Talk:Sugar on a Stick/Installation/Variations

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How To Sugarize liveusb-creator

  • the script "sug" needs to be edited to reflect the location of activities in different versions of SUGAR:
  • Edit the line :

"CREATEPATH"= at begining of script "sug" ...............

  1. !/bin/sh

CREATEPATH=/home/robert/Activities/ ACTIVITYFILE=activity/activity/ ...............

  • Locations of activities in sugar versions:
soas-v2-Blueberry :         /home/liveuser/Activities
soas-i386-Nightly composes: /usr/share/sugar/activity
F12-EDU-spin:               /home/xxxx/Activities

Note: you have to have used "yum install liveusb-creator" first.

  • Instructions:

copied from:

"Sugarize an X terminal program (source for, source for one of the scripts, source, source and CatMoran)

I know that this works for firefox, I can't vouch for any other program. I know that it does not work for mc. It also doesn't work for roto's current mplayer configuration, because only programs that use the same command every time (ie, no input file name, in this case) can be set up to run this way.

To setup (one time):

Start a Terminal activity. Enter the following commands. (They log you in as root, gets a copy of Albert Cahalan's compiled libsugarize file, and gets the script I created.)

chmod 755
chmod 755 sug

Optional, if you want to use the icons I've already 'created':

To run:

Locate an icon you want to use/reuse. You can copy any .svg file located in /usr/share/activities/*.activity/activity/*.svg >(SEE NOTE AT TOP OF PAGE)<

Or you can use one of the icons I've created. (wget commands above.) plain.svg is a plain circle, ff.svg is a circle with FF (for firefox) inside, l.svg is a circle with L

inside. ff.svg and l.svg can easily be edited for any two or one character(s). Open the file in any text editor. Each letter is in plain text just before the </tspan> tags,

replace them and save the file.

Enter the following commands, to log in as root and execute the sug script. >(SEE NOTE AT TOP OF PAGE and edit script for your version of sugar)<

su ./sug

You'll be prompted for an activity name. Enter a short, descriptive name with no spaces or punctuation, such as BibleTime or Firefox.

You'll be prompted for an icon file to copy into the new task. You can enter the full path and filename of any .svg file. If the icon is in the same directory as the sug file, you can enter just the filename.

You'll be prompted for the command to start the program. This is the command you entered from Terminal to start the program, such as firefox.

You'll be prompted for an organization path, such as org.mozilla If you don't know what this is, just enter org.x

(If at any of the prompts you want to quit the script, just enter nothing at the prompt.)

The script will give you a success message. Reboot sugar to see the new task in the sugar taskbar."


--- Comment #4 from Jeremy Katz <> 2009-02-04 09:15:40 EDT --- The problem is that the overlay fills up and that there is then nothing that can really be done. Fedora 10 adds the 'reset_overlay' option that you can pass on the kernel command line which helps to recover, but ultimately, we need something better than dm-snapshot to use for the overlay