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SoaS/Testing/Soas-F11b Sugar0.84.2
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2GB SD made with Fedora-USB-Creator(Windows)with 749 Persistence file.
EeePC 900 /log in/connect wireless/(DO NOT SAVE LOGIN TO KEYCHAIN)/Add Software/Packages/Sugar: install.
Reboot/ select sugar on Fedora contol bar login. F1 Connect/ (Fedora 10.92/ 0.84.2 Sugar.|
- IF you use save to keychain on logon to Gnome you will not be able will not connect in sugar. Is there any way to disconnect the pop up for ?usr/bin/nm-applet?
- Under Network: Collaboratio. cannot change jabber address. (Tip Use sugar-control-panel command from terminal to see/change jabber server.)
- Cannot disconnect from wireless in F1 dropdown screen.
- Must cold reboot for Name Change to allow reconnection. Restart does not work
- Have to go to wiki in browse to add #IRC activity
- can see jabber. Connect to IRC ,Browse, and (chat via Jabber).
+ eventually the network manager goes missing and it pulses and cannot connect to wireless in sugar. It still logs in fine in Fedora to wireless network. THIS IS A BUG
(if you never log in to Fedora after installing Sugar Package, Sugar boots and connects properly.) It becomes a SOAS2 system.
Otherwise this would nice way to have full Fedora 11 beta or Sugar Desktop on 2GB SD Card.