high elixir is used to regain lost health points. They refill more health points than an elixir and are rare on your quest. Restores 40% max health points. Buy for 100*. Sell for 20*. Max carried 20 high elixirs.


An panacea is used to regain lost health points. They refill more health points than a high elixir and are very rare on your quest. Restores 80% max health points. Buy for 150*. Sell for 50*. Max carried 20 panaceas.


They said the merchant was crazy, but look at what he’s concocted now! A nostrum is used to regain lost health points after being defeated. It is automatically used on those who are about to give up their ambitions. Extremely rare to find on your quest. Restores 50% max health points when health points reach 0. Auto-use. Buy for 250*. Sell for 100*. Max carried 5 nostrums.


A large, beautiful ruby… Sells for 500*. Also grants the barer a magic flame attack.


A large, deep sapphire… Sells for 500*. Also grants the barer a magic water attack.


A large, radiant emerald… Sells for 500*. Also grants the barer a magic earth attack.


A large, shimmering diamond… Sells for 500*. Also grants the barer a magic ice attack.

Key Items

Key Items are items that are found in the game that will not be removed from the inventory after use. These items are important and usually involved in the main story line and necessary for game completion.

Ancient Amulet

This is the very same amulet Arith stumbled across during her initial dig at the start of her journey. It possesses untold energy and makes for a great reading light, as it has the ability to uncover hidden secret texts if shone on the right surface.

Room Key

A room key is important for passing through locked doors. They are hidden and scattered throughout the dungeons and must be found in order to progress to locked or hidden areas.

Dungeon Key

A dungeon key is important for exiting a dungeon. They are hidden in each dungeon and must be found in order to progress to the next level. They are usually guarded by tougher enemies.



Akhal are the in-game currency units. They most closely resemble golden coins with engravings of a horse and unknown language in them. They are named for a special breed of horse, known as the 'golden horse'.

Akhal (small)

Akhal (small) is worth one akhal. They are found everywhere on your journey. +1 *.

Akhal (large)

Akhal (large) is worth ten akhal. They are found everywhere on your journey. +10 *.

Akhal (chest)

Akhal (chest) is worth one hundred akhal. They are uncommon on your journey. +100 *.

LAN Cooperative Play

Tired of exploring alone? Share the Fortune Hunter activity running on your XO with a friend and let them take control of your legendary partner, Lytic. Together, players can explore the dungeons and face challenging foes, doubling the odds for survival. Players may also help each other out and work together to solve problems and find the hidden treasures. Two is better than one.

This feature is coming at some point in the future and as such, details are currently unavailable. More information will be presented when development is further along.

Region Based Graphic Set

Looking at the same graphical set can be tedious for the eyes. We have incorporated multiple graphic sets into the game, based on the selected region you choose when starting up. This allows the game to match the look and feel of the player’s current residual area.

Supported regions will be listed when this feature is further along in development, as well as more details overall.

Explorer's League - Networking Around the World

The Explorer’s League is a term referring to the online network database for Fortune Hunter. Players can connect online to see how other classrooms and schools are progressing in Fortune Hunter and may also talk about the game with people from all over the world! The more we share, the more fun we have.

This is a future development goal and is not currently implemented. More information and details will become available upon progression of this feature.

XOME - Avatar Customization Feature

XOME (pronounced as English ‘home’) is an avatar customization feature that lets the player have a customized avatar to represent them in the game. The avatar is comprised of the XO logo symbol, but can be dressed up with various costumes and paraphernalia to add a personal touch to the player’s persona. These avatars will also be shown online in the Explorer’s League as well as be visible to friends when playing together.

It is planned that there will be a light version of this feature so that it does not expand the game’s physical memory size too drastically. The light version will have fewer choices of customizable parts and the heavier version of this feature is always an option, providing there is enough room on the hard disk drive where the game directory is installed to.

More information and details will become available when this feature is in production.

Custom User Game Creation Feature

This feature will give teachers and students the ability to create and manipulate their own version of the game, choosing such things as level layout, problem enemy types, and game difficulty. There is an easy to use graphical interface creation tool that works hand in hand with the game to inspire creativity in all users up for the task.

More information and details regarding this feature will become available when it is in production later on this year.


Classroom Application

This game will be used to assist with math topics taught in the classroom and will be excellent reinforcement material.

Please visit our Lesson Plan page to get a lesson plan to use in your classroom.

Curriculum Elements

This game covers elements of the fourth grade math curriculum currently in use at Boston, MA, USA. The complete listing of the curriculum is available here: Full Curriculum Framework.

The following topics are covered in this game activity.

Implemented Curriculum Framework
4.N.3 Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as parts of unit wholes, as parts of a collection, and as locations on the number line.
4.N.4 Select, use, and explain models to relate common fractions and mixed numbers (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, and 11/2), find equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals, and order fractions.
4.N.5 Identify and generate equivalent forms of common decimals and fractions less than one whole (halves, quarters, fifths, and tenths).
4.N.6 Exhibit an understanding of the base ten number system by reading, naming, and writing decimals between 0 and 1 up to the hundredths.
4.N.9 Select, use, and explain the commutative, associative, and identity properties of operations on whole numbers in problem situations, e.g., 37 x 46 = 46 x 37, (5 x 7) x 2 = 5 x (7 x 2).
4.N.11 Know multiplication facts through 12 x 12 and related division facts. Use these facts to solve related multiplication problems and compute related problems, e.g., 3 x 5 is related to 30 x 50, 300 x 5, and 30 x 500.
4.N.12 Add and subtract (up to five-digit numbers) and multiply (up to three digits by two digits) accurately and efficiently.
4.N.14 Demonstrate in the classroom an understanding of and the ability to use the conventional algorithms for addition and subtraction (up to five-digit numbers), and multiplication (up to three digits by two digits).
4.G.1 Compare and analyze attributes and other features (e.g., number of sides, faces, corners, right angles, diagonals, and symmetry) of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes.
4.G.3 Recognize similar figures.
4.G.4 Identify angles as acute, right, or obtuse.
4.G.7 Describe and apply techniques such as reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides) for determining if two shapes are congruent.
4.G.9 Predict and validate the results of partitioning, folding, and combining two- and three-dimensional shapes.
4.M.2 Carry out simple unit conversions within a system of measurement, e.g., hours to minutes, cents to dollars, yards to feet or inches, etc.


MAFH follows the story of Arith, a determined young researcher dedicated to finding all of the world’s best hidden secrets. One day she stumbled across a piece of blank papyrus during the time she spent studying in Egypt on a dig site. She quickly brought it to her best friend and colleague, Lytic. They were determined to find out more about this strange paper, but the two could not unearth its secrets in such a short time.

Three months later, the dig ever deeper into the earth, Arith noticed a faint glow emanating from a random pile of dirt. “What’s that over there?” she asked Lytic, who was standing nearby with his shovel. Digging it out, Lytic noticed that it was a small amulet. It let off the strangest beautiful teal glow. “Strange,” he remarked. Lytic stared deep into the light, his eyes widening as if in a trance. "Just what are you?" he questioned. The glow got even brighter and then went dim again. Now the amulet appeared to be as plain as any other stone. Confused, the two left the site to turn in for the night.

Upon bringing this find to back to their living quarters, Arith tossed it lightly on the table. It landed near the old blank papyrus that she had found months earlier. Only this time, the papyrus wasn't blank. The light seemed to be the key and filled the papyrus with teal characters and symbols. The two stared amazed at the sight. Nothing made sense. It was no language they’d ever come across before. Upon closer inspection, only one thing was certain. The image of a giant pile of treasure, larger than anything you could imagine. The other familiar symbol was an image of a human mind and mathematical symbols surrounding it. Apparently, those who desired this treasure must be intelligent and versed in the ways of math. The first leg of this treasure hunt was underway.

The next day, Arith and Lytic, found themselves in a strange place face to face with a mysterious and ancient building, relics in hand. “You wait here. I’ll go take a look around,” Arith told Lytic. “Okay. Good luck.”

Arith entered the dark and dank structure alone, not knowing what lays in wait…

Game Progression

Each dungeon will introduce a distinct mathematical concept, and each dungeon will be comprised of several levels of increasing difficulty.

At the beginning of each level the player will face the entrance of the dungeon. In each room if there are no enemies left, the player will have a decision as to where to go next based on what room in the dungeon they are in and how many exit doors they have available.

As the player moves through the dungeon, they will face enemies which they will have to fight by solving math problems. If the player answers enough questions correctly in a battle, they will win the battle. However, if they continue to answer questions wrong, they will be damaged and eventually die. When the player dies, they will be given the option to quit to the main screen or to restart the level. Once the player answers enough math problems correctly or defeats enough enemies, they will be granted access to the dungeons key, which will let them move on to the next level.

When the player reaches the end of most dungeons, they will encounter a boss that will confront them with numerous timed math problems to ensure mastery of the dungeon's concepts.

A player's game is completed when they find all of the fortune hidden within each dungeon level and defeats the main game boss.

Main Menu -> New Game

FMV I – Feels Like Adventure

Having found the amulet, Arith and Lytic find the temple and a way in. They both have a bad feeling about entering and are freezing cold.

Dungeon 1 – Temple Main Hall

Cutscene I – Crash Course (Dungeons)

Our player gets an explanation of dungeon systems.

FMV II – Where Do You Put the Batteries?

A legendary, ancient calculator is found by our legendary, not-so ancient heroes.

Cutscene II – Crash Course (Menu Screen)

Our player gets an explanation of the menu screen and its available options.

Cutscene III – Crash Course (Room Changing)

Our player gets an explanation of changing rooms.

Cutscene IV – Crash Course (Inventory)

Our player gets an explanation of items and the inventory screen.

Cutscene V – Crash Course (Health Points)

Our player gets an explanation of how health points work.

Cutscene VI – Crash Course (Puzzle Doors)

Our player gets an explanation of puzzle doors.

Cutscene VII – Crash Course (Orientation)

Our player gets an explanation of changing directions (orientation).

Cutscene VIII – Crash Course (Equipment)

Our player gets an explanation of using equipment.

Cutscene IX – Crash Course (Combat)

Our player gets an explanation of combating enemies.

Cutscene X – Crash Course (Room Keys)

Our player gets an explanation of room keys.

Cutscene XI – Crash Course (Locked Doors)

Our player gets an explanation of locked doors.

Cutscene XII – Crash Course (Hidden Secrets)

Our player gets an explanation of using the amulet to uncover hidden secrets.

FMV III – On the Right Track

Arith and Lytic find clues that let them know they are on the right track to the treasure they seek.

Cutscene XIII – Crash Course (Dungeon Keys)

Our player gets an explanation of dungeon keys.

Cutscene XIV – Crash Course (Dungeon Completion)

Our player gets an explanation of completing dungeons.

Dungeon 2 - Transference Center

being updated...

Dungeon 3 - The Gauntlet

being updated...

Dungeon 4 - Nerve Block

being updated...

Dungeon 5 - Chamber of Trials

being updated...

Critical Path

Main Menu

Once the title screen appears, scroll to the 'NEW GAME' option and push the select button to begin your quest.

FMV I – Feels Like Adventure

Dungeon 1 - Temple Main Hall

The main door closes behind Arith and Lytic as they begin their trek into the temple.

As they enter the first room, room 1, an explanation of dungeons interrupts the game to explain how the levels will work.

Cutscene I – Crash Course (Dungeons)

Afterward, a FMV sequence will begin in which the heroes find the calculator. FMV II – Where Do You Put the Batteries?

Following the FMV, a cutscene will occur explaining the menu screen.

Cutscene II – Crash Course (Menu Screen)

Immediately after, an explanation of traveling between rooms occurs.

Cutscene III – Crash Course (Room Changing)

When the explanations are over, walk into the north room to continue.

In room 2, the protagonists trip and fall on a crack in the floor, losing health. Fear not. There is a potion just sitting on the floor, free to take. Upon receiving the item, an explanation of items and their usage will occur.

Cutscene IV – Crash Course (Inventory)

A freebie potion will be given to you to use and replenish your missing health, followed by an explanation of how health points work.

Cutscene V – Crash Course (Health Points)

When you try to enter the next room, an explanation of puzzle doors will happen.

Cutscene VI – Crash Course (Puzzle Doors)

After it is over, you will have to solve the game’s first puzzle in order to progress to the north room.

Room 3 is the first room with two exit options as there is a door to the west and east. An explanation of changing directions (your orientation) will occur.

Cutscene VII – Crash Course (Orientation)

After the explanation ends, you will notice the game’s first weapon item sitting in the room. An explanation of equipping weapons and armor will occur.

Cutscene VIII – Crash Course (Equipment)

Having your newly acquired weapon equipped, enter the west room first.

The first thing you will notice about room 4 is an odd and hostile creature dancing about. You will automatically be engaged in your first combat, along with an explanation of how to. Follow the prompts and defeat the enemy.

Cutscene IX – Crash Course (Combat)

Continue to the north for the next room.

Room 5 houses a silver key. Grab it.

Cutscene X – Crash Course (Room Keys)

Backtrack to room 3. This time, exit room 3 via the east door.

Upon entering room 6, an explanation of locked doors will happen.

Cutscene XI – Crash Course (Locked Doors)

You will be asked to unlock the north door and solve another puzzle to gain entryway to room 7.

In room 7, you will be on the receiving end of another lesson, explaining how to explore and find hidden items with your amulet.

Cutscene XII – Crash Course (Hidden Secrets)

Continue to the north.

FMV III – On the Right Track

There’s not much going on in room 8 aside from an FMV sequence, but take a deeper look around with your amulet before continuing to the next room to the west.

Room 9 may look familiar, but these enemies are just the welcoming party. Defeat them both to progress. Exit via the west room.

The final room, number 10, will explain how levels are completed and how to obtain and use level keys.

Cutscene XIII – Crash Course (Dungeon Keys)

Cutscene XIV – Crash Course (Dungeon Completion)

After obtaining your first level access key, exit the dungeon via the north door to enter dungeon 2.

Dungeon 2 - Transference Center

being updated...

Dungeon 3 - The Gauntlet

being updated...

Dungeon 4 - Nerve Block

being updated...

Dungeon 5 - Chamber of Trials

being updated...

Developer's Section

Meet the Team

Jonathan Meschino (4th Year Student @ RIT)

Eric Kenvin (3rd Year Student @ RIT)

Preston Johnson (3rd Year Student @ RIT)

David Silverman (3rd Year Student @ RIT)

Kevin Hockey (4th Year Student @ RIT)

Justin Lewis (4th Year Student @ RIT)

Interested in joining our development team? Contact us for more information.


Mel Chua (Red Hat)

Sebastian Dziallas (Sugar on a Stick)

We appreciate all of your help and suggestions. Thank you!


Developer meetings:

Where: Game Design Labs - Building/Room No. 70-2500 @ RIT

When: 5-7pm Wednesdays, 11:30am-1pm and 4-7pm Fridays

Also note that we continue to work Monday through Friday regularly, usually @ RIT. This will continue until March 2010.

Meeting times and locations are subject to change as needed. For more information, contact someone on the Team.


Today is October 18, 2024.

  • denotes topic

→ denotes subtopic of above-listed topic

Precursor → Weeks 1 - 2 (September 6 - September 26, 2009)

  • familiarize with OLPC XOs
  • familiarize with open source community
  • familiarize with git versioning
  • familiarize with python

Week 3 (September 27 - October 3)

  • mess with GB mode
  • set up and familiarize new git repository
  • class structure
  • review python
  • familiarize with pygame
  • cannibalize!

Week 4 (October 4 - October 10)

  • work on prototyping of tougher game elements
  • create class structure
  • begin coding world (map)

Week 5 (October 11 - October 17)

  • begin coding travel system

ability to move from room to room

  • begin coding combat system

get the 'combat stage' set up for functionality

  • work on placeholder graphics to be loaded into game

Week 6 - 7 (October 18 - October 31)

  • finish travel system

debug any issues or conflicts

text notifications of choices

polish it off to fully working

  • finish combat system

have exchange of turns

menu that works for choices

text notification for choices

→ basic battle is functional from start to finish

  • switch between travel and combat system from main world

Week 8 (November 1 - November 7)

  • begin working on GUI and Menu systems

set up in game

make functional

Week 9 (November 8 - November 14)

  • game design documentation!

extremely detailed account of current project and future goals/ directions.

  • additional features:

student vs class progress, class vs class progress - data analysis - moved to future

multiple graphic sets (region based) - moved to future

Week 10+ (November 14 - November 28)

  • catch up to milestones
  • test copy of game thus far

improve elements

  • more time granted!

Week 11 (November 29 - December 5)

  • finish implementing Battle Menus.

→ add in final graphics for battle menus.

add division and geometry attacks

  • finish alpha version of the Battle Engine

integrate and test the Battle Engine with the Battle Menus and Main game.

  • begin level designing

Week 12 (December 6 - December 12)

  • fix bugs in Battle Engine.
  • add equipment, items, enemies, and bosses into Battle System
  • improve enemy battle AI.
  • add more special attacks.
  • begin Advanced testing of beta Battle Engine.
  • polish level design
  • make more dungeons

Week 13+ (December 13 - January 2, 2010)

  • finish fixing bugs in Battle Engine.
  • design door locks/puzzles
  • rapid prototyping of door locks and puzzles
  • design puzzle rooms
  • allow for a play through with multiple dungeons
  • Usability Testing
  • user group meeting @ RIT's Innovation Center, thursday 7-9pm

Week 14 (January 3 - January 9)

  • redesign based on user tests

→ code to reflect design changes

  • add more puzzles and levels
  • test new puzzles and levels.
  • begin work on Shop feature

Week 15 (January 10 - January 16)

  • finish shop feature
  • integrate Shop with main game
  • complete Beta version of game
  • user testing
  • start designing/scripting storyline
  • start designing teacher side tools

Week 16 (January 17 - January 23)

  • begin coding Teacher Level Creator
  • begin coding student stat system
  • add more art assets (music, sound effects, art)

Week 17 (January 24 - January 30)

  • finalize all official level designs, and implement in game
  • continue coding level editor
  • continue coding stats system
  • finalize storyline
  • create and implement story and cut scenes
  • user group meeting @ RIT's Innovation Center, thursday 7-9pm
  • retest levels and add in updated art work as needed

Week 18 (January 31 - February 6)

  • add in additional sounds/cut scenes
  • add in stats or re design stages if needed
  • finish Stat System
  • finish Level editor
  • integrate into one teacher GUI

Week 19 (February 7 - February 13)

  • user tests of teacher GUI
  • re-design/re-code phase
  • compile game into xo activity
  • compile teacher gui into xo activity
  • make different story/art assets available based on locale

Week 20+ (February 14 - March 7)

  • final debugging/design/coding
  • packaging and advertisement
  • run final user test and globailzition checks
  • finalize localization options
  • release activity for XO

Future+ (March 8+)

  • pending

Future Development



- Input read from handheld mode

- Preliminary GUI coding:

 Full GUI with placeholder images
 Text field with scrolling text
 Image swapping for traversal with placeholder images

- Dungeon

 Reads list of rooms from text file
 Forms dungeon using this list

- Traversal

 Player can traverse a dungeon set up from the text file
 Placeholder graphics used
 Player's viewpoint changes when they enter a room

- Battle

 Basic class hierarchy finished

- Shop

 Conceptual stage

- Graphics

 Placeholder images for rooms

- Sound

 'Door opening' SFX.

Bugs/ Fixes

Not yet. Will release a working version upon completion.

Game Suggestions

- Have the players defeat monsters and solve puzzles by solving math questions

- Have a small on-screen map to help players navigate through the dungeon