Gary C. Martin
Gary C. Martin (gary at garycmartin dot com) is a freelance software developer based in Edinburgh, UK, with a focus on design, UI/HCI, analytics, and information visualisation. His external homepage is over at
- New release of Moon with more features
- Test and use Wade's SugarGames (replacement for un-maintained OlpcGames pygame wrapper)
- ...lots more (oh my...)
- Sugar touch UI/UX design
- Misc Activity maintenance/development
- Physics
- Calculate
- Moon
- Clock
- Monthly Self Organising Map (SOM) generation for the IAEP mailing list
- Design Team member
- Activity Team co-co-ordinator
- Sugar testing, feedback, and trac reports (access to an XO-B4, two XO-1s and various virtual machine environments in Mac OS X)
- Maze (have a version with happy faces)
- New toolbar support for Physics
- SVG toolbar icons for Calculate, and other misc SVG work (Image Viewer, some Sugar UI elements)
- Banners and Poster work for the Marketing Team
- Adopted Clock (by Pierre Métras) an Activity for learning to tell the time
- Sugar port of Labyrinth Activity for creating mind-maps (with much help from tomeu and alsroot)
- Work on Physics to help polish, and tidy up the UI. See its wiki page for more details.
- Various SOMs for educational related papers people post (I'll try to map texts linked/posted there)
- Some more research paper SOMs over on
- Icon set for the Sugar Getting Involved page
- Monthly Self Organising Map (SOM) generation for the Sugar-devel mailing list
- Moon Activity showing Moon phase and eclipse visualisation
Maze happy faces
Testing the face drawing at different Maze resolutions, from easy to hard, to make sure they are still clearly visible.

Work in progress
Memorize toolbar mockups
Default main view

Play new game

Example using standard Edit toolbar for game customisation

Example using cog icon for game customisation features

Activity toolbar with import/export features

Example work flows
- Simple play through of a demo game:
- child starts a new instance of Memorize from the Home view spiral
- plays the default demo game, and/or selects one from the demo game list, and/or adjusts the number of game grid tiles
- teacher asks child to stop playing while she sets homework for the class, child clicks Stop
- later that evening child resumes the Memorize activity from their Journal and continues playing from where they had previously stopped
- Make a new Memorize activity based on some existing content:
- child starts a new instance of Memorize from the Home view spiral
- imports a game called Capital Cities of the World that one of their friends shared with them
- clicks Edit and edits the game by adding ten new harder questions
- changes the Activity Title to Capital Cities of the World, extra hard
- plays a few rounds of the game to try it out before collaborating and challenging their friends to a game
- Modify an existing Memorize activity:
- child resumes a Memorize activity from their Journal that a friend shared with them
- clicks Edit toolbar button and edits the game by adding some new questions, and correcting some spelling mistakes
- clicks Play new game, and plays a few rounds of the game to try it out before challenging their friends to a game
- Make a new Memorize game from sctarch
- child starts a new instance of Memorize from the Home view spiral
- clicks the Edit tool button
- clicks the Clear tool button in the Edit secondary toolbar
- adds their game questions/answers using the Edit game creation canvas
- clicks the Play new game toolbar icon and plays through their game to try it out
- clicks the Activity toolbar icon and enters a title for their game
- clicks Stop