Difference between revisions of "Activities/Blocku/Development"

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Revision as of 20:31, 11 February 2010

Home | Development | Teacher | Student | Lesson Plans | Sketches/Screenshots | Tutorials | Suggestions/Comments

Development Meetings

4pm-6pm Wednesday January 20, 2010

4pm Thursday January 28, 2010 (IRC)


01.14.2010 Updated the Wiki Page with New Links

01.16.2010 Updated the Wiki Page with new suggestions

01.21.2010 Updated the Wiki Page with new description, milestones, and logo

01.27.2010 Added in Fran, Added in summaries for student/teachers

02.02.2010 Developed Teacher Lesson Plan

02.09.2010 Reformatted Wiki


-Decide which program to use as a foundation. (Tetravex, Super Cube, Jigsaw-Puzzle)

-Display a graphical interface.

-Display squares with numbers.

-Make squares movable and able to be rotated.

-Complete Software Requirements Specifications

-Complete Lesson Plan, and Instructional Documentation


Public Git Repository


Public IRC Channel

Server: irc.freenode.net

Channel: #blocku

Contacts: Mark DeMayo | Ariel Zamparini | Ihudiya Ogburu | Fran Rogers