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The activity list was taken from:

All the activities were tested on XO 1.5 os12

Activity Translated into Spanish Diagnostic
Abacus-35 Yes, but there are some Abacus names that are not translated. "Binary" for example.
Captura pantalla de Actividad Ábaco .png
Affected by #3654, the patches attached to the ticket fixed it.
Browse-137 Yes, but "Home" button is not translated Home button looks well translated for me, says "Página inicial", v137.
Calculate-40 Yes
Chat-76 Yes
Clock-8 No
Captura pantalla de What Time Is It .png
Translations are commented out in es.po, see #3668 . Seen in v8 and in git.
Distance-31 Yes
Etoys-113 Yes
Finance-7 Yes, but the "Welcome message" is not translated
Captura pantalla de Finanzas .png
Affected by #3654, the patches attached to the ticket fixed it.
FotoToon-12 Yes, but the example box says: "Title"
Captura pantalla de Actividad FotoToon .png
"Title" is not in the pot in this version, but it is in git, added in commit 905ea24c. Action: new release.
GetBooks-11 Yes, but the "Table Headers" (Title - Author) are not translated
Captura pantalla de Obtener libros .png
Affected by #3654, the patches attached to the ticket fixed it
HelloWorld-6 No There are no .po files in po directory, only the pot is there... on purpose?
Help-14 No
Captura pantalla de Actividad Help .png
po directory missing.
ImageViewer-20 No
Captura pantalla de Actividad Visor de imagenes .png
This one I have yet to find why, es.po seems ok, the translations are there and the line numbers are correct.

Copying the activity via "View Sources" > "Duplicate" fixes it, the strings in the interface translated.

Implode-11 Yes
InfoSlicer-15 Yes
Jukebox-24 Yes, but the button "Show Playlist" is not translated
Captura pantalla de Actividad máquina de discos .png
"Show Playlist" is not in the pot in this version, but it is in git,

added in commit c926813b. Action: new release.

Labyrinth-12 Yes
Log-28 Yes
Maze-18 No
Captura pantalla de Maze .png has strings marked for translation, like _('Harder

level'), but pot is not updated. This is fixed in v20, among other bug fixes. Action: add v20 to build.

Measure-37 Yes, but the information at the bottom is not tranlated
Captura pantalla de Actividad Medir .png
Memorize-41 Yes
Moon-14 Yes
Paint-43 Yes
Physics-9 No
Captura pantalla de Actividad Física .png
Pippy-46 Yes, but "Stop running" and "Run" buttons are not translated. Although, it says: "Ejemplos" at the left
Portfolio-21 Yes
Read-99 Yes
Record-96 Yes
Ruler-19 Yes
Scratch-22 Yes
SimpleGraph-3 Yes
Speak-38 Yes, but it says: "Español latin american" on the Drop Box to select the language
Captura pantalla de Actividad Hablar .png
StopWatch-14 Yes
TamTamEdit-63 Yes
TamTamJam-63 Yes
TamTamMini-63 No
TamTamSynthLab-63 The right information bar is not translated
Terminal-36 No
TurtleArt-140 Yes
TypingTurtle-29 Yes
Welcome-3 The name is not translated. The buttons have no tooltip to translate
Wikipedia-34 Yes
WikipediaEN-33.5 Yes
Words-16 Yes
Write-79 Yes