Talk:Features/Write to journal anytime

< Talk:Features
Revision as of 19:16, 16 November 2011 by FGrose (talk | contribs)

See Design Team/Meetings.


Name for the Journal entry extended view

The set of data currently appears with a header title of 'Name this entry', (an instruction), and no separate title when retrieved from a Journal entry.

With the new ability to write notes at any time, this form should have a new title. The menu title 'Write to Journal' may be confused with 'save to Journal', 'keep in Journal', etc. Some possibilities for a new title,

  1. Enter notes
  2. Activity notes
  3. Activity summary
  4. Note in Journal
  5. Edit Journal summary
  6. Enter details
  • The small 'forward arrow' button at the far right of the Journal entry should have a pop-up with the new title.
  1. Entry notes
  2. Activity notes
  3. Activity summary
  4. View notes
  5. See Journal summary
  6. View details
  • The Journal entry instance extended data view, itself, is properly titled solely by the name provided in the top text entry box, as the Resume, Copy, and Erase buttons refer to the entire Journal entry (except for the default Copy action, which produces various types of clippings) and not just the extended data.
  1. Better visual connections of this extended view to the parent entry would be helpful. For example, having it roll out, drop down, expand up, or similar transition from the Journal entry line would be helpful. This might be achieved without processing expensive animations.
  2. The activity instance (Journal entry) title should have exactly the same appearance in the extended view (including showing the title in bold, except when editing, to match the behavior in the primary entry), and it should actually appear to be embedded in the extended view (except for the forward button, which might morph to a return button).

--FGrose 16:57, 16 November 2011 (EST)

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