Coconut.jpg Soas-v5-Coconut Beta

TEST version of Soas-v5-Coconut
boots to Name___
f1 Neighborhood works if Cat5 wired network connected
>200 avitars shown from jabber
Sugar on a Stick 5 (Coconut)
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
Sugar: 0.92.1
  • Software List (All favorites)
etoys 116
terminal 33
record 91-92
Turtle Art 107-109
physics 8
pippy 40
calculate 37
chat 70
Speak 25-26
memorize 36
Write 72-74
clock 6
log 24
abacus 19
surf 115
Some activities "Did not start" on first try; work on 2nd try
Control Panel Network Application does not start
USE "nm-connection-editor" in terminal to configure wireless AP
  • liveinst installs to USB correctly (8 GB custom / ext4 no swap)

fedora 16(rawhide)

Current Download Page
  • Note: Re: [SoaS] Are we no longer a Fedora Spin? 05/27/2011
Peter Robinson:
We've delayed the release slightly in co-operation with Fedora release
engineering to get a patch to support networking. I'm expecting the
release to happen next Tuesday at this point. I'll be working on it
over the weekend to clean up some lose ends. As it turns out there was
also an issue that caused persistent overlays to fail on the live
images so its good to get some of the zero day fixes in as well.

Soas and sugar-desktop

This page will be updated when new nightly Compose are built

Nightly live composes (Fedora 16 rawhide Branched)

Current status of All createLiveCD Tasks owned by kevin in Koji
Note all nightly compose are ephemeral builds for testing and are erased when the next build happens.


  • requires selinux=0 on boot line to start.


  • no changes from 623


  • applications do not start on first try; 2nd works
Log: error: timeout line 630, in call_blocking message
dbus.exceptions.DBusException; org.freedesktop.DBus.Eror.NoReply:Message did not recieve a reply (timeout by message bus)
  • color change restart: no gdm login only background
ctrl alt delete produces a logout prompt; no gdm login only background
Cannot log back in


selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on boot required to boot
starts at name___; color;f3 ring.
f1 neighborhood sees jabber about 80 Avitars (06/23/2011 6PM PST)
no long 5 minute pause for nm on boot
color change restart: no gdm login only background
ctrl alt delete produces a logout prompt; no gdm login only background
Cannot log back in

liveinst fails

works thru firstboot;smolt.
no gdm login just screen background


  • All activities are favorites
no change from 622 below


selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on boot required to boot
starts at name___; color;f3 ring.
f1 neighborhood sees jabber about 60 Avitars (06/22/2011 10am PST)
no long 5 minute pause for nm on boot
color change restart: no gdm login only background
ctrl alt delete produces a logout prompt; no gdm login only background
Cannot log back in


  • All activities are favorites
etoys 116
pippy 40 -2x -start (failed to start on first try)
calculate 37 -2x -start (failed to start on first try)
memorize 36 -2x -start (failed to start on first try)
physics 8 -error (physics=cannot import name physics)
log 24
terminal 33
clock 6  starts with analog face
irc 10 -2x -start (failed to start on first try) NEWuses port 8001
turtle art 110  
chat 70  starts but does not share on jabber (does not connect or show on f1 neighborhood)
write 72  -2x -start (failed to start on first try)  updates to 74
speak 27 
abacus 19 
record 92  no sound (new tool-bars)
surf 115


Sugar on a Stick 6
sugar 0.92.2
selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on boot required to boot
no longer waits 5 minutes
color change restart: no gdm login only background
ctrl alt delete produces a logout prompt; no gdm login only background
Shared activities only on Jabber-no avitars
nm-connection-editor connects to wireless AP
AP not visible on f1 neighborhood only on bottom right of frame

write 72-> 74


sugar 0.92.2 NEW Version of sugar up from 0.92.1
selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on safe boot required to boot
even though Nic Is named eml in f16; NM waits for eth0 which does not exist
Boot from CD
Note only boots this way:

safe graphics boot <TAB> (with quiet removed) and selinux=0 and setenforce=0 on boot line it pauses in boot on:

Started: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
Started Network Manager
atl1c : eml Nic Link is Up<100Mbps Half duplex>
atl1c : wlan0 Link is not up....
sed: can't read /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt: No such file or directory
  • (5 minute wait).................................
Starting Sandbox:
then resumes:
  • gdm Live System User with blue gnome background with tree with mechanical and live bird
Generic release 16 (Generic)
Live System User
Log in as liveuser
"Click to change color"
=> Done
"Choose password for new keyring"
add password 2x Choose password for new keyring
"An Application wants access to the keyring 'xxx' but it is locked
(7 repeats; Cancel as cannot write to keychain)
  • f1 Network Neighborhood has +- 200 avitars
About My Computer
 Software Sugar on a Stick 5 (Coconut)
 Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
  • Software Update
Speak 25-26
Write 72-74
Turtle Art 107-109
record 91-92
  • Software List (;=not a favorite)
etoys 116
pippy 40
;IRC 9
calculate 37
memorize 36
;physics 8
;log 24
;abacus 19
;surf 115
Speak 25-26
Write 72-74
Turtle Art 107-109
record 91-92


  • tested with CD boot on Acer Aspire One
jabber connects after restart with a password set
  • no other changes


Tested in VirtualBox with Burned CD
Sugar on a Stick 5 (Coconut)
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
BUT this RAWHIDE f16?
(Post f15 release)
sugar 0.92.1
pause at: Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack..... (5 minutes and it resumes)
boots to Live System User gdm login
click to chose color
jabber is not up so no test possible


Key &=not a favorite --> updates
etoys 116
write 72-->74
& terminal 31-->32 (new icon [>  ])
memorize 36
calculate 35-->36
turtle art 107-->108
& physics 8
record 90-->91
& irc 9
pippy 40
chat 70
speak 25
& log 24
& abacus 19
& surf 115