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Math4 Organizers
Organizers are responsible for making sure that development teams have everything they need, and are moving forward. The current organizers of the Math4 Team are:
- Greg DeKoenigsberg (User:Gdk) <gdk redhat com>
- Karlie Robinson (User:KRobinson) <karlie_robinson webpath net>
Math4 Project Teams
Math4 Teams are small teams that concentrate on developing activities that address objectives from the Math4 Curriculum Chart. These teams should consist of 2-4 developers and 2-3 teachers, working together in close coordination to make awesome stuff.
Team members should be ready to commit to the following responsibilities:
- The initial meeting. Everyone on the team should get together on phone, IRC, or in real life, to set goals. Which objective would you like to tackle?
- The weekly meeting. Maybe it's weekly, maybe it's bi-weekly, maybe it's monthly -- but team members should agree on a time when they can all get together to assess one another's progress, hold one another accountable for milestones, and generally support one another.
- Teachers: defining features and testing code. Teachers, your primary mission is to tell the developers the kind of things you'd like to see and to help them understand pedagogy and how children learn. Can the activity be done with minimal supervision, teach a concept, and then test mastery of that concept? It's your job to direct the developer, and then test the code to make sure it's doing what you think it should be doing.
- Developers: designing activities and writing code. Developers, your primary mission is to listen to the teachers' intent, and then write activity code that expresses that intent. You should commit to writing your code in the open source way. That means working together, using gitorious or the like to maintain code publicly, keeping at least a bit of a TODO list, and documenting your code well enough that new developers can pick up and join in. And yes, that last part isn't always "the open source way," but it should be, and for us, it will be. :)
Math4 Team Signups
Volunteers! Please sign up below. When enough volunteers have signed up, an organizer will be in touch to help kick off your team.
First complete team gets to pick their own, favorite number set as a name.
Teachers - If you have never edited a wiki page before, just email the people on your team and they will help you get started.
Math4 Red Team
- Teacher One Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
- Teacher Two Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
- David Liana, <dliana at frontiernet dot net>
- Mark Brighton, <mcbrighton at gmail dot com>
- Developer Three Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
Math4 Blue Team
- Teacher One Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
- Teacher Two Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
- Developer One Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
- Developer Two Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
- Developer Three Needed, <email at wherever dot com>
Math4 RIT Team
This team consists of those working on Math4 projects within the RIT Honors Seminar.
They may end up also in a Math4 Prime, Complex, Rational, Real, Fuzzy, Fibonacci, Julia, ... team.
Who's Who in the RIT Math4 project?
Math4Team UTOS-XO
The Utah Open Source Foundation is sponsoring once a month hackfests for the OLPC (XO) 4th Grade Math's Curriculum.
The UTOS-XO team has a mailing list to coordinate local activities and development. We encourage status updates to continue to be on the 4gm mailing list.
So far, we have 11 members of our team.
SL/Davis/Weber Counties
- Adam Barrett
- Chad Bryant
- Christian Horne
- David Boucha
- Kael Fischer
- Kevin Carter
- Matthew Harrison
- Shawn Willden
Utah County
- Richard Holden
- Jason Corbett
Cache County
- Andrew Hamblin
We will probably divide this team into two geographically located teams for convenience. Salt Lake and Utah counties tend to be good choices for team borders. If more folks start appearing north of Salt Lake County, it's possible to splinter a little more.
Currently, we're working on four xo activities from the list:
2009-04-22 - Assigned tasks
Created Team for signup purposes
- Goal: Recognize classes (in particular, odds, evens; factors or multiples of a given number; and squares) to which a number may belong, and identify the numbers in those classes. Use these in the solution of problems.
- Members
- Doug Glenn
2009-06-09 - Assigned tasks
2009-04-22 - Assigned tasks
2009-04-22 - Assigned tasks
More details to come.
Team ossfm
- 05/26/09:
We are developing the Hop-A-Round activity. It is targeted at topic 4.N.16-Rounding. I expect we'll post our beginnings on the git server soon. Our goal is project completion by no later than August 2009.