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Revision as of 11:01, 31 October 2008

  • Now talking on #sugar-meeting
  • Topic for #sugar-meeting is: The meeting channel for the sugar developers (sugarlabs.org) | see also #sugar | meeting time: thursdays 14.00 UTC
  • Topic for #sugar-meeting set by morgs at Thu Aug 14 07:37:18 2008
  • #sugar-meeting :[freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
  • gregdek (n=gdk@cpe-024-088-244-139.nc.res.rr.com) has joined #sugar-meeting

<walter> 'morning greg <_bernie> morning <walter> ciao Bernardo <tomeu> hi all!

  • jkridner|work (n=a0321898@nat/ti/x-63592e753150a336) has joined #sugar-meeting

<jkridner|work> hi _bernie

  • gregdek hullos.

<walter> hi. Marco won't be joining us, but I think David is going to be here. <walter> Any word from Chris? <_bernie> cjb: ping

  • dfarning_ (n=dfarning@75-121-139-208.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #sugar-meeting
  • erikos (n=erikos@88-134-127-109-dynip.superkabel.de) has joined #sugar-meeting

<dfarning_> Good morning all <walter> I think we have a quorum. Let's get started, as I have a hard 15UTC deadline today. <walter> I posted a few items on the wiki... <walter> I think everyone saw the email from Karen re SFC? <walter> We still are not listed on their site, but we are officially official now. <tomeu> yup, was nice to read <dfarning_> Yes! that is good news <gregdek> Sorry for the delay getting us there. :/ <walter> I set up a stub for donation on the wiki... We have a few other odds and ends to take care of... <walter> @gregdek: NP <walter> Bernie, how do we set up new aliases on sugarlabs? <walter> We need to set up an alias for our correspondence with the SFC. <dfarning_> walter, you have admin rights for setting up email at start.sugarlabs.org <erikos> walter: for people like me - it would be good to send a reminder to the list - i would have forgotten :) <walter> @erikos: did you subscribe to the calendar...

  • Rabi (n=rabikarm@ has joined #sugar-meeting

<_bernie> walter: go to mail.sugarlabs.org, you should have an account <erikos> walter: oh i don't use gmail :/ <walter> there is an ical version too <walter> shall the sfc email go to slobs? <_bernie> erikos: I think you don't need gmail... it's a caldav thing that works with any calendar app <erikos> walter: ok i guess i will just add it to my old-school calendar then - don't worry <dfarning_> That sounds reasonable <tomeu> yeah, sending to slobs sounds good <erikos> _bernie: i don't use any digital one :) <erikos> tomeu: me not on slobs <walter> david, have you heard back from karen re your list? <dfarning_> walter no not yet. <tomeu> erikos: no, we are talking about an address to where SFC will send email when need anything from sugarlabs <erikos> tomeu: oh sorry :p <_bernie> erikos: (me neither) <walter> I think there is no harm in everyone on the oversight board getting that email. <tomeu> as long as it's not totally public, I think we are good <walter> David: maybe we should plan to call Karen next week? <walter> Let me know what works for you. <dfarning_> That sounds good. Any time you set up should be good for me <walter> Bernie, Seth and I were discussing membership. <walter> I think the threshold for membership should be to ask a question... <walter> even "how do I become a member?" <walter> I don't think this would be an issue. <_bernie> walter: I agree to a low barrier membership policy <tomeu> me too <dfarning_> At this point I was waiting for feedback from SFC about the ICA before raising the issue <_bernie> some FOSS projects require the applicants to go on "trial" and show their past contribution as evidence <walter> Yeah. But we should go into the conversation with the SFC with a position we are targeting. <_bernie> to become a fedora sponsor, I had to say what packages and reviews I made <dfarning_> Ok <walter> There was an interesting PHD thesis I read about the other types of contributions, e.g., documentation, testing, support, that are vital parts of the community in FLOSS <dfarning_> I restart working on guidelines this week <walter> OK. <dfarning_> Yes the non-traditional nature of Sugar Labs will be interesting <walter> Anything else re SFC? I am waiting to hear back re Google Checkout and Paypal. <dfarning_> just the pending trademark discussion <walter> Yeah. Now that we have a logo. <dfarning_> also we need to start looking into partner organization and local support organizations <dfarning_> a discussion with SFC on these issues would be helpful <walter> Yes. Colombia is not the only instance.

  • Rabi (n=rabikarm@ has left #sugar-meeting

<walter> Peru is interested. Pakistan is interested. <dfarning_> very nice <tomeu> in establishing local partners of sugarlabs? <walter> yes. <_bernie> seth seems to be willing to fill the gap for the learning^2 foundation <dfarning_> we are interested in formally partnering with organization like solutions grove and resara <_bernie> he wants to develop content <walter> I am working on this with USMP in Peru and with a team in Pakistan <tomeu> walter: sounds good, those local organizations would also take care of local deployments? <walter> @dfarning_: yes... a different sort of partnership. <walter> @tomeu: exactly the point <tomeu> walter: have you already prospected linux user groups, etc? <walter> and developing new features driven by local needs. <walter> I met with the Ubuntu group in Lima. There will be lots of Ubuntu folks in Boston in the coming weeks... we should plan to connect with them during SugarCamp <walter> I don't know the Pakistan community very well yet. <walter> But Rafael is driving the Colombia effort... <dfarning_> Structurally, the local support will be likely be organized as 'Sugar Labs - Region' <erikos> walter: which SugarCamp - in Paris ? <walter> erikos: SugarCamp in Boston__what was to have been XOCamp. <dfarning_> this will allow them to leverage the Sugar Labs name and avoid the headaches of setting up their own foundations <walter> Yes <tomeu> erikos: scott proposed this: http://sugarlabs.org/go/Sugarcamp_proposal <erikos> walter: ok so you guys will meet with tomeu and marco basically

  • _bernie thinks that rafael rocks

<tomeu> erikos: well, sugarcamp is a set of technical talks <walter> I think people like Michael and Scott and others will be there too. <tomeu> yeah, dirakx++ <erikos> tomeu: ok i see now <tomeu> I personally think we'll have enough non-technical stuff to do at boston, but well... <walter> I will be in Europe from the 12th to the 19th, so I'll only partial overlap. <walter> And I will probably be back in Europe again around the 1st of December. <erikos> walter: right i remembered that - we should coordinate maybe i can join at some place <walter> I have interest from Telecom Italia, BT, and a new Nokia lead all to follow up on as well. <walter> @erikos: I'll be in Dusseldorf, Balzano, and Tampere. <tomeu> walter: oh, so you are going to paris on the 15th? <walter> I cannot get to Paris on the 15th. I will try to get there on the 1st <tomeu> I see <walter> Maybe Simon can go? <tomeu> was interesting to hear about mandriva in the codecamp <erikos> i will check a bit dates and see what makes sense <walter> There has been great movement in all the distros... Fedora leading the way for Ubuntu, Gentoo, Debian, etc. <_bernie> tomeu, erikos: someone should make proposals of simple tasks for the upcoming codecamp in Paris <dfarning_> There is also a netbook conference in paris that mandriva has invited us to <_bernie> tomeu, erikos: anything that a team of novices could complete in one day <walter> Yes. That is on the 1st, I believe. <_bernie> janitorial tasks are ok if not too boring <erikos> _bernie: yup - on my list of tasks <walter> Maybe we should segway to events? <tomeu> yeah, the sugar fedora spin rocks <_bernie> Bastien expects to have 5 developers willing and capable to contribute to sugar. <tomeu> segway? <tomeu> _bernie: a pity 0.83 is unstable, we added some new hooks to sugar that makes easier to write extensions <dfarning_> tomeu, smart person talk for 'goto' <tomeu> aha ;) <walter> I though it was a two-wheel electronic scooter... <walter> http://www.segway.com/ <tomeu> would be very good to establish some presence between paris and belgium, there's a lot of FOSS movement there <tomeu> yeah, the prague center is full of tourists killing pidgeons on that

  • aleph_6510 (n=aleph@trinity.develer.com) has joined #sugar-meeting
  • _bernie doesn't have the latest adobe flash player
  • _bernie is a fundamentalist

<_bernie> tomeu: one important point when we approach new FOSS groups is to have a TODO list of tasks we'd like to get done <tomeu> what's about trac? <erikos> _bernie: me the same :) <_bernie> tomeu: and a simple procedure to get started <walter> Anything we need to discuss re SugarCamp? Does everyone have a place to stay who is coming? <tomeu> _bernie: agreed, we have done some, but didn't had much luck <_bernie> tomeu: mentoring is very important I think <tomeu> _bernie: but we should keep trying <erikos> tomeu: jumped over ? <_bernie> tomeu: yeah even if only 1 out of 10 becomes a regular contributor, it might be worth the effort. <walter> Bernie and I pledged to deal with the outstanding infrastructure issues by the end of next week. <dfarning_> I do not yet have a place to stay <tomeu> walter: marco and me are still undecided where to stay, would be good if a local said which of the available options makes more sense <erikos> about trac - i heard from marco that there are efforts for the trac and git hosting - what is the status here? <tomeu> _bernie: totally, 1 of 10 would be very good <dfarning_> OSL has our vm up and running <walter> @dfarning: You can stay at my place for the later have of the week... <dfarning_> git should come online today or monday <erikos> dfarning_: yeah!!! <tomeu> nice ;) <erikos> dfarning_: thanks so much for these efforts - this will be a huge step! <_bernie> dfarning_: cool! I've been falling behind on my email yesterday but I've seen there was some activity <walter> @tomeu: my house is a bit of a hike: about an hour by public transportation... 45 minutes by bicycle... <walter> Did you guys see the GCompris email today from Bruno? <dfarning_> trac a few day later - there are some version issues between cenos5.2 and recent trac packages <walter> We need to host activities... <tomeu> walter: yeah, what can SL do about it? do we have enough bw? <_bernie> as for our second server, olpc might have hardware to offer, according to hhardy. <walter> We have the same b'width as OLPC--we are on the MIT network. <_bernie> dfarning_: do you think we can reach the SFC admins on irc or jabber? <tomeu> walter: so would be easier to host the gcompris activities? <_bernie> communication between me and them has been a bit sloppy <_bernie> dfarning_: they keep replying only to you! ;-) <dfarning_> walter: what would be involved in hosting activities <walter> I don't see why we don't offer to host activities, once we have the server set up. <dfarning_> _bernie: you are now on the osl RT <walter> It is really just the git tree and a web page... <_bernie> walter: no, what gcompris email? <tomeu> ok, so if 3TB is not too much, let's do it <tomeu> _bernie: bruno had to pull down the activities because too many kids were downloading them <walter> Bruno turned off downloads from Gcompris because he couldn't handle the load. He had requested OLPC hosting and never heard back. <_bernie> we need to host them <tomeu> yup <erikos> i think hosting activities would be very important <walter> +1. <_bernie> erikos: me too <tomeu> so if we all agree, can someone create an user for bruno and make some place for him to upload the activities? <dfarning_> Could we host them from downloads.sugarlabs.org I think that is on the sun machine ivan has access to <_bernie> being an activity author is a natural first step to becoming a sugar contributor <_bernie> dfarning_: yes <tomeu> and activities are what users really care about <_bernie> dfarning_: only problem is that we don't have much space <walter> I suppose we can host the downloads without hosting the source (until we get git) <_bernie> but it's ok for activities <dfarning_> ok good, I promised OSL we would self host our resource hogs for now <dfarning_> walter: git is coming very soon <dfarning_> _bernie: do we need more hard drives for the sun machine? <_bernie> dfarning_: not unless we want to host big downloads (such as isos) <walter> I think we want to the distros to host the ISOs. <_bernie> ivan proposed to buy a usb disk enclosure and hook it to solarsail. crude, but cheap. <walter> @bernie: we have to go shopping next week... <_bernie> gregdek: do you think we could get an account on people.redhat.com or similar to host large downloads? <dfarning_> who would like to like handle the move to our own get server? <_bernie> walter: lol <dfarning_> s/get/git/ <_bernie> dfarning_: me... should be rather easy <gregdek> people.rh.c is already complaining about hosting the Fedora Sugar ISO. :/ <_bernie> dfarning_: but for now, let's just _add_ not move <walter> yes. <tomeu> dfarning_: think as _bernie <tomeu> dfarning_: we have some new stuff to host there <tomeu> moving will be very easy technically, as it's git <dfarning_> tomeu: I will try to become one with bernie:) <_bernie> and even when we move a project, git makes it easy to maintain two independent trees synchronized <tomeu> dfarning_: sorry, I meant I thought the same as _bernie ;) <_bernie> "easy" is a relative term of course <_bernie> nothing is easy in git ;-) <tomeu> _bernie: I think it's the only thing that git makes easy ;) <walter> I need to take off soon... <walter> Can I give a quick update re fundrasing? <dfarning_> yes! <_bernie> "git, designed to make forking easy -- and nothing else" <walter> We still have no money :) <erikos> if our own git is up - i write a new activity only to have something new to host :) <tomeu> no money, no problems <_bernie> I will move xaos <tomeu> erikos: write an activity day ;) <walter> But we have a modest travel budget from Pininfarina beginning next year. <_bernie> we are poor but honest <walter> And I have submitted three more grant proposal yesterday (to the Knight Foundation) <tomeu> walter: nice, in what else are we partnering with pininfarina? <erikos> walter: what company/org is this ? <walter> and one more going in today. <_bernie> walter: wow <_bernie> walter: do we get ferraris? <_bernie> walter: Make sure I get a Testarossa <erikos> _bernie: yeah saw the page and was wondering as well ;p <walter> Pininfarina designs jets too. And speed boats, so our travel woes are over!! <dfarning_> I have also advocated the position that it is hard to make spending mistakes when one has no money <walter> but they also design toothbrushes... <walter> And maybe Sugar-enabled devices... <_bernie> "meanwhile, the SLOBs are riding on their invisible jet to a their secret headquarters..." <walter> We just use our "transporter". Beam me up, Bernie. <_bernie> "oops, I had the wrong version of libcompress.so... you're screwed" <tomeu> ok, we are going to be rich and famous soon, what else? <walter> Anyway, I'll be talking to several more funding agencies in the coming weeks. And I am starting to push on industry--for in kind support, i.e., engineers. Some interest from BT just yesterday. <tomeu> oh, nice <walter> I didn't write up much of a trip report yet from Peru--but lots of great stuff happening there. <walter> I'll try to get something written up this weekend: I have some data on how children are learning with Sugar <walter> dramatic numbers! <_bernie> nice <dfarning_> walter: in kind support will be very helpful - dependable engineering support - without us allowing ourselves to close ranks <erikos> walter: looking forward to that <gregdek> In kind as important or more important than cash, in many cases. <gregdek> imho. <walter> Yeah. Bernie and I go to Resara on Monday... <_bernie> When we have a moment, I'd like to introduce jkridner and aleph. They have been lurking on the channel for a while. <walter> @gregdek: the RH example being one :) <tomeu> wonder if we could get some of the .uy teachers in translating, aggreggating lesson plans, etc <walter> Where would we be without RH? <tomeu> sure, for manning, in kind is best <gregdek> :) <_bernie> Jason Kridner is the FOSS lead at Texsas Instruments. They hosted our talk at ESC Boston <erikos> _bernie: did you make new friends in the embedded world ? ;p <walter> The Peru team is doing great material too. <walter> And there is a translation project at IBM I am tapping into. <walter> Engish/Arabic only to start... <_bernie> Stefano "aleph" Fedrigo has been helping out with the Sugar -> BB port, and before that he helped me with my X11 work at 1cc <tomeu> walter: any progress in getting more teachers from peru in olpc-sur? <walter> Well. I need to go. Can someone transcribe the notes after this point in the wiki? <walter> @tomeu: yes. More Peru engagement for one... <tomeu> hi jkridner|work, aleph_6510 <walter> Sugar_Labs/OversightBoard/Minutes/Log-2008-10-31 <erikos> welcome jkridner|work, aleph_6510 ...