Difference between revisions of "Dextrose/BugBashing"

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Line 62: Line 62:
| [http://patchwork.sugarlabs.org/patch/379/ Submitted]
| [http://patchwork.sugarlabs.org/patch/379/ Submitted]
|  Ayush
|  Ayush
| r?
| Dextrose
| [http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/328 SL#328]
| no feedback when you Start a journal entry that no activity can open
| [http://patchwork.sugarlabs.org/patch/406/ Submitted]
|  Mukul Gupta
| r?
| r?

Revision as of 13:32, 17 October 2010

Module Bug # Bug Description Patches Assigned to Reviewed-By Status(r+/r-/r?)
Dextrose SL#2151 Shutdown and Logout menu items should activate the busy cursor (or provide some other visual feedback) Submitted Anurag r?
Dextrose SL#2080 Pulsing icon delayed by 5 seconds or so Submitted Anurag r?
Dextrose SL#2371 need documentation, both in-activity and on the wiki Submitted Anurag r?
Dextrose SL#2372 need documentation, both in-activity and on the wiki Submitted Anurag r?
Paint SL#2338 Added Custom Icons for Line,Polygon and Free-form Shape tools Submitted Ayush James Cameron r+
Paint SL#2266 Title for 'Rectangular Marquee' tool changed to 'Select Area' Submitted Ayush Gonzalo Odiard r+
Paint OLPC#2495 'Invert Color Effect' added to Paint Activity Submitted Ayush r?
Dextrose SL#328 no feedback when you Start a journal entry that no activity can open Submitted Mukul Gupta r?