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• '''Equipment''':
• '''Equipment''':
• '''FMC (Full Motion Comic)''':
• '''FMV (Full Motion Video)''':
• '''FMV (Full Motion Video)''':

Revision as of 22:50, 11 January 2010

Home | Developer's Corner | Game Mechanics | Game Elements | Game Features | Fortune Maker™ | Dungeon Guide | Education | Media

Today is October 18, 2024.


News Feed

This spot is dedicated to larger news announcements regarding the project.

→ 12.16.09 - Rearranged the wiki into sections and added navigation at the top of the page.

→ 12.07.09 - Created a working XO activity file. File can be found here

→ 12.04.09 - Watch game demos on our youtube channel

→ 11.12.09 - MPG has become Mathematical Adventure: Fortune Hunter (MAFH)! This name change is permanent.

→ 11.12.09 - Fortune Hunter now has a blog!

→ 11.12.09 - Join the Fortune Hunter mailing list via Google Groups and stay up to date with our progress and news info!

→ 09.22.09 - Current GIT repository can be found here.

Navigation / Important Links


Mathematical Adventure: Fortune Hunter draws on teaching children of a global scale fourth grade mathematics through the guise of a dungeon styled adventure game. Players will be able to explore dungeons and fight fearsome battles with various monsters, each pertaining to a unique mathematical concept. The player controls a protagonist that must progress through maze-like dungeons, solve puzzles / problems, and defeat enemies in a two dimensional world. It is a single player adventure with room for ad hoc cooperative play in the future.

MAFH follows the story of Arith, a determined young researcher dedicated to finding all of the world’s best hidden secrets. One day she stumbled across a piece of blank papyrus during the time she spent studying in Egypt on a dig site. She quickly brought it to her best friend and colleague, Lytic. They were determined to find out more about this strange paper, but the two could not unearth its secrets in such a short time. To them, it was just a blank piece of ancient material.

Two months later, the dig ever deeper into the earth, Arith noticed a faint glow emanating from a random pile of dirt. “What’s that over there?” she asked Lytic, who was standing nearby with his shovel. Digging it out, Lytic noticed that it was a small amulet. It let off the strangest beautiful teal glow. “Strange,” he remarked. Lytic stared deep into the light, his eyes widening as if in a trance. "Just what are you?" he questioned. The glow got even brighter and then went dim again. Now the amulet appeared to be as plain as any other stone. Confused, the two left the site to turn in for the night.

Upon bringing this find to back to their living quarters, Lytic tossed it lightly on the table. It landed near the old blank papyrus that she had found months earlier. The amulet began to glow again. This time, the papyrus wasn't blank. The light seemed to be the key and filled the papyrus with teal characters and symbols. The two stared amazed at the sight. Nothing made sense. It was no language they’d ever come across before. Upon closer inspection, only one thing was certain. The image of a giant pile of treasure, larger than anything you could imagine. The other familiar image was of a human mind with mathematical symbols surrounding it. Apparently, those who desired this treasure must be intelligent and versed in the ways of mathematics. There was one other hint on the old Egyptian paper. It was extremely cold to the touch. The two agreed this meant it must be somewhere on Earth in a very cold place. At last, a massive treasure hunt was underway.

Four days later, Arith and Lytic, found themselves in a strange place face to face with a mysterious and ancient building, relics in hand. “You wait here. I’ll go take a look around,” Arith told Lytic. “Okay. Good luck.”

Arith entered the chilly, dark structure alone; unaware of what lay in wait…


The objective of this project is to reiterate teachings of fourth grade mathematics to students in a fun and unique way, primarily through the use of creative interactive software. The project is intended to be used as supplemental material to classroom education. See Curriculum Elements for incorporated curriculum topics and Lesson Plan for a lesson plan to use in the classroom.


There are many vocabulary terms used in this wiki and the game. They are listed here for clarification and understanding.


Akhal: The in-game currency units.

Amulet Search:


Attack: What the player uses to deal damage to enemies.

Attack Power:

Basic Attack: A very basic attack that deals a minimal amount of damage to enemies and is ineffective to most.

Bonus Power:

Boss: This is a rather powerful enemy which requires completion of specialized problems found within the dungeon.


Combat Timer: This bar is found within battles and is a bonus effect timer for your current attack. It starts out full and slowly diminishes, decreasing the bonus effect over time.

Critical Attack: An effective attack that gives the player the chance to deal additional damage to enemies providing the player solves a multiplication problem.


Damage / dmg: The amount of health points lost during a successful attack.

Defense Power:

Dungeon: A map in the game consisting of multiple rooms where the player must progress to gain entry to the exit.

Enemy: A hostile opponent faced in the game.


FMC (Full Motion Comic):

FMV (Full Motion Video):

GB Mode: Setup the XO monitor so it is raised and rotated 180* and fold it back down into the XO. Use the directional pad and four buttons located on either side of the monitor for game input.

Health Meter:

HP: Health points. The player’s game is over when their health points reach zero.

HUD (Heads Up Display):



Key Item:

Macro Map:

Magic Attack: This type of attack requires the player to solve geometry and graphing related problems.

Mini Map:

PC Mode: Setup the XO monitor so it is open, with the keyboard to its front. Use the keyboard and touchpad for game input.

Shop: In-game shop. The player can travel to the shop to purchase or sell items or equipment.

Special Attack: This type of attack requires the player to solve fraction related problems.


Developer's Section


Eric Kenvin (3rd Year @ RIT)

email: eric.kenvin@mail.rit.edu

Preston Johnson (3rd Year @ RIT)

email: ppj4700@g.rit.edu

David Silverman (3rd Year @ RIT)

email: drs5669@g.rit.edu

Kevin Hockey (4th Year @ RIT)

email: kdh7733@g.rit.edu

Justin Lewis (4th Year @ RIT)

email: jtl1728@rit.edu

Mike DeVine (3rd Year @ RIT)

email: pixelshredder@hotmail.com

Interested in helping with Fortune Hunter, please contact us? We are always seeking programmers, testers, and anyone else to join our team.

Download the current version of the game here to play and check out the code!

To install as an activity, copy the MAFH.activity folder into your Activities directory, and restart. The MAFH activity will then be in the list of activities.


Red Hat, Sugarlabs

Sugar on a Stick

We appreciate all of your help and suggestions. Thank you!

Development Meetings

When: Wednesday Nights 6-8pm

Where: Room 2050 (Game Design Labs) @ Building 70 (GCCIS), RIT

When: Friday Mornings 11:30am-1pm

Where: online @ IRC (url: webchat.freenode.net - channel: #MAFH)

When: Friday Nights 4-7pm

Where: Room 2050 (Game Design Labs) @ Building 70 (GCCIS), RIT

Also note that we continue to work Monday through Friday regularly, usually @ RIT's Innovation Center (Building 78). This will continue until March 2010.

Meeting times and locations are subject to change as needed. For more information, contact someone on the Team.


Today is October 18, 2024.

  • denotes topic

→ denotes subtopic of above-listed topic

Precursor → Weeks 1 - 2 (September 6 - September 26, 2009)

  • familiarize with OLPC XOs
  • familiarize with open source community
  • familiarize with git versioning
  • familiarize with python

Week 3 (September 27 - October 3)

  • mess with GB mode
  • set up and familiarize new git repository
  • class structure
  • review python
  • familiarize with pygame
  • cannibalize!

Week 4 (October 4 - October 10)

  • work on prototyping of tougher game elements
  • create class structure
  • begin coding world (map)

Week 5 (October 11 - October 17)

  • begin coding travel system

ability to move from room to room

  • begin coding combat system

get the 'combat stage' set up for functionality

  • work on placeholder graphics to be loaded into game

Week 6 - 7 (October 18 - October 31)

  • finish travel system

debug any issues or conflicts

text notifications of choices

polish it off to fully working

  • finish combat system

have exchange of turns

menu that works for choices

text notification for choices

basic battle is functional from start to finish

  • switch between travel and combat system from main world

Week 8 (November 1 - November 7)

  • begin working on GUI and Menu systems

set up in game

make functional

Week 9 (November 8 - November 14)

  • game design documentation!

extremely detailed account of current project and future goals/ directions.

  • additional features:

student vs class progress, class vs class progress - data analysis - moved to future

multiple graphic sets (region based) - moved to future

Week 10+ (November 14 - November 28)

  • catch up to milestones
  • test copy of game thus far

improve elements

  • more time granted!

Week 11 (November 29 - December 5)

  • finish implementing Battle Menus

→ add in final graphics for battle menus

add division and geometry attacks

  • finish alpha version of the Battle Engine

integrate and test the Battle Engine with the Battle Menus and Main game.

  • begin level designing

Week 12 (December 6 - December 12)

  • fix bugs in Battle Engine.
  • add equipment, items, enemies, and bosses into Battle System
  • improve enemy battle AI.
  • add more special attacks.
  • begin Advanced testing of beta Battle Engine.
  • polish level 1 design
  • make more dungeons

Week 13+ (December 13 - January 2, 2010)

  • finish fixing bugs in Battle Engine.
  • design door locks/puzzles
  • rapid prototyping of door locks and puzzles
  • design puzzle rooms
  • allow for a play through with multiple dungeons
  • Usability Testing
  • user group meeting @ RIT's Innovation Center, thursday 7-9pm

Week 14 (January 3 - January 9)

  • redesign based on user tests

→ code to reflect design changes

  • add more puzzles and levels
  • test new puzzles and levels
  • begin work on Shop feature

Week 15 (January 10 - January 16)

  • finish shop feature
  • integrate Shop with main game
  • complete Beta version of game
  • user testing
  • start designing/scripting storyline
  • start designing teacher side tools

Week 16 (January 17 - January 23)

  • begin coding Teacher Level Creator
  • begin coding student stat system
  • add more art assets (music, sound effects, art)

Week 17 (January 24 - January 30)

  • finalize all official level designs, and implement in game
  • continue coding level editor
  • continue coding stats system
  • finalize storyline
  • create and implement story and cut scenes
  • user group meeting @ RIT's Innovation Center, thursday 7-9pm
  • retest levels and add in updated art work as needed

Week 18 (January 31 - February 6)

  • add in additional sounds/cut scenes
  • add in stats or re design stages if needed
  • finish Stat System
  • finish Level editor
  • integrate into one teacher GUI

Week 19 (February 7 - February 13)

  • user tests of teacher GUI
  • re-design/re-code phase
  • compile game into xo activity
  • compile teacher gui into xo activity
  • make different story/art assets available based on locale

Week 20+ (February 14 - March 7)

  • final debugging/design/coding
  • packaging and advertisement
  • run final user test and globailzition checks
  • finalize localization options
  • release activity for XO

Future+ (March 8+)

  • pending...

Future Development

In progress... future goals will be listed when project team is disbanned.

Bugs/ Fixes

Will release a working game copy in the upcoming week for public testing.





Game Suggestions

Have an idea or suggestion for Fortune Hunter?

Add them here:






Have any other comments?

Add them here:

- You guys are doing an awesome job! Can't wait to see more.




Home | Developer's Corner | Game Mechanics | Game Elements | Game Features | Fortune Maker™ | Dungeon Guide | Education | Media