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Archive/Current Events/2008-05-26
Whats newSugar Digest (2008-05-26)1. About this list: Over the two-plus years I was at OLPC, I posted a weekly digest of OLPC news to the community-news@lists.laptop.org list. I also had been updating the news page in the OLPC wiki every weekend. Now that I am devoting my energies to Sugar Labs, I will start posting a weekly digest of Sugar news to community-news@lists.sugarlabs.org (I'll cross post to its.an.education.project@lists.sugarlabs.org and sugar@lists.laptop.org, but I will *not* cross-post to community-news@lists.laptop.org beyond this announcement). Please send me any updates by the weekend for inclusion in what will most often be a Monday-morning post. More information about the list, including subscription instructions and and archives can be found here (http://lists.lo-res.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news).
Other distribution-specific lists are beginning to be made, such as: Other communication channels include:
The mailing list discussion has seen an interesting progression: it began as a discussion about the relationship between Sugar and the XO laptop and has morphed into a discussion about learning. These trends are evident in some self-organizing maps of the list activity generated by Gary Martin (author of the Moon activity): Compare Image:2008-May-01-09-som.jpg with Image:2008-May-17-23-som.jpg (Gary has put the image thumbs and some basic text description on his user page—User:Garycmartin—and is looking for feedback as to how to make these visualizations more useful.)
Be sure also visit: We are discussing the goals and principles of Sugar Labs here: Community jams and meet-ups4. Family XO Mesh Meet-up: Mike Lee teamed up with Kevin Cole to host an event at Gallaudet University on 24 May. (See http://olpclearningclub.org/meetings/summer-blockbusters-at-gallaudet/ for event details.) Photos from the meeting can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/sets/72157604752586251/. Yamandu Ploskonka reports that Ceibal had a jam this weekend (Please see http://proyecto-ceibal.blogspot.com/2008/05/breve-resumen-del-primer-ceibal-jam.html).
5b. Aymara Jam: Together with Runasimipi, who already have translated Abiword into Aymara, Yama is helping organize a jam in La Paz, Bolivia to translate Sugar into Aymara, likely in October 2008 (Please see http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Aymara_Fest).
Tech Talk9. BugSquad: David Farning is forming a Sugar BugSquad. His goals are:
Most of the early effort will be developing a triage guide and working through the backlog of bugs. Where appropriate, David is basing the Sugar bugsquad off the Gnome, KDE, and Ubuntu bugsquads. (Please see BugSquad for more information.) 10. Debian: Jonas Smedegaard reports that the status of the Sugar source package Debian's testing distribution has changed. Previous version: (not in testing) Current version: 0.79.4-2 All core Sugar packages are now in Debian testing! Please speak up if you are interested in helping out.
Tomeu has worked on:
Simon worked in getting the Sucrose release 0.81.1 out of the door (See Development Team/Release/Roadmap#Timeline). An announcement will follow soon. Simon also worked on Browse Version 87, which is the release version for Sucrose 0.81.1. It has some pylint cleanups, fixes downloads with latest xulrunner beta5 and replaces the 'Open' label with a 'Show in Journal' one in the download alert. Marco was busy with:
Walter Bender met with teams from Peru, Uruguay, and Paraguay to discuss a process for in-field testing of new Sugar features. We agreed to develop a process whereby we can conduct tests of new features with children using Sugar on a daily basis. Details will be posted in the wiki (See BugSquad/Resources for details as they develop). Sugar Labs15. Walter has been in discussions with the Software Freedom Law Center regarding how to best structure Sugar Labs such that it is aligned with the principles of FOSS. Stay tuned.