Activities/Turtle Art/Numbers

english | español | HowTo [ID# 45499] 

The Numbers Palette (purple)

examples (3)



descriptions (3)

  number used as numeric input in mathematic operators
  addition adds two numeric inputs
  subtraction subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input
  product multiplies two numeric inputs
  division divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)
  mod modular (remainder) operator
    numeric extensions identity operators used for extending blocks (See example above)
  square root calculate square root
  random returns random number between minimum (left) and maximum (right) values
  equal? logical = operator (plugs into an If blocks on the Flow Palette)
  greater? logical > operator (plugs into an If blocks on the Flow Palette)
  less? logical < operator (plugs into an If blocks on the Flow Palette)
  and logical ⋀ (and) operator (links conditional)
  or logical ⋁ (or) operator (links conditional)
  not logical ¬ (not) operator (links conditional)
  print Prints value in status block at bottom of the canvas (See example above)