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Developing for Sugar
So you want to contribute to Sugar in code? You've come to the right place. There is always work to do, and we appreciate anyway you can help.
There are two ways you can contribute to Sugar in code -
- Contribute to the Sugar shell itself or the related components(like toolkit)
- Contribute to the Activities
Note: This page isn't complete. Please add whatever seems important.
Learning required skills
Here is a list of recommended resources to learn -
- Python - Dive into Python, Learn Python the Hard Way
- git - Pro Git book
- GTK3 for Python - Read the Docs GTK+3 book
These are the main skills required for developing Sugar shell and toolkit -
- Python
- C
- GTK+ 3
- git
The code for the Sugar shell is on Github. You will need a Github account to contribute and you need to know git, a version control system.
All repositories in Sugar can be found at our Github Organization. See the developer website for more information.
Also see Development Team page on this wiki for more information.
Work to do
Looking for something to do? Check these out -
Contributing to Activities
These are the main skills required for developing Sugar shell and toolkit -
- Python
- GTK+ 3
- git
You can get started using this manual - http://en.flossmanuals.net/make-your-own-sugar-activities/
Note: This manual is a bit outdated, but most of the information still applies.
You can obtain source code from our Gitorious instance - http://git.sugarlabs.org/
Create an account there, and proceed. It is very much similar to GitHub.
See the hello-world activity for basic source code of an activity.
There are many such hello world activities, search for them on Gitorious
See also Activity Team.
Work to do
Looking for work? Check these out -