Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2020-08-05

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Agenda for SLOBs Meeting

2020-08-05 at 20:00 UTC on IRC

SLOBS Present: Ibiam, Claudia, Devin, Alex Sugar Labs Inc. Members Present: Samson, Claudia, Devin, Walter, Alex Guests: sum2it[m], srevinsaju

Full IRC Transcript: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2020-08-05T20:12:25.html

Report from project representative (Conservancy liaison)

Nothing to report.

Reports from Ombudsman

Nothing to report

Any reports from project teams, Google Summer of Code

(04:18:09 PM) ibiam: I don't have anything to report on GSoC. (04:18:27 PM) ibiam: The students have been doing what's expected of them. (04:18:44 PM) pikurasa: ibiam: Everyone passed their 2nd evaluations? (04:18:46 PM) ibiam: Shaan has started fixing issues in sugar and activities as opposed to just reporting them. (04:18:57 PM) sum2it[m]: sksum's project is going good (04:19:20 PM) sum2it[m]: I've another mentor meeting scheduled with him tomorrow evening (04:19:21 PM) pikurasa: thank you sum2it[m] Any testing you can do is appreciated. (04:19:25 PM) ibiam: pikurasa:I don't know about Rahul's student but mine passed.

FSF Sugar Mailing

(04:21:04 PM) walterbender: We have been speaking to the FSF (04:21:30 PM) walterbender: they agreed to send Trisquel/Sugar on a Stick in their November mailing (04:21:45 PM) ibiam: Awesome! (04:22:02 PM) pikurasa: walterbender: great! I did float the idea to Ruben, and it sounds like Walter "sealed the deal" (04:22:15 PM) MrBIOS: great job, Walter! (04:22:50 PM) walterbender: we should add the "flatpak" sugar activities too (to Ruben's image) (04:22:58 PM) walterbender: and maybe there is a way to include Sugarizer (04:24:17 PM) pikurasa: let's continue to get updates for this. Please let everyone know how we can help [...] (04:24:35 PM) walterbender: we need to help Ruben with the image/testing (04:24:43 PM) walterbender: more details later this month (04:25:05 PM) walterbender: I am getting my hands on the USB replicator this weekend if all goes according t plan

Tom Gilliard's Passing

(04:26:02 PM) walterbender: I just want to formally ACK the contributions that Satellit (Tom Gilliard) made to the Sugar community (04:26:12 PM) walterbender: Tom passed away last week (04:26:33 PM) walterbender: Tom was a relentless tester for Sugar (and Fedora) (04:26:37 PM) walterbender: He will be missed (04:26:53 PM) MrBIOS: Indeed, he will be missed. I was sad to hear the news. (04:26:54 PM) pikurasa: oh, yes, thank you for including this (04:27:12 PM) ibiam: Yes he will be missed, was sad to hear about his death. (04:27:18 PM) walterbender: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/remembering-thomas-gilliard-satellit/ (04:27:53 PM) Claudia: so sorry to hear (04:28:00 PM) samsongoddy: Very sad (04:28:20 PM) pikurasa: What would be the best way for SL to publicly acknowledge his contributions? (04:28:37 PM) Claudia: good question pikurasa (04:28:38 PM) pikurasa: (If there is a way other than the mailing lists) (04:29:35 PM) MrBIOS: There was some mailing list traffic which did so (to IAEP and other mailing lists), but we've not done anything beyond that at this point. (04:29:37 PM) walterbender: I will see if I can get his wife's address and I can send flowers on behalf of the community (04:29:43 PM) MrBIOS: that would be a nice gesture (04:29:57 PM) pikurasa: walterbender: that sounds like a good idea (04:30:26 PM) Claudia: they may have an organization to donate on their behalf (04:30:33 PM) Claudia: so many people in need (04:31:06 PM) walterbender: I didn't see an obit. but that would be where to find such things (04:31:24 PM) pikurasa: Perhaps MrBIOS and walterbender, do you mind to spearhead this? (04:31:49 PM) ***pikurasa did search for an obit after the announcement, but was unable to find one. (04:32:26 PM) MrBIOS: I can't spearhead anything at the moment, I'm a stressed, nervous wreck, sadly. (04:32:34 PM) walterbender: I will ask his wife. I have her email (04:32:57 PM) pikurasa: MrBIOS: Got it. I was a little hesitant to ask... Sorry (04:33:24 PM) MrBIOS: no worries, I'd be happy to under other circumstances, but since Walter has what he needs, I'm sure he'll manage fine

1023 Status Report

Devin will update SLOBs on the status of the 1023.

(04:36:51 PM) pikurasa: Walter and I met after the last meeting and cleaned up two of the larger attachments -- history and future of SL. I have yet to compile everything into a clean copy outside of the git repo (04:37:29 PM) pikurasa: #action Devin to make a clean copy of the 1023 that does not require git (just PDF's) (04:37:39 PM) pikurasa: Also, we still need a new lawyer (04:38:17 PM) pikurasa: I think I mentioned this at the last meeting, but Kyle declined to continue to help (even if compensated). He is too busy. (04:38:33 PM) pikurasa: He gave me some names, however, which I forwarded to Alex. (04:38:42 PM) MrBIOS: yes, saw that, and it was not unexpected. I haven't had a chance to follow up on those names (04:39:17 PM) pikurasa: I just found the list... (04:39:28 PM) pikurasa: Kate Downing in Santa Cruz (04:39:40 PM) pikurasa: Van Lindberg out of San Fransisco (04:39:55 PM) pikurasa: oops... San Antonio (04:40:28 PM) pikurasa: katedowninglaw.com is what Alex found (thanks) (04:41:45 PM) pikurasa: Any objections to having me reach out to these individuals for purpose of 1023? (04:42:25 PM) MrBIOS: none (04:42:45 PM) pikurasa: It is basically done (other than compiling into PDF's), but I think we should have legal counsel. (04:42:50 PM) pikurasa: It = 1023 (04:43:47 PM) pikurasa: Ok, I will reach out. If they seem like a fit, I will bring a motion to the board to engage with that lawyer. (04:43:54 PM) MrBIOS: I'm strongly in favor of that, it should have a final review by a lawyer before being submitted. Preferably a lawyer with previous experience dealing with 1023's (04:43:54 PM) MrBIOS: I'm strongly in favor of that, it should have a final review by a lawyer before being submitted. Preferably a lawyer with previous experience dealing with 1023's (04:45:23 PM) pikurasa: I will also try to see if they are familiar with "Open Source" NPO's.

James and Ibiam Sugar Activity Job Report

(04:45:54 PM) pikurasa: ibiam: anything new? (04:46:55 PM) ibiam: Yes, currently compiling a spreadsheet of the activities we intend to look at and their current status across our downstreams - debian, SOAS, OLPC -. (04:47:06 PM) pikurasa: Awesome! (04:47:19 PM) Claudia: great (04:47:44 PM) ibiam: We'll have another meeting to confirm the list, if we intend to remove some or add some based on various reasons. (04:48:00 PM) Claudia: looking forward to seeing the list (04:48:19 PM) ibiam: Yes, will share with the board when it's done. (04:49:07 PM) pikurasa: great!

Board Composition and Election

Given that the next election is coming up and we currently are both an organization underneath the umbrella of SFC as well as Sugar Labs Inc., what are we to do about the next election? Samson and Walter are to lead this.

GSoC Feature Share



Music Blocks


Time and Place of Next Meeting

(04:49:51 PM) pikurasa: walterbender: samsongoddy you two want to lead this? (04:49:59 PM) pikurasa: (lead the discussion) (04:50:23 PM) walterbender: I will be a candidate so I cannot really be involved (04:51:31 PM) pikurasa: walterbender: please let us know what you had in mind by bringing up the topic. I heard from you and samsongoddy, but the others may not know (04:51:38 PM) Claudia: need someone external? (04:52:22 PM) ibiam: Seems Samson is having issues with his irc client. (04:52:24 PM) samsongoddy: I think it a bit confusing at this stage (04:52:29 PM) samsongoddy: I am back (04:53:41 PM) walterbender: there is a bit of confusion as to whether SLOB is for old Sugar Labs or NewCo. but assuming it is both, we need an election. And does that impact the principals we have on the incorporation forms? (04:55:09 PM) MrBIOS: walterbender if it were to be for NewCo, we would have to amend the corp filing to update the list of directors. (04:55:35 PM) pikurasa: There are a few things going on: 1) some of the SLOBs did not want to be part of the new org (04:55:40 PM) walterbender: I think the directors should be distinct from the oversight board (04:55:53 PM) samsongoddy: What will the election be for? Board of directors for the NewCo? (04:56:00 PM) MrBIOS: I agree, we still need an oversight board. (04:56:29 PM) pikurasa: I think that would work. (04:56:31 PM) samsongoddy: MrBIOS, we both agree on that, but the question is what will be the role? (04:56:41 PM) walterbender: samsongoddy, I think it would be for the oversight board (04:56:49 PM) pikurasa: Right now, SLOBs functions as a "manager" of sorts (04:57:17 PM) MrBIOS: samsongoddy agreed, that needs to be spelled out. I don't think i makes sense to change NewCo directors until we're established as an actual non-profit though. (04:57:30 PM) pikurasa: MrBIOS: Agreed (04:57:47 PM) Claudia: +1, MrBIOS (04:58:00 PM) pikurasa: I think we would get into many headaches by sending the IRS updated/ammended versions of 1023 (04:58:17 PM) pikurasa: But, first, we just need to send the 1023... (04:58:33 PM) samsongoddy: Since the next election is close, do you propose we do another election for SLOBS given the fact that all the BODs except myself and Walter are on SLOBS? (04:59:47 PM) samsongoddy: We have 5 seats up for election, and all 5 is on BOD (05:00:05 PM) samsongoddy: Devin, Claudia, Lionel, Alex (05:00:21 PM) walterbender: I thought we were back to 3/4 cycle again by my stepping down. (05:00:26 PM) walterbender: that was the whole point (05:01:35 PM) pikurasa: Just a nudge that the hour is up. (05:01:42 PM) samsongoddy: 3/4 you mean 3 seats for 1 year, and 4 for 2 years? (05:01:56 PM) MrBIOS: I'm going to have to go in about 15 minutes, my mothers' nurse is coming (05:02:24 PM) walterbender: samsongoddy, yes (05:02:56 PM) samsongoddy: Yes, true but my understanding Devin replaced you, Ibiam confirm? (05:03:23 PM) ibiam: Yes, walterbender gave up his seat for Devin. (05:03:28 PM) Claudia: MrBIOS: sending good energy to you! (05:03:36 PM) pikurasa: I was voted in in 2018 (05:03:53 PM) pikurasa: (unless I misunderstand the context...) (05:04:22 PM) samsongoddy: So that means, Walter(devin), Alex, James, Lionel seats are up? Ibiam confirm? (05:04:36 PM) samsongoddy: for the next election I mean? (05:04:40 PM) pikurasa: I need to go as well. May we continue this conversation in 2 weeks? (05:04:47 PM) samsongoddy: yes (05:04:56 PM) pikurasa: Speaking of which, are we meeting on IRC or Jitsi? (05:05:03 PM) samsongoddy: Let me sink with the election committee to understand what happened. (05:05:10 PM) samsongoddy: *sync


(05:05:43 PM) pikurasa: 2020-08-19 at 20:00 UTC on ??? (05:06:08 PM) pikurasa: Any preference? (05:06:09 PM) Claudia: irc or jitsi? (05:06:32 PM) pikurasa: yes, any preference between irc or jitsi? (05:07:04 PM) ibiam: I prefer jitsi. (05:07:11 PM) pikurasa: noted (05:07:36 PM) Claudia: ok (05:07:43 PM) Claudia: see you all in two weeks (05:07:48 PM) Claudia: take care (05:07:58 PM) pikurasa: motion: 2020-08-19 at 20:00 UTC on Jitsi (05:08:07 PM) ibiam: Bye Claudia, take care. (05:08:34 PM) MrBIOS: Claudia thanks! (05:09:04 PM) MrBIOS: pikurasa seconded (05:09:08 PM) sum2it[m]: Can slob meetings happen over IRC so that we can have logs that we (non slob) can read? Probably too late to ask this. (05:09:12 PM) pikurasa: MrBIOS: thanks (05:09:28 PM) pikurasa: sum2it[m]: the minutes are recorded even via Jitsi. (05:09:30 PM) ibiam: pikurasa: +1. (05:09:39 PM) Claudia: thank you all (05:09:40 PM) pikurasa: Every word is not recorded, but the minutes are (05:09:51 PM) sum2it[m]: pikurasa: oh thanks!