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Line 272: | Line 272: | ||
*need to do these updates: | *need to do these updates: | ||
:1)Update Bios | :1)Update Bios | ||
− | : https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25864/BIOS-Update-SYSKLi35-86A- '(sy0039.bio as of late March 2016, but CHECK for latest!!)' | + | : https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25864/BIOS-Update-SYSKLi35-86A- ''(sy0039.bio as of late March 2016, but CHECK for latest!!)'' |
:2) Wifi AP mode on the NUC6i3 works with the standard kernel. All that | :2) Wifi AP mode on the NUC6i3 works with the standard kernel. All that | ||
:is required is to download the firmware for then AC8260 (1), and copy it to /lib/firmware. | :is required is to download the firmware for then AC8260 (1), and copy it to /lib/firmware. |
Revision as of 11:51, 2 April 2016
- online schoolserver
- Read this first 02/11/2016 ^
- updated install instructions
XSCE 6.0 Release Candidate 1 for CentOS “7.1”
- this section updated Dec 30, 2015
Download 1.8GB XSCE 6.0 Release Candidate 1 for CentOS “7.1” (November 2015)
- Download centos7_xsce.6.rc1.img
- use dd or gnome disks restore to write onto a USB memory stick, verifying its MD5 checksum equals
Follow instructions here: (Option 1.5)
System Setup
- Configuration I used for this testing
- satellit
- NOTE NUC i3 has 4 GB memory and wifi internal card installed.
- intel (tm) NUC kit D34010WYKH1
- 1 TB Seagate HD added to empty kit
- update: 02/18/2016
yum -y update
- NUC 5 with 2 TB HD
- xfce and firefox
- - 552 rpms
- centos-xovis
Also See
- Google Docs with relevant info
- http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Community_Edition/FAQ#Is_a_quick_installation_possible.3F
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ez1H2LYrkqeXR_r5T93CMdmx9CeTJp_vC-IDBGam1Bc/edit#heading=h.hr9kca62zrfq
- Connect a USBtoEthernet dongle (adapter) from the NUC to a live Ethernet cable (with
live Internet) so that during installation, software can download and update itself.
- Ideally, this live Ethernet wire leads from the dongle to a LAN port in the Netgear 3G
Modem/Router, whose WAN port (during this installation only!) leads to the Internet. Later you’ll verify “ping” and “ping mit.edu” works thru this wire, as will be discussed below.
- Connect an Ethernet cable and a powered TPLINK AP
- (LAN port, and tape over WAN port to make sure it’s never used)
to the NUC’s Ethernet port (its green link lights should light).
Install onto Intel NUC
- This also works on a system 76 i7 laptop
- Write to a USB stick with dd or gnome-disks restore
- Windows users can use
Format of HD for install
- Do not use GPT format
- Testing seems to result in all of installed content to be limited to 500 MiB
- Format HD as fat ext4 in gnome-disks or gparted
- Hint use booted f23 workstation live DVD or USB to access disks to reformat the internal HD.
- exit live
- then do install with dd USB of centos
Boot NUC with USB stick inserted, using F10 is necessary
- NOTE USB port on NUC or Laptop where TP-Link is connected must be marked and be the only port used.
- Or the server will not communicate with XO's or laptops
- Type “erase” when requested
- Watch for “done!” or #prompt; ignore “I/O error”.
- Run “reboot”
- Optionally Disable all USB booting in BIOS: F2 on Boot > Boot Configuration >
Boot Devices > USB
- Likewise this should already be disabled: Boot > Boot Configuration > UEFI Boot > Boot USB Devices First
Login to your new server as: root / centos, then change both passwords:
passwd (changes root password) passwd xsce-admin (has sudo powers, careful!)
- Verify that you have internet connection with “ping yahoo.com”
- Ensure both your networking connections are live and connected in their final position.
- Update Centos7
yum update
Get the most recent version of the XSCE playbook
cd /opt/schoolserver/xsce git pull ./install-console
- Reboot
- Login to xsce-admin/(password)
sudo yum groupinstall xfce --skip-broken sudo install firefox startxsfce4
- start firefox
- Test client machines can reach
- Finally, if you have no downstream WiFi AP, try:
from any browser, on the server itself if available! And also try:
with username “xsce-admin” and the password you set above.
- Alternate:
Log into the Admin Console (click on “Admin Console” link, user: xsce-admin and the password you set above)
- Select the services you want to install within "Configure services".
- Save configuration (green button)
- Install Configured options (red button)
- The TeamViewer service will automatically install a graphical environment.
Partition structure from centos 7.1 install on 1 TB Hd
installing content in the xsce-admin-console
- installing content is a 3 step procedure
1) xsce-admin-configure services
- save configuration
- install configured options
- Wait for succeeded in Utilities-display job status
2-)select content
- zim files
- Refresh Catalog first
- select the Zims to download
- [Install selected Zims]
- NOTE log in as root and rename /library/zims/content test.zim to test1.zia so that it will not interfere with access to Ted files
- rachel
- [Download Rachel Content]
3-)schoolserver utilities
- to monitor downloads; unzip; and installs
- wait for Succeded
Rachel errors in xsce
- retry install rachel several times and it will install successfully bypassing the CRC error stop
Multiple installs of Rachel
- Used to store usb_32EN_3.1.5.zip to a ntfs external USB HD
- so one can copy usb_32EN_3.1.5.zip to to a xsce install in /library/downloads/rachel and shortcut the download time for rachel in xsce-admin
- Rachel install sees zip and starts unzip and install steps immediatly
- Boot into root to copy zip file
Connecting to XSCE from a XO-1.5
- Connect to Internet-in-a-Box in F1
- Connected to Internet-in-a-Box in F1
- Connecting to iiab in Browse
- iiab on XO-1.5
- Rachel
logged into Internet in a Box from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS sugar0.107
- T-400 laptop
- NOTE be sure to set in sugar control panel power/Automatic power management [ ] off
- Chat on T-400 olpc (ubuntu) sugar 0.107 sees XO 1.5 sugar 0.106
- when both are checked in to Internet-in-a-Box in F1 Network Neighborhood (f1)
- Chat works between the 2 connected devices.
Centos 7.3 XSCE Kiwix Server as seen (wirelessly) from T-400 PC
- Also works in MacBook Pro 8.1 (firefox browser) logged in to Internet-in-a Box wireless AP
- Rachel also works remotely from Internet in a Box main menu
- screenshot of Kiwix server on T-400 PC
- From T-400 PC running sugar 0.107 from centos 7.3 XSCE server running on NUC i5 (Headless)
Launch TeamViewer from topleft "Applications Menu" > Internet > TeamViewer 10
- Go to and select at bottom page"Configure Each service to Enable/Services Enabled" (in schoolserver/admin/)
Caution for learning only -- traditionally X Windows (graphical environment such as xfce, likewise TeamViewer running within it) should not be intalled on servers, in general.
- Configure “Setup unattended access...” under TeamViewer’s Connection menu If You Dare.
- Separately, OpenVPN can also allow remote diagnosis and support (over lower-bandidth connections, without the live visual mentoring/screensharing aspects of TeamViewer of course!)
Install your favorite text editor
For example, run:
yum install emacs
Install GNOME Desktop
yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop'
- Works well in centos7
- Installed 12/18/2015 satellit
Install Xfce
- If you must have a graphical environment on your server, run:
yum groupinstall xfce
Install browser, at your own risk
yum install firefox
Start the Xfce desktop
To make Xfce start at default boot
cd /etc/systemd/system ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/graphical.target default.target
- If above line fails, run
unlink default.target
- then retry above "ln" command.
- Reboot to test graphical login, presumably with username: xsce-admin
Browsing rachel on centos 7.1 xsce
In the centos 7.1 xsce install (which has rachel installed) and logged into the wireless AP Internet in a Box from my T-400 laptop where I have cinnamon 2.6.12 desktop installed in Ubuntu 14.04 /sugar 0.106
Start firefox and point it to
which has a rachel entry under wikipedia (Interesting things. menu)
- Here I can see the videos from kahn; Medline; Hesperian; Kahn health and Medicine; Project gutenburg etc....all mp4 files work
- from ubuntu 14.04 on laptop ($100 rebuilt T400)
- Videos are not available using an XO-1.5 software build 13.2.5, but I can see rest of content on the XO that does not use mp4.
- Of course. No need to mention that here, as it is a known problem with OLPC OS. Why not test with restricted software loaded? You can do that with instructions for adding codecs, or by using a build with restricted software already included. You can contact me by mail for access to that build, as it is not public. --Quozl (talk) 20:00, 10 December 2015 (EST)
- Add files to centos7.3 /library/content/ (Visible in /xs-portal:”Access Other Content”):
- Logged in as xsce-admin: write/download file to xsce-admin save in home/xsce-admin/downloads
- log-out/in as root: copy file in xsce-admin/download to file system /library/content/
- Example of content:
- XSCE is .pdf of this wiki page
- music: contains Classical Music
- recent activities: a suite of .xo files
Centos 7.2 install on NUC 6i3
- Updated April 2 2016
- Work in Progress Do not use
- Intel NUC kit NUC6i3SYH
- Patriot Signature Line 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 PCA-17000 2133MHZ CL15 SODIMM Kit
- NOTE; requires a HDMI cable with full size connectors at both ends.
- Older models have a mini HDMI at NUC
- need to do these updates:
- 1)Update Bios
- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25864/BIOS-Update-SYSKLi35-86A- (sy0039.bio as of late March 2016, but CHECK for latest!!)
- 2) Wifi AP mode on the NUC6i3 works with the standard kernel. All that
- is required is to download the firmware for then AC8260 (1), and copy it to /lib/firmware.
- http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005511.html
- 3) Supported Memory:
- http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/boards-and-kits/intel-nuc-kits/000016245.html
Installation Notes
- Bios Update
- select non efi settings (uncheck) in f2 Setup booted with no Hard Drive or USB attached
- Save and shutdown
- Insert USB with Bios Update; Boot to f2 Bios; Press f7 and select USB file.
- Wait for Update to Complete.
- Shut down
- Insert Hard Drive (Note 4 Phillips screws that hold HD holder must be loosened to insert HD); Re tighten.
- Reboot f10 select HD
- Used a working pre-installed XSCE Centos 7.2 HD from older D54250WYKH NUC i5
- Boot works and starts Centos and logs in
Meeting Notes 03/31/2016
"6th gen i3 NUC preliminary viability report from George -- does $249 @ http://frys.com/product/8732571 appear worth it for the masses in coming months? Short answer: YES, Amazingly considering all the complaints on Intel’s support wiki etc, this now appears extremely stable so far! Longer answer evolving... Install bios 0039.BIO before you do anything! Context: http://nucblog.net/2016/03/bios-version-0039-for-skylake-nucs/ AC8260 WiFi is soldered into these NUC6i3SYH & NUC6i3SYK require Linux kernel 4.1+; how can this possibly work with CentOS 7.2+? Somehow it does..."
F21-server-netinstall with xfce
- REF from : https://github.com/XSCE/xsce/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.rst (modified by satellit on 1/31/2016)
- NUC with 1 TB HD
- Install on 32bit or 64bit Intel Machines
"The tried and true option is to start with a netinstall of the current OS, detailed as "option 1" below, and gradually build the machine up from offline downloads":
- Start with an install of the base OS based upon your hardware:
http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Server/x86_64/iso/Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-21.iso http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Server/i386/iso/Fedora-Server-netinst-i386-21.iso
- Copy the downloaded iso to a USB stick (use dd in linux, or UNetbootin in windows)
Kickstart files
- https://github.com/XSCE/xsce/tree/master/installer
- For Live CD remixes + installers
- Add install.ks to root of USB
- Hit tab when USB boots
- Should do the following install automatically
- NOT tested...
- jvonau>: 02/01/2016
- You need to use the label name of the usbkey.. to get the label ls '/dev/disk/by-label/ "
- then use inst.ks=hd:LABEL=<what was returned above>:/install.ks
- of if you know the what the device will be call then you could try: inst.ks=hd:sdb1:/install.ks
- "inst.ks=hd:sdb1:/install.ks "
- inst.ks=hd: sdb1: /install.ks no spaces
- inst.ks=hd:LABEL= SOMENAME: /install.ks no spaces
Various OS Kickstart files and info
Option 1 (modified)
- Start with an install of the base OS based upon your hardware:
http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Server/x86_64/iso/Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-21.iso http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Server/i386/iso/Fedora-Server-netinst-i386-21.iso
- Copy the downloaded iso to a USB stick (use dd in linux, or UNetbootin in windows)
- The installer is somewhat obscure:
- The first screen asks you to select keyboard and language
- The next screen is the home page; you will click on topics, go off make to selections, and then return by clicking done.
- Select "system"-installation destination:
- Device selection, click on hard disk, click checkbox for "I will configure partitioning", click done.
- In the left side window, under the drop down box, click <any previous OS> (unless the disk is already clean)
- Click on the minus (which deletes the selected partition), select the "delete all other filesystems in .. as well"
- Then select the drop down option "standard partition" and click the "install automatically" button
- Delete the /home partition and add the resulting space to /
- Otherwise the /library/downloads directory is only 53.7 GB and fills up when trying to install rachel
- Delete the /home partition and add the resulting space to /
- modify the file type to ext2 for all remaining partitions; update with right bottom button
- Click the done twice, and the accept changes
- Click on software selection, and xfce desktop
- in right pane:
- xfce extras; Admin tools; Devel Tools; Headless; system tools.
- Then click start install
- You will need to put in a password for root during the install.
- DO NOT add a user as the ansible run later will add xsce-admin as user.
- At the end of the install, a button will appear, which asks you to reboot into the newly installed Operating System.
- Once you have logged in:, the steps are pretty straight forward:
In terminal:
ping yahoo.com (this verifies that the server is properly connected to internet after the reboot) yum -y install icecat (or firefox)
- NOTE: There is no need to do a
yum -y update
- As the netinstall installs the latest files from the repo.
- Connect the wifi unit to the adapter that will be used as the local area network (LAN), and make sure everything is under power with link lights.
- Issue the following commands:
yum -y install git ansible cd /opt mkdir -p schoolserver cd schoolserver git clone https://github.com/XSCE/xsce cd xsce ./install-console reboot
- log in as root and add a password for xsce-admin
passwd xsce-admin
- login as xsce-admin
- I find it helpful to check that all the services are running on the server:
syscemctl status NetworkManager systemctl status dhcpd systemctl status named ip addr (verify that the external adapter and the LAN adapter or br0 have ip addresses)
- At this point you can connect to the server via the wifi at http://schoolserver/admin. Or with IceCat (firefox) from xfce desktop
- Decide which services need to be enabled, check the checkboxes, Save Configuration, and click "Install configured Options'.
- Wait for "SUCCEEDED" in Utilities/Display job status.
- Next Install Content needed for rachel, kiwix, and/or other instructional materials.
- Note: Get Rachel only appears On Install Content if you checked the rachel check box in Configure services
- There are instruction for how and where to place the downloaded materials in README files in each of the roles folders.
NOTE login to root of booted live; hit return no password to get to # prompt
- run "xsceinst" to start the text installer
- use installer to set your root password but please do not use "xsce-admin" as a new user, that one is already taken.
Download new installer with graphical installer
- Should you want to create another user please do not use "xsce-admin" as a new user, that one is already taken.
- Note: Please refrain from using liveinst during testing, trying to implement that functionality in the future.
Graphical Install
See here to see screenshots of graphical install
- DVD/Cd will boot to xterm at # (root) prompt
xsceinst select language select [x]custom install [BACK] on left pane hit ( - ) and select [ x ]delete all change to standard partition delete ( - ) /home add amount of disk available in bottom left pane to / click [update] [BACK] Install after install finishes: click the [complete] button
- enter "poweroff" in now blank xterm
reboot from hard disk
- Login to root with password you entered in anaconda installer
passwd xsce-admin dnf groupinstall xfce dnf install icecat logout login to xsce-admin
- startxfce4
[use default config] start icecat address in browser line: schoolserver pick right choice [take me to schoolserver] (logs in to: internet-in-a-box/xs-portal)
- For access to admin console: use link on xs-portal
- NOTE: graphical desktop does not start on re-boot
- boots to: schoolserver login:
Install Xfce
- If you must have a graphical environment on your server, run:
dnf groupinstall xfce
- f22 uses dnf not yum now
Start the Xfce desktop
- (Xfce will not start on next login, unless you arrange for that below)
- Disable screensaver
- Presuming you've installed Firefox above, go to:
Logging into XSCE-admin from XO-1.5
F22-XSCE-live install to a NUC from a external USB DVD drive
To make Xfce start at default boot
cd /etc/systemd/system ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/graphical.target default.target
- If above line fails, run
unlink default.target
- then try it again.
- Reboot to test graphical login, presumably with username: xsce-admin
- Link to rachel.zip
- http://rachelfriends.org/downloads/public_ftp/rachelusb_32EN/
- (older link)
- web site:
- Copy/paste of wget of rachelusb_32EN_3.15.zip from external USB HD to booted XSCE
- 1-) I copied/paste rachelusb_32EN_3.15.zip to /library/downloads/rachel
- logged in as root of the f22-xsce-live install;
- 2-) log in to xsce-admin and get rachel. Should unzip and install rachel.
- Saves redownloading of 21.2 GB file
Fix rachel CRC error
- Tim Moody 12/11/2015
- the rachel problem corrects itself the second time you take the option. the screen should say this.
- if it doesn't you don't have the latest version.
- when doing an install from an image do you make sure you have the latest fixes by doing the following?
cd /opt/schoolserver/xsce git pull ./install-console
- XSCE for X0_1.5
Write SD with fedora Gnome-Disks/Restore
- NOTE this can be done from a booted live DVD of f23 workstation (Gnome)
- Gnome-disks/Restore
- select the SD Card
- Select the .img file to restore to SD
Insert SD card into XO-1.5 slot and power on
- Located under right bottom edge of screen (Turn the screen 90 degrees counterclockwise to reveal slot)
- Press power button on XO-1.5 and wait for boot
- There is a delay as firstboot re sizes the SD partitions
- Login as name and user (age and gender)
- wait for f3 sugar screen to appear
- Start Browse
To access the admin-console you need a password
- start Terminal (hidden at bottom of list of activities {click on the [=] button at top right of f3 screen}
su (go to root) # passwd xsce-admin (enter new password) (enter new password 2nd time)
- NOTE you are connected to the Ad-hoc Network 1 on boot (F-1 network neighborhood screen)
- Connect to an active Wifi Hotspot shown on the f1 screen and connect to it.
- return to the Browse screen and hit the (+) tab to add a 2nd screen.
- Connect to http://schoolserver.lan/xs-portal
- enter the xsce-admin /(password) in login screen
- Configured School Server as Appliance as am only using the XO-1.5 wifi ears (one network adapter)
- Follow the steps to configure the server shown in the screenshots above
- You are connected to the wifi hotspot and can add content.
- Registration works from sugar control panel
- installed kwix wikipedia and wikibooks
- reboot server from School Server Admin Control after install to see installed content
Fix "get rachel"
- "get rachel" on xo1.5_20151224.img has bad address: links have changed
- needs
- now uses: http://rachelfriends.org/rachelusb_32EN_3.1.5.zip (Not accessable)
- Tim Moody 01/15/2016:
- easiest way to patch is to edit /opt/schoolserver/xsce/var/local_vars.yml
- add the line
rachel_src_url: http://rachelfriends.org/downloads/public_ftp/rachelusb_32EN/rachelusb_32EN_3.1.5.zip
- this will fix any future ansible run and change it in
- this will cause the console to have the correct address
- http://www.ewikitech.com/articles/linux/how-to-mount-ntfs-partition-in-rhel-centos-7/
- Used to store usb_32EN_3.1.5.zip to a ntfs external USB HDhttps://github.com/XSCE/xsce/tree/master/installer/netinstall
- so one can copy zip to to a xsce install in /library/Downloads and shortcut the download time for rachel in xsce-admin