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[[Image:Mockup_of_corner_activity_notification_history_examples.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
[[Image:Mockup_of_corner_activity_notification_history_examples.png | thumb | center | 640px |  
Pros. 1) Simpler to implement. 2) All notification messages in a single place (well for each given corner type).
Cons. 1) Notification is not visually linked to the specific activity that generated it, e.g. if several uploads are ongoing which one was just declined? 2) Makes new use of the frame corner space, very lightly interfering with the frame hot corners, accidentally triggering the notification palette when trying to open the frame. 3) Adds new full size icon clutter/complication to the frame corners.
Cons. 1) Notification is not visually linked to the specific activity that generated it, e.g. if several uploads are ongoing which one was just declined? 2) Makes new use of the frame corner space, very lightly interfering with the frame hot corners, accidentally triggering the notification palette when trying to open the frame. 3) Adds new full size icon clutter/complication to the frame corners.
Pros. 1) Simpler to implement. 2) All notification messages in a single place (well for each given corner type).

Revision as of 22:00, 6 December 2010

Frame Notifications

Notifications have so far been partially implemented to cover activity invitations, journal object transfer, clipboard copy events, and an activity event (used by IRC to notify of user nick mention). This proposal attempts to show a more complete solution.
  1. <1st feature here>
  2. <2nd feature here>
Implementation Details:
Related Material
Reviewer Comments:
comments here

Activity corner pulse

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New notifications pulse several times in their related frame corner and then are hidden as per Design_Team/Designs/Frame#12. In this example a notification from the Journal activity is shown pulsing in the top left corner (activity and shell notifications).

Notification badges

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Once the frame is revealed, activities with un-viewed notifications are badged with a notification icon. A square with an exclamation mark is the current stand-in for a notification badge, but there may be more than one icon to represent different states. Example: When an out of focus activity displays an alert strip, its frame icon should be badged (perhaps a triangle with an exclamation mark).

Journal example

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Hovering over a frame activity icon (or right click) reveals the full activity palette but also includes the notification message, or messages if there are more than one, at the bottom of the palette. Note that the badge is removed from the frame icon once the full palette is displayed. Lifetime of the notification would be based on the GNOME specification.

Browse example

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This mockup shows potential use of the notification system to indicate completion of a download. This would avoid needing the second alert currently using by Browse to indicate this message preventing 1) the page jumping at some random moment after instigating a download; 2) the confusion when the second alert immediately appears after dismissing the first. When showing multiple messages, it may be best to show the most recent in white, with older messages appearing in a grey to indicate their age (up-to a maximum of N entries, where a value of 5 for N seems a reasonable choice).

Activity invite

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Ipisim euguercinis dictum platea dignissim, tinit lobore veliquat. Curae eum ipsustie, faciduisit platea velis accum ilis dolendrem, er viverra augiat. Vulpute fringilla ulputat iniatue esequis iliquat. Faccum ipsusci euisl pellentesque nullute ate utpat, laore dolesecte suscin, magnit faciduisi quisque nulla. Augait minit eui. Sequam niam iril iniam etuercillan at.

Transfer from

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Ipisim eummy modion consecte vendiatie tisis risus. Lobor risus esectem, mi integer, blaore enisit, loborper non tatum nullum sumsan. Modiam molor habitasse adipsusto nec, exero tatum msandre. Obor odolobor irilit ulla feuguer, henit quam dionsenit. Ullaor vullan se iniam.

Transfer to


Autatie feuguerostin suspendisse. Commod sequam autpate andrero laore. Landrem mauris ulputat veliquat dolendrem od hendre aciliqu eum dolorem rhoncusismod.

Alternative corner history design

Pros. 1) Simpler to implement. 2) All notification messages in a single place (well for each given corner type). Cons. 1) Notification is not visually linked to the specific activity that generated it, e.g. if several uploads are ongoing which one was just declined? 2) Makes new use of the frame corner space, very lightly interfering with the frame hot corners, accidentally triggering the notification palette when trying to open the frame. 3) Adds new full size icon clutter/complication to the frame corners.