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Platform Team/Package Management System
Zero Sugar Distribution
Sugar Services provides transparent for users and convenient for activity developers method to support activity dependencies across varying platforms (and their varying dependencies) as well as across Sugar releases. In other words, Services is a common deployment system for activity developers needs.
See Scalable development model to know more about initial purposes of Sugar Services.
Sugar Services looks different depending upon your point of view:
In the case of a poor Internet connection (and implemented Zero Install integration feature), users can switch to offline mode and won't encounter any changes in their regular workflow. Switching to online mode brings additional progress bar to the launch dialog for activities that have pending/not-yet-downloaded/out-dated activity dependencies.
Activity developers
Sugar Services makes sense for activities that have non-Sugar Platform dependencies or support more then one Sucrose release cycle.
To utilize the benefits of Services, activity developer need only to mention all services that their activity is using. Services infrastructure will provide specified services (and specified versions) for the activity and will let activity know about them.
Sugar Services let activity developers:
- use dependencies that are not intended to be included to Sugar Platform
- including libraries that are used by only a few activities; or
- have shorter or longer release/support schedules than Sucrose;
- deploy dependencies that are specific to particular activity; for example, some Python activities include C libraries—by using Services, an activity developer need not bundle these binaries, they could be used as regular activity dependencies.
See Activity Developers Guide to know how to add service dependencies to your activity.
All Sugar developers
Services are intended to decentralize Sugar development process. If you have some idea in mind, you can start pushing it through the Sucrose release queue to get it in the next (maybe not nearest) release. However, since the release process is binary—either your feature is included or not—Services offers more flexibility. For example:
- some features are of arguable general benefit; Sugar Services would allow interested end users to efficiently test (and even deploy) such features;
- some feature are only stable in limited environments; Sugar Services would allow deployment in limited environmets without the risk of destabilizing the rest of Sugar.
A developer benefits from 0install features by:
- letting users of all deployed Sucrose releases benefit from your new feature instead of having it only in a specific (latest) Sucrose release; for example Activity Triggers services;
See Service Developers Guide to know how to create service.
GNU/Linux distributions
The Sugar Platform cannot grow endlessly e.g. installing sugar from packages should not fetch a half of all available packages including several UI toolkits, several programming languages etc., so components like Qt or Ruby are (at least at present) out of Sugar Platform list. But with Sugar Services, activities can still use such dependencies by installing them from native packaging systems by demand and without bundling binaries.
See Native packages usage to know how to utilize native packages in your activity or service.
A short list of questions that describe Sugar Services' purposes.
What is Sugar Services not?
- It is not intended to cure all ills.
- It is not "must have" for activity developers; use it only if you really need it.
- Is is not a replacement for GNU/Linux distributions Sugar packaging efforts; Sugar Services places no need for special treatment regarding dependencies as part of the Sugar Platform.
- It is not intended to be used to support large packages (such as Qt or Firefox) in parallel with distributions. Sugar Services should not be used to avert scenarios such as "It is too bad that you don't have Firefox-3.5 in your three-year-old distribution and cannot run last Browse activity." In such cases, we should require that users update their distribution and Sugar Platform to more recent versions.
How is Sugar Services different?
- From the point of view of 0install: Sugar Services is just a method to create 0install infrastructure; think about "apt" vs. "dpkg" or "yum" vs. "rpm". In other words, Sugar Services are an analog of 0release command localized to Sugar needs.
- From the point of view of PackageKit: PackageKit provides a distribution-agnostic method to install already packaged software. Via 0install, Sugar Services let users install unpackaged software as well. More over, 0install will use PackageKit to install missed dependencies if they present in user's distribution.
- From the point of view of GNU/Linux distributions: see the 0install original goals.
Start your exploration with:
- Activity Developers Guide to get instructions how to use already created services
- Service Developers Guide how to build new service or wrap upstream project to make it useful for sugar developers
Or open documentation category.
List of services
- Platform Team/Package Management System/1.0
- Platform Team/Package Management System/1.0/Notes
- Platform Team/Package Management System/1.0/Roadmap
- Platform Team/Package Management System/1.1
- Platform Team/Package Management System/1.1/Todo
- Platform Team/Package Management System/Architecture
- Platform Team/Package Management System/Getting started
To see entirely list of services, go to http://download.sugarlabs.org/services/.
- Bugs service
- install PackageKit from saccharin
- Statistics service