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Infrastructure Team/Contacts
Services status
This Identi.ca feed sends updates about the health status of all our services and machines. Subscribe if you want to be notified.
Notificiations for planned service outages are also posted ahead of time on our "It's An Education Project" (iaep) list (check the Mailing Lists page).
Your friendly sysadmins for sugarlabs.org
can be contacted at <hostmaster at sugarlabs.org>.
The sysadmins are:
- @solarsail
- Ivan Krstic
- Bernie Innocenti
- @develer
- Bernie Innocenti
- Stefano Fedrigo <aleph at develer.com>
- Lorenzo Mancini <lmancini at develer.com>
- @osuosl
- OSL Support <support at osuosl.org>
- @fsf
- Daniel Clark <dclark at pobox.com>
- Bernie Innocenti
Hosted on Machine/solarsail.
Technical contact: <webmaster at sugarlabs.org>.
The wikimasters and webmasters are:
- Ivan Krstic
- Bernie Innocenti
Mailing lists (Mailman)
Info: Mailing_Lists
URL: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/
Systems Administrators: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems
Hosted on Machine/solarsail.
Technical contact for mail and aliases: <postmaster at sugarlabs.org>.
The postmasters are:
- Ivan Krstic
- Bernie Innocenti
Bug Tracker (trac)
URL: http://dev.sugarlabs.org/
Hosted on: Machine/solarsail
The bugmasters are:
- Ivan Krstic
- Bernie Innocenti
Git project hosting (Gitorious)
URL: http://git.sugarlabs.org/
Hosted by OSL.
Technical contact: <gitmaster at sugarlabs.org>.
The gitmasters are:
- Lance Albertson
- Bernie Innocenti
- Luke Faraone
Planet Sugar (planetplanet)
URL: http://planet.sugarlabs.org/
Hosted on: Machine/solarsail
For requests regarding Planet Sugar, please contact <planetmaster at sugarlabs.org>.
The planet masters are:
- Ivan Krstic
- Bernie Innocenti