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3. Then have a x/y block. In the x spot put a blue left block, which can be found under the screen symbol. In the y spot have a 0 block.
3. Then have a x/y block. In the x spot put a blue left block, which can be found under the screen symbol. In the y spot have a 0 block.
4. A pen down block should follow.
4. A pen down block should follow.
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block that can be found under the wire symbol.
block that can be found under the wire symbol.
7. Then have a blank block. This block can be found under the repeat symbol.
7. Then have a blank block. This block can be found under the repeat symbol.
8. Connect yet another x/y block. In the x input connect a + block. This block will be found under the 123+-= symbol.For the top value on the + block connect a xcor block. For the bottom value connect a number block with a 1.
8. Connect yet another x/y block. In the x input connect a + block. This block will be found under the 123+-= symbol.For the top value on the + block connect a xcor block. For the bottom value connect a number block with a 1.


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