GoogleCodeIn2012/Contributor Hub


Sugar Network is a system to share various types of content among participants with involving social activity functionality. Contributor Hub is a Javascript application that is a Sugar Network client that is intended to provide powerful access for experienced participants. Contributor Hub is intended to be used in various way, such as, Web service or local application in or out of Sugar Shell.


  • Revise current Contributor Hub's look&feel.
  • Suggest new design and user experience solutions.

The key points regarding Contributor Hub purposes that need to be kept in mind while working on UI:

  • Contributor Hub is intended to be a working tool (to get full access to the Sugar Network content) rather than a nice looking Web site.
  • It can be launched as a local application, so, regular Web site design (like headers, footers or logos), might be inappropriate.
  • Low aged participants are not a priority audience for the Contributor Hub, there is another client, Web UI, for that reason;
  • Contributor Hub might be considered as a Activity Library successor.
