Difference between revisions of "Translation Team/Pootle Projects/Repositories"

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(Created page with "The Objective of this page is keep a updated list of the repositories where Pootle will push the translations. If you are a maintainer and change the repository of your projec...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 13:05, 29 July 2014

The Objective of this page is keep a updated list of the repositories where Pootle will push the translations. If you are a maintainer and change the repository of your project, please notify to the pootle maintainers. Pootle will pull and push to the master branch.


Module Maintainer Repository
sugar SugarLabs git@github.com:sugarlabs/sugar.git
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 SugarLabs git@github.com:sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3.git