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in the full-length mirror before a confident posture.

1, the alarm sounds of nature.

in ancient times, people didn't have an alarm clock, but heard crowing birds would know it's time to get up. Now many people fear that they don't come to, used to set the alarm clock into the world's best music, suddenly woke up from this noisy alarm in feeling, is often caused by irritable mood.

good music can relax the mood cravate versace, such as the sound of running water, the birds softly, can let a person be personally on the scene, so that the tension to ease. So take the alarm clock is set to the sounds of nature, let her wake up from the relaxed state.

2, after wake up to rub face.

wake up in the morning not to rise, can be in bed activities limbs and head Robes de bal pas cher, and then rub the face. Rub the face can increase the facial blood circulation, let your spirit.

3, nurturance defecate circadian clock.

in human intestinal tract is "sewer", we eat the food residue from here is discharged in vitro. If the blockage, stool, long-term retention, it is easy to make various toxins are repeated intestinal absorption, affect the health.

so, we must develop a regular daily bowel habits. Get up in the morning or after breakfast franklin marshall soldes, fixed time to go to the lavatory squat, can make the body form a fixed-point bowel habits, although do not have meaning can also try, formed its own defecation clock sac lv pas cher. In 4,

in the full-length mirror before a confident posture.

every morning to single out 10 minutes of time to dress himself, trying different colors and mix, then put a confident posture in front of the mirror, to greet the new day. American psychologist Bristow said, the mirror make people full of confidence, have a good mood.

first, stand erect in front of the mirror, smile to yourself, to see their positive image. Then, think of a few happy things, experience and spiritual dialogue good feeling. Next, three or four deep breaths, let it pass through the body, more sure of your ability and determination.

5, "get up to drink a cup of water".

the first morning cup of water, can add moisture, prevent constipation, regulate the stomach vanessa bruno homme, make the brain awake, for the maintenance of human health effects. Early in the morning when the first cup of water to fasting, sip chemise lacoste.

various water actually have different effects. Fresh white boiling water can make the rapid dilution of blood, promote blood circulation, make people sober quickly; honey water suitable for middle-aged women, can prevent osteoporosis, improve fatigue; constipated people can drink light salt water; do not fasting drink milk; you'd better not drink carbonated drinks.

6, to eat hot breakfast.

a nutritious breakfast should include four types of food: cereals (corn bread, steamed buns, etc.); meat egg (protein); milk (calcium); vegetables and fruits.

if the food every day for breakfast, to guarantee the balanced nutrition.

will praise people. Good praise

interpersonal experience (absolutely useful)

1. no matter what happens ed hardy italia, we must first think that he is it right? Wrong. If he's right (that is impossible), then stand on each other's point of view, to experience each other's feelings.

2. allow yourself to adapt to the environment, because you never adapt to the environment. Even though it was a very painful process.

3. a little generous. Not generous learned a little generous. If appearance really makes you very distressed, and then install a little generous sac bruno vanessa.

4. a low-key, low-key point, then a low-key (than temporary workers also low, may be in the eyes of others you might as well be a temporary job for a few years converse italia.).

5. sweet mouth, don't begrudge your applause. (will praise people. Good praise, can let a person produce pleasure, but don't overdo it to the offensive.)

6. if you feel that the most recent work incredibly smoothly, then you have to be careful.

7. polite. Hello, please look into the other person's eyes christian audigier pas cher. Refer to elders and older people to communicate, because you are a hundred-percent.

8. talk. He that talks much errs much., less people and more occasions to speak.

9. do not put other people's good, as behoove Robe de Soirée pas cher, will know how to be grateful.

10. fastidious but incompetent.

11. comply with the time, but do not expect others to comply with the time.

12. letter to the first promise, but promises don't come easy. Don't put others promise to you has been recorded in the mind and for Gospel truth.

13. do not borrow money to my colleagues, if borrowed, it must return it on time.

14. do not lend money to colleagues chaussures christian louboutin, if have to borrow, then gave him a good while.

15. don't shirk responsibility (even if it is somebody else's responsibility).

16. in the back of a colleague not speak ill of another colleague. Insist that the people behind the fair, don't worry about the word not to the parties ears. If someone in front of you say bad things about someone, you have to smile.

17. and colleagues (including public opposition to avoid public objections, fierce less desirable).

18. often helps others, but not to be to help people think well-deserved.

19. to tell you the truth fucks you.

20. on the wrong things; or something cruel, for people to love; or life first, followed by work.

21. always check is it right? And arrogance, and pride, and look down on others. (even if you have a Babel without the cooperation of others and help in vain)

22. patience is the life course. (be patient life ah, some people a lifetime to death this work >

running 40 kilometers

, how the engine is your own open bad
two, the gearbox is how you open your own bad
three cravate Boss pas cher, drain (very important you certainly don't know)
six. The water tank, power steering, air-conditioning,
nine chassis, episode LD is how spoiled
ten, how is her car crashed (mainly about, a world without accident)
eleven, the car paint is because of your reason to be scratched (parking)
twelve, other (battery, glass lifter, wiper, combination switch, thought to add it)
, how the engine is your own bad
talk about several real cases
1, automatic car stalls wrong
97 years, by a friend of her father's crown 2.8 (at the time, this vehicle can be high-grade or not, the value of about 700000) Paul Smith Borse, a friend and I in school when the coach access to the airport together, friends is the coach, had only a manual car, he would not believe my level, he opened a road, play music, laughter, walked 20 kilometers suddenly asked me: "this car I accelerator are stepped in the end how can only run 140 ? Never open not fast, "I thought impossible Negozi Ralph Lauren, I had 180, a tachometer ultra red line, high water temperature, look at the stalls did not in the D file, linked to the 3 gear, hurriedly call parking, water boiling, water, abnormal noise of engine, the engine overhaul, spend huge sums of money to repair

Lexus 200, the transmission rod is very common, there is a steep, one not careful will hang up to 3 files, move carefully

2 camicie Tommy Hilfiger, hands from a body of the car sac paul smith besace, accidentally bumped into a stall, running, you don't know

a Benz. Friends, suddenly one day give me a call, said his car do not know how, the pedal to the metal, can run 40 kilometers, will not soon, I hastened to ask him, running 40 kilometers, speed, he said more than 6000 turn, I quickly told him, parking to gear, asked him if he was already run 5 kilometers, I the sweat, but urban traffic jams more, if no traffic jams, the engine so it's

, Mercedes-Benz E, common in the gearbox of high-grade car, hanging in the D file, to touch, will accidentally run into 1 File, forever 1 sac burberry pas cher, good sealing the car, open the music, not watch tachometer, can not hear the engine speed of sound, you miserable, but don't say I didn't tell you, be careful

Volvo 40, a lot of cars is the tiptronic transmission, when you play a manual, happy or be distracted, don't forget, is still a manual gearbox, then according to the speed, it will just automatically downshift, will not upshift, down to the 1 file is always 1 files, if you have good music, do not look at the tachometer, but can not hear the sound, move carefully.

sad words and expect the same love writing you

Legend of the origins of dimple is this: Legend has it that after death, the gates of hell will be on the nether world road, road is in full bloom and flowers, do not see the equinox flower leaf. Ye Shengsheng spent two no see, read pities forever will lose cravatta louis vuitton, at the end of the road there is a river called the river lethe River, there is a bridge over the river. A woman named Meng waiting there chemise paul smith, to every passer-by handed him a bowl of soup, after all the drink Mengpo Tang people will forget this present life chaussures ralph lauren, free to enter the six, or cents, or for people, or for livestock. Meng Potang also called over a drink, then leave this life. Love and hate, life and loss, with the bowl of forgotten. Life care Robes de bal, life of hate, next again does not know. But there are some people because of various reasons, reluctant to drink Mengpo Tang, Meng old woman had no choice but to allow them. But these people did Mark, the mark is left on the face of the dimple. Such a person, must jump into the river river, subject to flooding fire roasts such as thousands of years before reincarnation, reincarnation will bring memories of past lives, with the dimples search for past life lover. So please cherish friends who have dimples side face, whether it's family, friends, because he (she) may be your past life lover, after waiting for the millennium to search for past life love between people, to finish the previous unfinished wish, please never to hurt him (her), because it is not who have the courage to jump into the river river, such as a thousand years of suffering. Hope: the afterlife Lunettes de soleil Mont Blanc, again... May: afterlife boutique michael kors, can see... See the legend turned! You will be very happy, will be permanent...... I have to transfer to their own space, to share with their friends, watching log together Oh Hello, I'm Zhang Xiaozhuai. If you love writing, music, friends, please add my QQ:444890, hope to know more friends, and who do not resist! There are many ghost stories, serialized, campus, micro novel, fiction, romance novels, sad words and expect the same love writing you! Good friends Zi Xi QQ:998556, you don't know before you met us all how boring remember reproduced their space, to share with their friends, see this blog]]> together oh

and go for a few days

a man working outside for 20 years, finally going home, the boss asked him: you are 20 years of wage or 3 word of advice?

the man said I give you the answer tomorrow morning on the road, please?

said the boss can.

the man... Morning, he said to his boss: I want 3 advice.

so the boss gave him 3 words.

, don't try to find impossible shortcut, there is no cheap, only stand on solid ground is the best way... No matter what. Too much curiosity, not knowing that

two is not good things, you might lose michael kors france.

three costume Armani pas cher, not to make any decision on impulse, otherwise the decision may be you a lifetime of regret.

then the boss gave the man some money and three loaves of bread, and said: the biggest bread can be in the home.

men on the road paul smith homme... He walked for several days converse basse... The first half of the bread to eat, not long after the encounter a crossing, he inquired: Excuse me, which way to go to * * *? Passer-by: walk trail, near. B: take the road, safety. He couldn't wait to see his wife, so go the path. Go not long to hear people say near a bandit, he remembered the first piece of advice: don't try to look for shortcuts boss. Then he turned to walk down the road.

and go for a few days, second loaves of bread to eat a part of... He found a very cheap inn hotel. The middle of the night to hear a woman crying, he couldn't sleep under. So I decided to go have a look. Then he thought of the second piece of advice: curious not to knowing is not a good thing. So he went to sleep again. Second arrangements, inn-keeper surprised way: you still alive?! He puzzled, asked why. The shopkeeper said that he had a crazy girl, when the disease with crying leads out to kill, lodging guests last night, you're the only one alive. The man sighed: ah...

and go for a few days, when second bread over when he has not so far away from home. He is more excited. It got dark down not long after, he went to his village. He was going to knock at the door when I get home, they heard a man in the room sound. He was very angry, picked up a bundle of firewood knife ready to kill a man rushed into the room. But then he thought of the third piece of advice: don't make any decisions in impulse, this decision will make you regret for a lifetime. So he calm down, in front of the house sat night. The very next day morning he had knocked on the door, his wife to see him come back very happy. But he was very cold: who is that man? His wife smiled and said: it's our son casquettes de baseball... After you leave, I soon... When he discovered that the young man was very similar and grow. Father and son meet for the first time sac miu miu pas cher, hugs and cry... A concern after the man took third bread, Koichi Sai and his wife share... Incision was found after 20 years of wage in which all.

so we do anything to think clearly or to the last regret!