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Simon Schampijer is a sugar developer, under contract with OLPC. He works mostly on sugar core and is the current Sucrose Release Manager. Simon does packaging of Sugar for Fedora. He runs a Sugar Pilot project in a primary school in Berlin, Germany where he does the deployment of the platform and the teaching using Sugar. More information can be found in his blog Sugar Beets.
- email: simon ed sugarlabs DOT org
- irc: erikos | #sugar | freenode
- blog: Sugar Beets
- timezone: UTC+1
Design meeting
- Copy-to option: black and white mockup, ml discussion
- Writing to Journal anytime
- New toolbars: Record, Memorize, Memorize import/export
- Take a screenshot, additional options: capture all, capture only the canvas (without toolbar), make a selection what to capture, capture in a few seconds