Teacher Reporting


A custom Moodle quiz module which, in addition to the standard Moodle quiz features, analyzes the questions posed to the student for various qualities, such as compliance with Curriculum Standards.

Group Members

Data Flow Diagram



  • Run Moodle with the modified quiz module on an XO running XS, The XO school Server.


Week 8

  • Create Moodle data flow diagram to give an understanding of how the Moodle Server and corresponding database interact with Student and Teachers machines.
  • Have Moodle's latest stable release functioning in an XS School Server VirtualBox OSE Virtual Machine

Week 9

  • Have Moodle's latest stable release functioning on an XO running XS using the techniques outlined here.
  • Have PHP calls successfully querying mock student results from Moodle's MySQL database running on XS.
  • Parse mathematical-operation-based and tally percentage of success with each individual operation (+,-,/,* etc).
  • Parse mathematical operation and check for compliance with standard 4.P.3 Determine values of variables in simple equations, e.g., 4106 – x = 37, 5 = y + 3, and s – y = 3.

Week 10

Documentation & Resources

Installing MySQL:

Starting MySQL Database:

Logging in to MySQL Database:

Creating Database: