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== Detailed Description ==
== Detailed Description ==
=== Wiki page ===
*This CD will Provide the tools, including detailed instructions, for creating a custom Soas-remix.
The creation of a page that:
*References on how to use the SCS will be added to The Customization Guide.
* Describes remixes
* Makes it clear that remixes are unsupported
* Links to the Customization Guide as the canonical resource on how to make remixes
* Lists existing community-made remixes so that people can see and try what others have created, with each remix listing having...
** The .iso available for download
** The .ks available for download
** A blog or a link to some resource that describes how this remix is being used in a live teaching setting
The page might look something like this:
|          Unofficial SoaS Remixes          |
|                                            |
| +-----------------+    +---------+---+----+ |
| | SoaS Mangolassi |    |remix #01|.ks|blog| |
| | summary        |    +---------+---+----+ |
| |                |    |remix #02|.ks|blog| |
| | <link to main  |    +---------+---+----+ |
| | SoaS project    |    |remix foo|.ks|blog| |
| | page>          |    +---------+---+----+ |
| +-----------------+    |remix bar|.ks|blog| |
|                        +---------+---+----+ |
|  description of        | Your remix here! | |
|  remixes, including    |                  | |
|  clear text on how    | Here's how:      | |
|  they are UNSUPPORTED  | <link to Custom- | |
|                        | ization guide>  | |
|                        +------------------+ |
=== Sample remixes ===
In order to pre-populate the [[#Wiki page]], we would follow the Customization Guide's instruction '''(Draft Content)''' [] to create and post remixes for 2-4 deployments before Mangolassi's official release date. These would be specific, teacher-driven remixes that would be used in live deployments.
The "blog" link for each of these remixes would go to a description - written either by or in conjunction with the teacher - on why the remix was designed that way, and what their plans for classroom usage are. ("Ms. Smith created this remix for her middle-school Spanish-language classes with the following localization and activities so she could do the following things with Sugar in her syllabus...")
=== Image-Database===
Provide and advertise an experimental remix image-database.  The feature owner takes responsibility for accepting emails with .ks files attached, uploading the resulting images, and responding to those emails with a link to a built .iso of the remix generated by that .ks.
The mechanism of this back-and-forth is up to the feature owner to determine, so long as the mechanism (and the unsupported nature of the remixes generated by it) are clear. The current proposal is as follows:
::Please send e-mail to:
Subject: [Custom KS]-{Name of your kickstart file}
*Attach your Custom.ks file*
Sugar Version                    :                 
''(0.82; 0.86.x; 0.88.x; 0.89.x)''
Country / Deployment            :                     
Build system fedora version      :                   
Number of USB's in Deployment    : 
PC/Netbooks used                :           
Notes and Any Bug No's submitted :
=== Customization guide edits ===
The Customization Guide would be edited to reflect the above changes, and reviewed and tested by a few new remixes for ease-of-use.  
== Benefit to Sugar ==
== Benefit to Sugar ==
