Design Team/Proposals/Network

Connect/Disconnect Network

Go to the Neighborhood View

  • use the Neighborhood View icon on the Frame to get to it (see invoking the Frame)
  • use the Neighborhood View key on the keyboard when not in E-book mode
  • potential addition: use a left/right-swipe to navigate through the views

Find Access Point

  • use the search widget to filter the view
  • hover over the AP icons to reveal the information in the Palette / use right click/tap-and-hold on the icon to reveal the information in the Palette
  • potential addition: add a list view for the Access Points (same layout as in the Home View)

Connect to Access Point

  • click on Access Point icon or entry in the list view
  • click on 'Connect' option in the Palette

Connect to secured Access Point

  • click on Access Point icon or entry in the list view
  • click on 'Connect' option in the Palette
  • bring up Password dialog (should be themed, there were previous discussions to have that part of the AP-Device Palette in the Frame (this would as well help the part of discover-ability of the Information you can get in the AP-Device Palette in the Frame))
  • reveal on-screen keyboard when in E-book mode

Disconnect from Access Point

  • click on 'Disconnect' option in the Palette after revealing it with right click/tap-and-hold
  • click on the 'Disconnect' option in the AP-Device Palette in the Frame (see invoking the Frame)


Make friend

  • hover over the XO icons to reveal the information in the Palette / use right click/tap-and-hold on the icon to reveal the information in the Palette
  • click on the 'Make friend' option in the Palette

Remove friend

  • in the Neighborhood or Groups View: hover over the XO icons to reveal the information in the Palette / use right click/tap-and-hold on the icon to reveal the information in the Palette
  • click on the 'Remove friend' option in the Palette

Search friend

There is currently no option to search for a friend in the Groups View

Manage Groups



Share Activity

  • in the Activity reveal the Palette from the share button (either in the primary toolbar (e.g. Chat) or in the secondary Activity sub-toolbar (e.g. Browse))
  • click on the Neighborhood View icon to share it with the Neighborhood
  • possible addition: invite friend to the activity from within the Palette

Search Activity

  • in the Neighborhood View use the search widget for filtering
  • possible addition: show shared activities of friends in the Groups view

Join Activity

  • go to the Neighborhood View
  • use the search to find the desired activity
  • click on the
  • possible addition: show shared activities of friends in the Groups view, join them the same way as in the Neighborhood View

Quit shared Activity

  • quit the Activity

Invite to Activity

Join invitation

File transfer

  • friend someone
  • go to the Journal

Network settings

Got to the Network Settings

  • hover over My XO-icon in the Neighborhood/Groups/Home View to reveal the Palette / use right click/tap-and-hold on the icon to reveal the Palette
  • click on the 'My Settings' option in the Palette
  • click on the 'Network' icon
  • potential addition: have an option in the AP-Palette to get to the settings directly

Turn radio off / flight mode

  • use the check button
  • potential change: have it the new style check button

Discard network history

  • click on the button that says 'Discard network history'
  • potential addition: give feedback about that action

Set school server

  • reveal on-screen keyboard when in E-book mode

School server

This interaction is rather clumsy. You can not register with several school servers. The school server is not displayed in the neighborhood view etc.

Register with school server

  • hover over My XO-icon in the Home View to reveal the Palette / use right click/tap-and-hold on the icon to reveal the Palette
  • click on the 'Register' option in the Palette
  • an Alert will inform whether the registration was successful or not


description not available yet


description not available yet