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Revision as of 09:56, 7 April 2011


hMouse allows to move the mouse pointer of the XO with the head or another body part. This is accomplished following a LED pointer with the camera. The LED pointer is attached to the head of the user using a very easy to made extra hardware. The h of hMouse comes from the English word 'head', but should be pronounced in Spanish, and 'Mouse' in English.


The LED must aim directly the camera and could, for example, be mounted in the user's right temple using a headband. To get optimal results the LED light must be high power (eg. 4.5 V), the user must be in a dark environment, with a uniform and opaque background, or by defect, use a translucid filter for the camera. The click must be done using other method, due the activity doesn't support this action yet. The program has a little help that explains quickly the steps to follow and then, each of it has its own instructions to guide the user trought the proccess. Also it has the option "Watch Camera", to allow watch what the camera is seeing, useful to test if the LED is correctly pointed and the user is in a favorable position.

First of all the user must calibrate the software. This must done because the distance and position of the user in face of the camera will change in each use, hence is necessary reconfigurate the image are in wich the program will search the LED.


Este programa es software libre: usted puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo conforme a los términos de la Licencia Pública General de GNU publicada por la Fundación para el Software Libre, ya sea la versión 3 de esta Licencia o (a su elección) cualquier versión posterior. Este programa se distribuye con el deseo de que le resulte útil, pero SIN GARANTÍAS DE NINGÚN TIPO; ni siquiera con las garantías implícitas de COMERCIABILIDAD o APTITUD PARA UN PROPÓSITO DETERMINADO. Para más información, consulte la Licencia Pública General de GNU. Junto con este programa, se debería incluir una copia de la Licencia Pública General de GNU. De no ser así, ingrese en <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Este progama fue desarrollado por el Departamento de Ingeniería de la Fundación Teletón Uruguay. No remover las menciones a la misma.